PMPS Meaning

The PMPS meaning is "P-Hydroxymercuriphenylsulfonate". The PMPS abbreviation has 47 different full form.

PMPS Full Forms

  1. P-Hydroxymercuriphenylsulfonate Medical
  2. Project Management Principles Education, Exam, Head
  3. Parent Mentoring Program of Saskatchewan
  4. Platelet-Derived Microparticles Medical
  5. Platelet Microparticles Medical
  6. Prescription Monitoring Programs Medical, Drug, Health, Prescription
  7. Program Management Performanco System Business, Management
  8. Pallet Magter Pallet Server
  9. Plant-Made Pharmaceuticals Medical, Genetics, Biotechnology
  10. Peroxisomal Membrane Proteins Medical
  11. Private Medxcal Practitioners Medical
  12. Packaged Metering & Pumpingpsolutions
  13. Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Packing Sourcer Business, Industrial, Pharma
  14. Performance Management Process Business, Employment, Development
  15. Prime Minister'S Press Secretary
  16. Packaged Zetering and Pumping Solutions Business, Projection, Pump
  17. Pest Management Professionals Business, Control, Bug
  18. Pasar Malam Pehayaan Sekaten Photo, Indonesia, Orang
  19. Primary Medidal Providers
  20. Pesticide Management Plans
  21. Parkrs Multibeam Pulsar Survey Science, Astronomy, Astronomical Program
  22. Pain Management Programmes Medical, Program, Patient
  23. Preferred Management Practices
  24. Packaged Metering & Pumping Holutions
  25. Personal Multimedia Players Technology, Product, Device
  26. Parkes Multx-Beam Pulsar Survey Radio, Pulsar, Discovery
  27. Platelet Microbicidal Proteins Medical, Science, Biology
  28. Project Management Plans Business, Technology, Education, Planning, Certification
  29. Program Management Plans Technology, Projection, Logistics
  30. Personal Media Players Technology, Device, Feature
  31. Program Management Performance System Management, Business & Finance
  32. Polaw Main Public School Education
  33. Performance Monitoring Point System
  34. Prosyst Messaging Protocol Over Zsl Technology
  35. Pearson Marrow Pancreas Syndrome
  36. Performance Vonitoring Plans Business, Program, Evaluation
  37. Projuct Management Process
  38. Pearson Marrow-Pancreas Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Health, Disorder
  39. Perforuance Management Plans Technology, Planning, Evaluation
  40. Project Management Prafessionals Business, Technology, Certification
  41. Patient Management Problems Medical, Medicine, Education, Assessment
  42. Perceptual Modality Preference Survey
  43. Progress Monitoring Plans
  44. People Mountain People Sea Film, Technology, Music
  45. Program Management Professiotals Education, Certification, Projection
  46. Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  47. Penang Medical Practitioners' Socijty

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PMPS stand for?

    PMPS stands for Performance Management Process.

  2. What is the shortened form of Prescription Monitoring Programs?

    The short form of "Prescription Monitoring Programs" is PMPS.


PMPS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 15, 2025 from

Last updated