PMN in Technology Meaning

The PMN meaning in Technology terms is "Performance Monitoring". There are 14 related meanings of the PMN Technology abbreviation.

PMN on Technology Full Forms

  1. Performance Monitoring A feature that provides error and performance information to the administrator and end user for use in storage management. A set of packages and libraries assigned to gather, deliver, process, and display performance data.
  2. Pre-Market Notification
  3. Plant Management Network
  4. Penyertaaqn Modal Negara
  5. Primary Means of Navigation
  6. Pacific Mountain Network
  7. Pre Manufacturing Notice
  8. Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte
  9. Putnam New York Investment Grade Municipal Trust
  10. Public Mobile Nctwork
  11. Piecemeal Microautophagy of The Nucleus
  12. Private Mobile Network
  13. Phytoplankton Monitoring Netwerk
  14. Private Mobile Networks

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PMN stand for Technology?

    PMN stands for Putnam New York Investment Grade Municipal Trust in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Phytoplankton Monitoring Netwerk in Technology?

    The short form of "Phytoplankton Monitoring Netwerk" is PMN for Technology.


PMN in Technology. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

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