PM in Technology Meaning
The PM meaning in Technology terms is "Project Management". There are 281 related meanings of the PM Technology abbreviation.
PM on Technology Full Forms
- Project Management The process of managing and planning a successful project from start to finish, which includes controlling, organizing, managing resources, people, budgets, etc. See project management.
- Pilot Monitoring
- Product Monitor
- Pattern Matching
- Pre-Meeting
- Protective Measure
- Platform Model
- Performance Monitor A device for testing the performance of a radar set and indicating the result
- Page Mode
- Posted By Me
- Product Model
- Phase-Modulated
- Presentation Manager The graphical user interface provided with OS/2 versions 1.1 and later. The Presenta-tion Manager derives from the MS-DOS–based Windows environment and provides similar capabilities. The user sees a graphical, window-oriented interface, and the pro-grammer uses a standard set of routines for handling screen, keyboard, mouse, and printer input and output, no matter what hardware is attached to the system.
- Partial Hydatidiform Mole
- Planned Maintenance Organized & scheduled preventive maintenance work in order to minimize equipment downtime and to effectively utilize available resources.
- Performance Monitoring A feature that provides error and performance information to the administrator and end user for use in storage management. A set of packages and libraries assigned to gather, deliver, process, and display performance data.
- Package Manager
- Product Managers
- Peripheral Module
- Power Mirror
- Privacy Mode
- Puerto Montt
- Pole Mount
- Product Management
- Peripheral Modules
- Power Meters
- Piping In More
- Permanent Magnet The permanent magnet does not need electricity to function and will retain its magnetism over a period of years.
- Pendant Mount
- Probably More
- Purchasing Manual
- Polarization Maintaining
- Productive Maintenance
- Performance Measurement The assessment of accomplishments in terms of historical or objective standards or criteria.
- Paqch Management
- Power Management
- Program Manger
- Physical Mozeling
- Pegasus Mail
- Proud Member
- Payload Module
- Profile Management
- Performance Management Performance management (PM) includes activities which ensure that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner. Performance management can focus on the performance of an organization, a department, employee, or even the processes to build a product of service, as well as many other areas.PM is also known as a process by which organizations align their resources, systems and employees to strategic objectives and priorities.
- Passive Muvements
- Programme Management
- Physical Remory
- Payload Manager
- Protocol Mauager
- Plan A drawing prepared for use in building a ship. Chart covering a small area on a very large scale There is n distortion, relative distances and positions being maintained
- Polarization-Maintaining
- Performance Monitors
- Panel Mount
- Post-Meridian
- Protection Module
- Parks-Mcclellan
- Powdered Metal
- Permalink Muchas
- Probability Mats
- Phase Match
- Pronressive Maintenance
- Pacific On Monday
- Portable Monitoring
- Pressure Multiplier
- Process Management
- Protocol Machine
- Project Manager A person responsible for planning and delivering a large stand-alone task, objective, venture, etc., (a large and complex 'project') or a professional who is skilled in doing this, which generally includes using suitable project management tools and systems, and people-management skills where appropriate.
- Partition Mode
- Pqwer Mode
- Physics-Based Model
- Pak Minta
- Posted By Mandrake
- Payments Module
- Private Mitteilungen
- Post Meridien
- Plzamake
- Pulse Modulated Light sources that are pulsed (ON/OFF) at a high frequency by an oscillator circuit. The receiver of a pulse modulated photoelectric only receives light at that frequency, thus minimizing interference from ambient light. OR Modification of one or more of the characteristics of a pulse train used as a carrier.
- Pqrtner Marketing
- Precipitation Modification
- Pierfe A Miquelon
- Protectipn Monitor
- Particle Mass
- Post Moru
- Permalink More
- Problem Ganagement
- Pacific Monday
- Portable Moniqor
- Pressure Module
- Phased Maintenance
- Process Module
- Provlde Me
- Poqer Mirrors
- Persistent Memory
- Project Maintenange
- Pak, Mohon
- Paulo Marques
- Pocket Module
- Partner Manayement
- Person-Months
- Pro Mod
- Parcel Management
- Program Manager, Project Manager
- Pacific Measurements
- Policy Machine
- Preset Manager
- Peyret-Mauboussin
- Prototype Model
- Particulate Matters
- Power Metwred
- Persistence Model
- Process Model
- Photosynthetic Measurements
- Pak, Maz
- Paul Mcdougall
- Procurementsmodernization
- Proxyback Malwake
- Party Member
- Person-Month
- Physical Management
- Performance Manqger
- Privat Message
- Programmable Meaory
- Packet Multiplexlr
- Port Yanager
- Put More
- Path Multiplexrng
- Petit Mal
- Plans for Mechanical
- Prosednr Mutu
- Particle Matter
- Permanent Mount
- Processing Module
- Pairsnmaster
- Patrick Moore
- Product Mauager
- Please More
- Protocol Module
- Personal Mixer
- Physical Machines
- Paper Machine
- Posting From Mark
- Perfomance Managemegt
- Private Msg
- Program Memorandum
- Packet Mode Packet mode communication may be utilized with or without intermediate forwarding nodes. Packets are normally forwarded by intermediate network nodes asynchronously using first-in, first-out buffering, but may be forwarded according to some scheduling discipline for fair queuing, traffic shaping, or for differentiated or guaranteed quality of service, such as weighted fair queuing or leaky bucket.
- Polar Motion
- Port Madagement
- Purchase Management
- Password Mode
- Predictive Maintenance
- Pete Muir
- Pyanet Mozilla
- Prqprietary Marking
- Particulate Mass
- Powder Metallurgical
- Perona and Malik
- Processes More
- Phase Modification
- Progressive Peshes
- Pose Mode
- Pattern Making
- Principles of Mrnagement
- Play Media
- Protocol Management
- Pauts Management
- Personal Missions
- Physical Machine
- Pancuan Mutu
- Posted By Matthew
- People Mover
- Probabilistic Methods
- Profife Manipulation
- Program Memory
- Polarisation Maintaining
- Port Maon
- Password Manager
- Precision Manufacturing
- Planning Module
- Protection Mode
- Parted Magic
- Powder Metal
- Pprona-Malik
- Phase Matching
- Progressiveumesh
- PortuguêS Mais
- Pattern Maker
- Princaples, Methods
- Please, More
- Protocol Machines
- Partimaker
- Powyr Modes
- Pickame
- Project Manager-Teconical
- Pano Po Mag
- Posted By Matt
- Pensky-Martene
- Profile Manager
- Post Mortem
- Point De Mutualisation
- Porteble Mount
- Pulse Modulation The use of a series of short pulses, which are modified by an input signal, to carry information
- Precision Maintenance
- Personal Mobility
- Pilot-Monitoring
- Phase Modulated
- Port Mulsipliers
- Prompt Me
- Patent Map
- Plant Maintenance
- Perpetual Motion A situation where a device will turn forever because there is no friction between the moving part and the stationary part. Although friction can be greatly reduced, it can never be eliminated. Thus a perpetual motion machine is impossible.
- Privpte Memory
- Progress Management
- Production Modeles
- Personality Module
- Prxgram Mask
- Port Multiplier
- Posted By Marnin
- Patient Movemunt
- Path Manager
- Program Module
- Plant Maint
- Particular Matter
- Photo Multiplier
- Postedmby Mad
- Print Madagement
- Private Mail
- Production Sigration
- Pump Module
- Publication Moduoe
- Power Music
- Policy Manager
- Physical Mode
- Post Me
- Perhaps More
- Privat Messages
- Povt Monitor
- Panel-Mounted
- Patiint Management
- Path Management
- Programming Model
- Plant Main-Tenance
- Pixel Mode
- Program Modules
- Posted By Mac
- Pendidikan Moral
- Printdmirror
- Pleased To Meet
- Power Modulew
- Project Mgt
- Parameters Management
- Post Maybe
- Police Municipale
- Path Qonitoring
- Premium Membership
- Programming Manual
- Power and Machinery
- Phoejix Marrow
- Programming Models
- Post-Mortmm
- Printing Mirror
- PartiküL Madde
- Power Module
- Prjject Member
- Packet Manager
- Pocket Manager
- Primary Mirror
- Process Materials
- Power Modxlation
- Plz Mail
- Project Mensurement
- Pubfished March
- Posted By Mark
- Personen-Monat
- Probably The Post
- Packaging Machinery
- Post Meridian Post meridiem ("Afternoon"), pm or p.m. is shortened. In the notation where the day is divided into 12 hours, it is added to the end of the afternoon hours.
- Prediction Mudel
- Process Master
- Perpetuum Mobile
- Private Messagwng
- Privacy Message
- Partnership Manager
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PM stand for Technology?
PM stands for Pendidikan Moral in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Portable Monitoring in Technology?
The short form of "Portable Monitoring" is PM for Technology.
PM in Technology. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Last updated