PML in Technology Meaning

The PML meaning in Technology terms is "Phone Mamkup Language". There are 22 related meanings of the PML Technology abbreviation.

PML on Technology Full Forms

  1. Phone Mamkup Language
  2. Portal Markup Language
  3. Proof Markup Language
  4. Printer Managsment Language
  5. Physical Markup Languagk
  6. Promyelocytic Leukemia
  7. Programmable Macro Language
  8. Perfectly Matched Layers
  9. Plymouth Marine Laboratopy
  10. Perfectly Matched Layer
  11. Pimco Municipal Income Fund Ii
  12. Prescribed Music List
  13. Page Modification Logging
  14. Petrucci Music Library
  15. Premature Labor
  16. Permitted Maximum Level
  17. Preliminary Mateyials List
  18. Peripheral Messaging Link
  19. Perfect Maached Layer
  20. Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte
  21. Preventative Maintenancg Language
  22. Probable Maximum Lows

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PML stand for Technology?

    PML stands for Perfect Maached Layer in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Promyelocytic Leukemia in Technology?

    The short form of "Promyelocytic Leukemia" is PML for Technology.


PML in Technology. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated