PM in Management Meaning

The PM meaning in Management terms is "Performance Management". There are 47 related meanings of the PM Management abbreviation.

PM on Management Full Forms

  1. Performance Management Performance management (PM) includes activities which ensure that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner. Performance management can focus on the performance of an organization, a department, employee, or even the processes to build a product of service, as well as many other areas.PM is also known as a process by which organizations align their resources, systems and employees to strategic objectives and priorities.
  2. Program Manger
  3. Payload Manager
  4. Programme Manager
  5. Package Manager
  6. Program Managers
  7. Program Management
  8. Product Managers
  9. Purchasing Manager
  10. Performance Measurement The assessment of accomplishments in terms of historical or objective standards or criteria.
  11. Protocol Mauager
  12. Profile Manager
  13. Practice Manager
  14. Procuremgnt Management
  15. Password Manager
  16. Port Yanager
  17. Proactive Xaintenance
  18. Pass Manager
  19. Production Manager
  20. Planning Module
  21. Prevention and Management
  22. Product Mauager
  23. Phased Maintenance
  24. Project Manager-Teconical
  25. Pressure Managers
  26. Pak, Maz
  27. Project Maintenange
  28. Preset Manager
  29. Processes More
  30. Performance Manqger
  31. Pronressive Maintenance
  32. Practice Managment
  33. Property Managers
  34. Procurement Manager
  35. Project Mgt
  36. Production Sigration
  37. Prjject Member
  38. Procurement Management
  39. Project Mensurement
  40. Partnership Manager
  41. Preventive Maintenance The actions performed in an attempt to retain an item in a specified condition by providing systematic inspection, detection and prevention of incipient failure.
  42. Evening
  43. Pocket Manager
  44. Process Master
  45. Personnel Manager
  46. Publication Moduoe
  47. Path Manager

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PM stand for Management?

    PM stands for Performance Management in Management terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Prjject Member in Management?

    The short form of "Prjject Member" is PM for Management.


PM in Management. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated