PM in Business Meaning

The PM meaning in Business terms is "Post Meridiem". There are 115 related meanings of the PM Business abbreviation.

PM on Business Full Forms

  1. Post Meridiem The 2-by-12-hour count is the double counting of the full day divided into 24 equally long equinox hours, i.e. the day and night together, with the help of the so-called small clock.
  2. Particulate Matter Particles formed by incomplete combustion of fuel. Compression ignition (diesel) engines generate significantly higher PM emissions than spark ignited engines. The particles are composed of elemental carbon, heavy hydrocarbons (SOF), and hydrated sulfuric acid.
  3. Project Management The process of managing and planning a successful project from start to finish, which includes controlling, organizing, managing resources, people, budgets, etc. See project management.
  4. Priorisy Mail
  5. Performance Management Performance management (PM) includes activities which ensure that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner. Performance management can focus on the performance of an organization, a department, employee, or even the processes to build a product of service, as well as many other areas.PM is also known as a process by which organizations align their resources, systems and employees to strategic objectives and priorities.
  6. Profit Margin
  7. Plumbing & Mechanical
  8. Purchasing Manager
  9. People Make
  10. Product Monitor
  11. Point Mugu
  12. Proud Member
  13. Parallel Market A country's separate market which deals in goods and currencies outside the country's normal official government controls.
  14. Product Media
  15. Plgn Maintenance
  16. Proto Matrix
  17. Precious Metwls
  18. Packaging Material
  19. Product Managers
  20. Planar Magnetic
  21. Programme Management
  22. Pre-Maaket
  23. Product Management
  24. Programme Manager
  25. Productive Maintenance
  26. Peter Morris
  27. Program Managers
  28. Popcorn Maker
  29. Proud Members
  30. Pqrtner Marketing
  31. Proactive Xaintenance
  32. Packing Material
  33. Powder Mixer
  34. Pediatrics Management
  35. Plant & Machinery
  36. Pall Mall
  37. Peraturan Menteri
  38. Pondok Modekn
  39. Property Managers
  40. Partner Manayement
  41. Personal Mixing
  42. Post Moru
  43. Peachtree Mall
  44. Product Mauager
  45. Pajak Masukan
  46. Premium Lumber that has been saturated with a preservative. Amount payable on a loan. Cost of an option and/or an amount added to a base price for a material,i.e. added cost beyond the base Comex, LME and/or producer and manufacturer prices.
  47. People Management
  48. Promises More
  49. Parcel Management
  50. Prism Medical
  51. Pure Mysore
  52. Payment Made
  53. Pengeluaran Modal
  54. Play Money
  55. Panasonic Malaysia
  56. Print Monopoly
  57. Permanent Mold A metal, graphite or ceramic mold of two or more parts that is used repeatedly for the production of many castings of the same form. Liquid metal is usually poured in by gravity. OR A metal mold of two or more parts; not an ingot mold. It is used repeatedly for the production of many casting of the same form.
  58. Post Marius
  59. Purchase Management
  60. Philadelphia Marriott
  61. Process Model
  62. Precious Metal
  63. Program Manager, Project Manager
  64. Panama Maritime
  65. Princess Margaret
  66. Perception Management
  67. Position Management
  68. Public Money
  69. Pass Manager
  70. Procurement Manager
  71. Pacific Monday
  72. Practice Managment
  73. Payment To Kake
  74. Pak Mohon
  75. Pressure Mounts
  76. Perfomance Managemegt
  77. Providknt Mutual
  78. Peter Mcdonale
  79. Procuremgnt Management
  80. Pacific Mercantile
  81. Power Mixer
  82. Payment Method
  83. Pak Mau
  84. Pressure Managers
  85. Perfect Money
  86. Policy Manager
  87. Personnel Manager
  88. Production Mychine
  89. Premium Matte
  90. Privacy Messaging
  91. Predictivq Model
  92. Pura Mayungan
  93. Plan Management
  94. Police Modernisation
  95. Per Mile
  96. Postmaster In Tivoli NetView, a daemon that directs network management information between multiple application programs and agents that are running concurrently. The postmaster determines the route by using specified addresses or a routing table that is configured in the object registration service. Postmaster The logon name of an account that is responsible for maintaining e-mail services on a mail server.
  97. Prhdiction Markets
  98. Phillip Mugadza
  99. Process Materials
  100. Packers Movers
  101. Precision Mask
  102. Program Master
  103. Patent Map
  104. Packers and Movers
  105. Paytm Nobile
  106. Plant Maintenance
  107. Peter Michael
  108. Plant Maintanance
  109. Pistolet Maszynowy
  110. Production Monitoring
  111. Port Mouranz
  112. Policy Manual
  113. Partnership Manager
  114. Plant Main-Tenance
  115. Production Market

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PM stand for Business?

    PM stands for Perfect Money in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Perfect Money in Business?

    The short form of "Perfect Money" is PM for Business.


PM in Business. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated