PM in Science Meaning

The PM meaning in Science terms is "Particulate Matter". There are 48 related meanings of the PM Science abbreviation.

PM on Science Full Forms

  1. Particulate Matter Particles formed by incomplete combustion of fuel. Compression ignition (diesel) engines generate significantly higher PM emissions than spark ignited engines. The particles are composed of elemental carbon, heavy hydrocarbons (SOF), and hydrated sulfuric acid.
  2. Partial Hydatidiform Mole
  3. Point Mugu
  4. Piltdown Man
  5. Philosophical Magazine
  6. Programme Management
  7. Portugaliae Mathematica
  8. Prototype Model
  9. Perot Museum
  10. Photosynthetic Measurements
  11. Pan Masala
  12. Propulsiom Module
  13. Permeabilization Medium
  14. Process Management
  15. Post Meridiem [Afternoon and Evening]
  16. Prozosed Monitored
  17. Perona and Malik
  18. Process Module
  19. Phase Modification
  20. Proposed Monitor
  21. Personalisierte Medizin
  22. Protettive Maintenance
  23. Pathological Mitoses
  24. Power Management and Distribution
  25. Personalised Medicine
  26. Plant Miscellaneous
  27. Protocol Machine
  28. Partial Hydatidiform Moles
  29. Postgraduate Medicine
  30. Photosynthetic Measurements Jgofs
  31. Particular Matter
  32. Point Mutations
  33. Policy Manual
  34. Process Materials
  35. Pmatpage Map Address Table
  36. Phase Modulation, Also Permanent Magnet
  37. Pmapperformance Monitor Annunciation Panel
  38. Pulse Magnetic
  39. Pmaperformance Monitor Annunciator
  40. Pentecostal Manifestws
  41. Precision Medicine
  42. Pmaeperformance Monitor Annunciation Driver
  43. Power Monitoring
  44. Primary Mirror
  45. Project Mensurement
  46. Particulate Materials
  47. Perpetuum Mobile
  48. Progress Meeting

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PM stand for Science?

    PM stands for Pmatpage Map Address Table in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Process Module in Science?

    The short form of "Process Module" is PM for Science.


PM in Science. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated