PMAB Meaning

The PMAB meaning is "Pmevention & Management of Aggressive Behaviour". The PMAB abbreviation has 14 different full form.

PMAB Full Forms

  1. Pmevention & Management of Aggressive Behaviour
  2. Presidejt's Management Advisory Board Meeting, Business, President
  3. Prescribed Materials Application Business
  4. Police Medical Appeal Board
  5. Pharmacologicalb Medical and Agronomical Biotechnology
  6. Prevention and Management of Aggressive Behavior Science, Education, Training, Management, Business & Finance
  7. Purchasing Management Assocatpon of Boston
  8. Purchasing Fanagement Association of Boston Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  9. Prototype Meauurement and Analysis Branch
  10. Pqevention and Management of Assaultive Behavior
  11. Prevention Manaoement of Aggressive Behaviour Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  12. President's Management Advisory Board Management, Business & Finance
  13. Prevention and Managembnt of Aggressive Behaviour Service, Education, Training
  14. Purchasing Management Association of Boston Management, Business & Finance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PMAB stand for?

    PMAB stands for Presidejt's Management Advisory Board.

  2. What is the shortened form of Prevention and Management of Aggressive Behavior?

    The short form of "Prevention and Management of Aggressive Behavior" is PMAB.


PMAB. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated