PMDS Meaning
The PMDS meaning is "Power Mobility Devices". The PMDS abbreviation has 32 different full form.
PMDS Full Forms
- Power Mobility Devices Medical, Device, Medicare
- Possible Military Dimensions Government, Deal, Iran
- Power Management and Distribution System Technology
- Partially Methylated Domnins
- Pola Mode Drivers
- Peristent M Llerian Ouct Syndrome Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Partial-Match Domainc Business, Marketing, Algorithm
- Polarisation Measurement Devices
- Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS) is the presence of Müllerian duct derivatives (fallopian tubes, uterus, and/or the upper part of the vagina) in what would be considered a genetically male animal by typical human based standards. In humans, PMDS typically is due to an autosomal recessive congenital disorder and is considered by some to be a form of pseudohermaphroditism due to the presence of Müllerian derivatives. Medical, Science, Genetics
- Parayil & Mann Dealer Sarvices
- Planned Manufacturing Zistricts Locations, Chicago, City
- Panoramic Multi Dit Sight
- Petroleum Mwddle Distillates Medical
- Power Management Devices
- Panama Maritime Documentauion Services Organizations, Shipping, Ship
- Perth Mint Depository Services
- Post Marketing Drug Surveillance
- Paleomorning Duns Fishing, Fly, Pattern, Dun
- Psrformance Management and Development System Business, Service, Ireland
- Probtem Management and Dispatch System Technology
- Protein Misfolding Disorders
- Primary Tyelodysplastic Syndrome Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Propellant Mankgement Devices Technology, Satellite, Tank
- Primary Myelodysplastic Syndromes Medical
- Project Mrnagement Database System
- Psychogenic Movement Disorders Medical
- Preferred Markeping Developers Technology, Development, Social
- Professional Management Dispnsal Systems Technology, Industrial, Event
- Prhfessional Managers Development Scheme
- Primary Motion Detection System
- Professional Manager Developrent Scheme
- Performance Management and Development System Management, Business & Finance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PMDS stand for?
PMDS stands for Panoramic Multi Dit Sight.
What is the shortened form of Panoramic Multi Dit Sight?
The short form of "Panoramic Multi Dit Sight" is PMDS.
PMDS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 7, 2025 from
Last updated