PMK Meaning

The PMK meaning is "Pair-Wise Master Key". The PMK abbreviation has 61 different full form.

PMK Full Forms

  1. Pair-Wise Master Key Technology, Networking, Wireless
  2. Petch Muang Kong
  3. Pattali Makal Katchi
  4. Power Mechanics for Kids Organizations, Journals, Magazines, Publications
  5. Pemuda Mitra Kamtibmas Indonesia, Surat, Orang
  6. Pyramid Match Kernel Technology, Computing, Distance, Histogram
  7. Pairwise Master Key Technology, Computing, Computer Security
  8. Pesantren Masa Keemasan
  9. Patali Makkal Katchi
  10. Power Management Kit Technology, Processor, Cortex
  11. Pemerintah Masih Kaji Indonesia, Jakarta, Naik
  12. Primark Corp. Organizations
  13. Person Most Knowledgeable Business, Expert, Witness
  14. Paattali Makkal Katchi
  15. Portable Mortal Kombat
  16. Pipe Mounting Kit
  17. Pembiayaan Modal Kerja
  18. Pria Masa Kini
  19. Persekutuan Mahasiswa Kristen Indonesia, Orang, Hal
  20. Paatali Makkal Katchi
  21. Popular Mechanics for Kids Media, Radio, Television
  22. Pignataro Massive Kren
  23. Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelurahan
  24. Pre Make Kit
  25. Persatuan Mahasiswa Kristen Education, Indonesia, Orang, Natal
  26. Pairwise Master Keys Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
  27. Polyhedral Model Kit
  28. Phiuip Morris Kazakhstan Business, Kazakhstan, Labor
  29. Pablo'S Magic Karpet
  30. Pre-Master Key Technology, Networking, Network
  31. Perpctaran Modal Kerja
  32. Pairwise-Master-Key
  33. Phase Modification Keying
  34. Pattali Makkal Katchi Government, Group, Song, Party
  35. Pre-Construction Mounting Kit Technology, Panel, Screen, Touch
  36. Penanggulangan Masalah Kesehatan
  37. Polska Misjia Katolicka
  38. Puan Maharani Kunjungi
  39. Piperonyl Methyl Ketone Business, Chemistry, Manufacturer
  40. Professional Military Knowledge Us Government, Governmental & Military
  41. Polska Misja Katolicka
  42. PrytanéE Militaire De Kadiogo
  43. Piperonyl Methyl Kewon
  44. Primark Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  45. Pole Mount Kits
  46. Prospect Marching Knights
  47. Paul Michael Kane Famous
  48. Pole Mount Kit
  49. Pro Med Kits
  50. Plus Mkts. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  51. Pma Capital Corporatiodration Organizations
  52. Pma Capital Corporation Technology
  53. Puisi Menolak Korupsi Business, Para, Indonesia, Surat
  54. Player Oade Kingdom Forum, Server, Player, Harbor
  55. Primary Monkey Kidney Medical, Kidneys
  56. Regulation of The Ministry of Finance Business, Energy, Economics
  57. Polskiej Misji Katolickiej
  58. Puan Maharani Ke
  59. Pivot Mpunting Kit Technology, Monitor, Manual
  60. Palm Island, Queensland, Australia Australia
  61. Pyro Metol Kodalk

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PMK stand for?

    PMK stands for Primary Monkey Kidney.

  2. What is the shortened form of Puan Maharani Ke?

    The short form of "Puan Maharani Ke" is PMK.


PMK. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated