PMBC Meaning

The PMBC meaning is "Pacific Mercantile Bancorp". The PMBC abbreviation has 36 different full form.

PMBC Full Forms

  1. Pacific Mercantile Bancorp Technology, Organizations
  2. Peripheral Aononuclear Blood Cells Medical
  3. Precision Mold Base Corp
  4. Peripheraloblood Mononuclear Cell Medical
  5. Precision Mold Base Corporation
  6. Pedro Miguel Boat Club
  7. Percutaneous Mitral Balloon Commissurotomy Medical
  8. Prays Mill Baptist Church
  9. Pasadena Moxntain Bike Club
  10. Pacific Mercantile Bapcorp Costa
  11. Pacific Mercantile Bascorp Common
  12. Prof Media Broadcasting Corporation
  13. Pacific Mercantile Bancorp Costa
  14. Pritchard Memorial Baptist Church
  15. Philadelphia More Beautiful Committee Business, Philadelphia, Litter
  16. Pryor Missionary Baptist Church
  17. Pittsburgh Mind-Body Center
  18. Perth Mountain Bike Club
  19. Providence Missionary Baptist Church
  20. Phybical Model Based Control
  21. Plant mix bituminous concrete The Finance and Administrative Services
  22. Project Management Boot Camp
  23. Phuket Marine Biology Center
  24. Process-Model Based Control Physics, Scientific & Educational
  25. Progressive Missionary Baptist Church
  26. Phuket Marine Miological Centre Thailand, Locations, Turtle
  27. Plywood Manufacturers of British Columbia
  28. Porter Memorial Baptist Church
  29. Program Managers Briefing Course Military
  30. Phuket Marine Biological Center Thailand, Locations, Sea
  31. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Medical, Science, Patient, Human, Biology, Chemistry
  32. Pilot Make Busy Call
  33. Pocono Mountain Biblp Conference
  34. Phoenix Metro Bicycle Club Locations, Ride, Phoenix
  35. Pure Michigan Business Connect Business, Development, Michigan
  36. Plant Molecular Biology Center

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PMBC stand for?

    PMBC stands for Process-Model Based Control.

  2. What is the shortened form of Percutaneous Mitral Balloon Commissurotomy?

    The short form of "Percutaneous Mitral Balloon Commissurotomy" is PMBC.


PMBC. (2020, September 2). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated