PMRG Meaning

The PMRG meaning is "Pharmaceutical Market Research Group". The PMRG abbreviation has 13 different full form.

PMRG Full Forms

  1. Pharmaceutical Market Research Group Business, Marketing, Healthcare
  2. Pharmaceutical Marketing Research Group Business, Healthcare, Market
  3. Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group Education, Conference, Perth
  4. Parents Music Resource Group Business, Research, Censorship
  5. Phoenix Motorcycle Riders Group
  6. Philadelphia Motorcycle Riders Group
  7. PolíCia Militar Romão Gomes
  8. Planetary Missions Requirements Group Technology
  9. Pimobendan Multicenter Research Group Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  10. Phytosanitary Measures Research Group Business, Marketing, Pharmaceutical
  11. Project Management Resource Group Business, America, Certification
  12. Practice Management Resource Group
  13. Postmastectomy Rehabilitation Group Medicine, Health, Healthcare

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PMRG stand for?

    PMRG stands for Pharmaceutical Marketing Research Group.

  2. What is the shortened form of PolíCia Militar Romão Gomes?

    The short form of "PolíCia Militar Romão Gomes" is PMRG.


PMRG. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated