PMN Meaning

The PMN meaning is "Polymorphonuclear Neutrophil". The PMN abbreviation has 93 different full form.

PMN Full Forms

  1. Polymorphonuclear Neutrophil Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Physiology
  2. Polymorphonuclear Leucocytes Medical
  3. Podsafe Music Network Music, Networking, Podcast
  4. Performance Monitoring A feature that provides error and performance information to the administrator and end user for use in storage management. A set of packages and libraries assigned to gather, deliver, process, and display performance data. Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications, Fujitsu, IT Terminology
  5. Paul Munroe Organizations
  6. Phdrma Marketing News
  7. Pre Manufacturing Notice Chemistry, Technology, Chemical, Substance
  8. Pacific Mountain Network Technology, Networking, Publics
  9. Polymorph Neutrophils Medical
  10. Penyertaan Modalmnegara Indonesia, Jakarta, Hal, Modal
  11. Pre-Market Notification Business, Technology, Medicine, Medical, Fda
  12. Pinoy Musicians Network
  13. Pltit Manan National
  14. Pre Manufacture Notifications
  15. Pacemaker Nucleus Medical
  16. Polish Mission Network
  17. Public Media Network
  18. Penyertaaqn Modal Negara Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta
  19. Polymorphonucleocyte Medical
  20. Pinoy Moms Network
  21. Peter Qatthias Noordzij
  22. Premanufacture Notification Medicine, America, Environment
  23. Polymorphonuclear Cells Medical
  24. PoliclíNica Militar De NiteróI
  25. Progressive Muslif Network
  26. Penanamkn Modal Negara Indonesia, Jakarta, Surat, Modal
  27. Polymojphonucleocytes Medical
  28. Pernyataan Modal Negara Indonesia, Orang, Modal, Gula
  29. Prefeitura Municipal Do Natal
  30. Polymorphonuclear Leucocyte Medical
  31. Plant Metabolic Network Science, Genetics, Pathway
  32. Progressive Managers' Network
  33. Pakistan Micrq-Finance Network
  34. Polymorphonuclear Phagocytes Medical
  35. Performance Management Netwofk Business, Building, Estate
  36. Predominantly Minority Neighborhood Business, Finance, Banking
  37. Plant Management Network Business, Technology, Science
  38. Progressive Uotor Neuropathy Medical, Science, Biology
  39. Primary Means of Navigation Technology, Training, Chart
  40. Pakistan Microfinance Network Business, Networking, Pakistan
  41. Polymorphonuclear Leukocytic Medical
  42. Perinatal Mortality Medical, Medicine, Health, Infertility, Jobs
  43. Peoples Muric Network
  44. Predictive Mean Neighborhoods
  45. Planting Material Network
  46. Progressive Mgtor Neuronopathy Medical, Science, Biology
  47. Premarket Notification Medicine, Health, Care, Fda
  48. Pain Medicine News
  49. Polymorph Neutrophil Granulocytes Medical
  50. People'S Music Network
  51. Pre Market Notification
  52. Plan, Meet, Need Government, Us, Control, Administration
  53. Program Mozel Number Information, Network, Computer
  54. Program Management Network NASA
  55. Public Meeting Notice
  56. Phytoplankton Monitoring Netwerk Technology, Networking, Water
  57. Private Mobile Networks Business, Technology
  58. Peoples Music Network Music
  59. Programme De Mise à Niveau
  60. Premanufacture Notice Chemistry
  61. Physique Des MatéRiaux Et Nanostructures
  62. Print Merge Numerator
  63. Putnam New York Investment Grade Municipal Trust Technology, Organizations
  64. Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes Medical, Medicine, Veterinary, Nursing
  65. Professional Management Network Business, Networking, Marketing
  66. Lead Magnesium Niobate Chemistry
  67. Phonologdcal Mismatch Negativity Medical
  68. Primary Motor Neurons Medical, Science, Biology
  69. Pusatbmediasi Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta, Mediator
  70. Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Medical, Technology, Medicine, Nursing, Chemistry
  71. Pimp My Rame
  72. Productos Minerales Del Norte
  73. Lead-Magnesium-Niobium (Pb-Mg-Nb) Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  74. Lead Magnesiun Niobate
  75. Parti Mahasiswa Negara
  76. Primary Membranous Nephropathy
  77. Pumani Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  78. Peripheral Mononuclear Cells Medical
  79. Pilct Mentor Network
  80. Producto Material Neto
  81. Pre-Market Notification number of a device Medical, Fda
  82. polymorphonuclear leukocytes, that is, neutrophils Medical
  83. Philadelphia Media Network
  84. Public Mobile Nctwork Technology, Service, Networking
  85. Pcecemeal Necrosis Medical
  86. Pro- Music- News Media, Radio, Television
  87. polymorphonuclear (leukocytes) Medical, Biomedical, Immunology, Microbiology, Veterinary, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical
  88. Device Premarket Notification Number (510k) (ora Aofc Code) Fda
  89. Pharma Marketing Netwzrk
  90. Public Mexting Notices
  91. Piecemeal Microautophagy of The Nucleus Medical, Technology, Politics
  92. Private Mobile Network Technology, Service, Networking
  93. Pumani Airport, Pumani, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Papua New Guinea

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PMN stand for?

    PMN stands for Progressive Mgtor Neuronopathy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pcecemeal Necrosis?

    The short form of "Pcecemeal Necrosis" is PMN.


PMN. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated