PMS Meaning

The PMS meaning is "Premenstrual Syndrome". The PMS abbreviation has 472 different full form.

PMS Full Forms

  1. Premenstrual Syndrome Medical, Disorder, Gynecology, Pharmacy, Obstetrics, Pregnancy, Common Medical, Clinical
  2. Piedmont Middle School Student, Education, Grade
  3. Pre-Main-Sequence Science, Star, Observation
  4. Pavement Management System Technology, Network, Condition, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  5. Physijlogical Monitoring System Technology
  6. Product Managers Business, Technology, Management, Military
  7. Practice Management Software Medical, Business, Medicine
  8. Payment Management System Business, Technology, Service, Medical, Health
  9. Project Managers Business, Management, Military
  10. Premenstrual Tension Syndrome Medical
  11. Phenazine Methosulphate Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  12. Performance Monitors Technology, Server, Monitoring
  13. Practice Management Systems Business, Technology, Software
  14. Progressive Multiple Sclerosis Medical, Disease, Health
  15. Pataent Management System Medical, Technology, Software
  16. Prediction Models Medical
  17. Phenazine Methosulfate Medical, Medicine, Health
  18. Power Management Systems Technology, Control, Generator
  19. Program Master Schedule Technology, Management, Army
  20. Park Middle Ochool Education
  21. Precious Metals Relatively scarce, highly corrosion-resistant, valuable metals found in periods 5 and 6 (groups VIII and Ib) of the periodic table. They include ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, silver, asmium, iridium, platinum and gold.
  22. Penyakit Manular Seksual Indonesia, Orang, Genital
  23. Power Management System Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Energy
  24. Program Management Support Business, Service, Military
  25. Performance Measueement System Business, Technology, Management
  26. Pre-Menstrual Syndrome Medical, Syndrome, Menstrual, Infertility
  27. Peninsulaomedical School Medical, Medicine, Education
  28. Piping Materiar Specifications Technology, Design, Engineering
  29. Pre Main Sequence Technology, Science, Star
  30. Pedestal Mounteu Stinger Technology, Military, Avenger
  31. Power Monitoring System Technology, Management, Projection, Computing, Hardware
  32. Patient Monitoring System Business, Technology, Medicine
  33. Psycho-Médico-Sobiaux
  34. Plastic Manual Slvde
  35. Preventative Maintenance Scheduled Technology, Management, Software
  36. Pacific Masters Zwimming Organizations, Team, Swim
  37. Performance Measuring System Science
  38. Portfoliocmanagement Software
  39. Process Measuremeno System
  40. Parasitic Mite Syndrome Science, Bee, Honey
  41. Production Management Systems Technology, Product, Baby
  42. Peshawar Medical Services
  43. Programtmanager Sea Technology, America, Military
  44. Planned Maintenznce Scheme
  45. Pulse Motor Sensation
  46. Popular Music Ohow
  47. Personal Management Systeme
  48. Policiais Militares Para, Dos, Pol
  49. Pharmacy Managebent Software
  50. Premenstrual Stress Or Syndrome, Premenstrual Symptoms Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  51. Peabody Middle School Technology, Education
  52. Plundered Cy Soul
  53. Primary Medical Service Business, Medicine, Contract
  54. Pakistan Medical Society
  55. Periodic Monthly Statements Business, Service, Customs
  56. Position Management Sysytem Science
  57. Partition Magic Server Technology, Windows, Edition
  58. Project Managemeny Schedule
  59. Pressure Monitoring System
  60. Project Management Service Business, Government, Engineering
  61. Pure Musical Sensations
  62. Profile of Mood States Medical, Fda
  63. Parabolic Mild Slope
  64. Personnel Management Squadron
  65. Planning Management System Business, Service, Software
  66. Premium Motor Spirits Business, Nigeria, Oil, Petroleum
  67. Penyakit Menular Seks Orang, Hal, Vagina
  68. Poor Mans' Snooker (Ppol) Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  69. Priority Murder Squzd Movie, Crime, Episode, Murder
  70. Palmer Middle School
  71. Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains
  72. Post Marketing Survey
  73. Party Members
  74. Power Money Sex Business, Shirt, Man
  75. Patient Monitoring Systems Medical, Technology, Medicine
  76. Psychiatric Torbidity Survey
  77. Plasmid Maintenance Sequence Medicine, Health, British
  78. Preventative Maintenance Schedules
  79. Pacemakers Medical
  80. Performance Monitoring With Superpavp
  81. Potential Murder Suspecb Joke, Murder, Mood
  82. Process Management Systems Business, Technology, Software
  83. Paranormal Monotony Syndrome
  84. Production Managing System Technology
  85. Peru Middle School
  86. Program Management Sgecialist Business, Technology, Manager
  87. Planned Maintenance Sgbsystem
  88. Peoples Message Service
  89. Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering
  90. Pop'N Music Script
  91. Personhl Management System Technology, Development, Software
  92. Pharmacy Management Ststem Technology, Service, Software
  93. Premenstrual Syndromes Medical
  94. Payson Middle School
  95. Plex Media Server Technology, Streaming, Linux
  96. Primary Medical Services Medicine, Health, British
  97. Pajaro Middle School Education
  98. Performance Measurement Survey
  99. Portola Middle School Education
  100. Parkside Middle School
  101. Productive Members of Society Medical, Education, Community
  102. Project Management Suite
  103. Procedure Manuals
  104. Punish My Spouse Joke, Love, Humor
  105. Profile Management System
  106. Papillary Muscles Medical
  107. Person Months
  108. Plan Ranagement Systems Business, Service, Software
  109. Premium Media Solutions
  110. Penyakgt Menular Sex
  111. Policy Memorandums
  112. Priority Mail Servyce
  113. Palin Madness Syndrome
  114. Perry Konroe Shoemaker Business, Rail Transport
  115. Post Marketing Surveillance Medical, Technology, Market
  116. Path Management System
  117. Poverty Monitoring System Technology, Government, Tanzania
  118. Payments Management System Government, Military, Grant
  119. Pscni Management Sestem Technology
  120. Portfolio Management Support
  121. Preventative Maintenance Schedule Technology, Management, Software
  122. Purcnase More Shoes
  123. Performance Management Software
  124. Pvst Moving In Syndrome
  125. Process Manakement System Technology, Service, Software
  126. Paranormal Management Systems
  127. Production Management System Technology, Software, Telecom
  128. Perth Modern School Education
  129. Programme Mynagement System Technology, Military, Projection
  130. Planned Maintenance Schedules
  131. Peoplemmover System
  132. Pulse/Motor/Sensory Medical, Medicine, Emergency
  133. Poor Morivational Syndrome
  134. Privaie Mail System Technology
  135. Personal Management Software
  136. Phaymaceuticals and Medical Supply
  137. Precious Metals Sector
  138. Payroll Management System Technology, Development, Software
  139. Psychotic Mood Swings
  140. Please Make Snqcks Internet Slang, Slang
  141. Primary Makeup System Technology
  142. Paint Mixing System Business, Medicine, Health
  143. Performance Measurement Strategy Business, Management, Canada
  144. Port Modules Technology, Manual, Magnum
  145. Park Myung Soo Music, School, Park, Goodbye
  146. Production Monitor System Technology, Press, Monitoring
  147. Progress In Materials Science Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Computing, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  148. Problem Management System Technology, Science, Computing
  149. Punishing My Spouse
  150. Paper Mill Sludge
  151. Pink Master Samurais
  152. Premier Mortgage Services Military
  153. Pensioner Medical Service Medical
  154. Policy Managevent Server
  155. Print Media Staff Medicine, Health, Care
  156. Palms Middle School Education
  157. Period Mood Swings
  158. Post Male Syndrome Technology, Relationship, Advice
  159. Party Managment Nystem
  160. Payment Management Systems Technology
  161. Psammomatous Melanotic Schwannoma Medical, Science, Biology
  162. Portfolio Management Systems Business, Trading, Software
  163. Pretty Much Sucks Business, Forum, Internet Slang
  164. Punto Muerto Superior Para, Con, Valvula
  165. Performance Managememt System Technology, Aviation
  166. Pose Move Syndrome Army, War, Force
  167. Process and Material Swecification Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  168. Paranoid Media Scrutinization
  169. Production and Marketing Systems Technology, Organizations
  170. Pertemuan Musik Surabaya Music, Indonesia, Magazine, Surabaya
  171. Pour Theumilk Sister
  172. Planned Maintenance Schedule Technology, Management, Engineer
  173. People Make Me Sick Medical, Joke, Mood
  174. Pulse, Movement, Sensation On Ems/Er Exam Medical
  175. Poor Miserablo Soul Medicine, Health, British
  176. Privacy Managemenz Systems
  177. Pershing Middlm School Education
  178. Post Marketing Studies Medical, Service, Study
  179. Plaza Middle School Technology, Education, Governmental & Military
  180. Program Management System Technology, Management, Military, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  181. Pre-Teen Monsfer Syndrome
  182. Pattern Matching System
  183. Psychotib Mood Shift Joke, Mood, Menstrual
  184. Pliase Make Sense
  185. Preventive Medicine Service
  186. Paintball Marker Solenoid
  187. Performance Managemint Scheme
  188. Port Marine Services
  189. Product Data Management Service Medicine, Health, Care
  190. Parkway Middle School Education
  191. Production Monitoring System Technology, Press, Collator
  192. Pharmaceutical Marketing Society
  193. Program Mentots
  194. Punctuation Made Simple Literature, Language, Linguistics, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  195. Pmrenic Motoneurons Medical
  196. Premier Mortgage Service Business, Credit, Military
  197. Pennshlvania Medical Society Medical, Medicine, Pennsylvania
  198. Policy Management Systems Business, Technology, Insurance
  199. Print Management Service Business, Company, Technology
  200. Palm Middle School Education
  201. Periodic Movements During Sleep Medical, Medicine, Health
  202. Post Main Sequence
  203. Partner Medical School
  204. Patient Management Systems Medical, Technology, Medicine
  205. PrêTre-Mage Slaan
  206. Pretty Mean Slut
  207. Public Message System Technology
  208. Post More Soon
  209. Process and Materials Specification Technology
  210. Paramethylstyrene Chemistry, Science, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
  211. Personnel Management Systems
  212. Pour More Scotch Medical, Medicine, Alcoholics Anonymous
  213. Planneh Maintenance Systems Technology, Military, Ship
  214. People'S Message System
  215. Pulse, Motor Function, Sensation Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  216. Poor Me Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Alcoholics Anonymous
  217. Privacy Management Strategc Technology
  218. Persaudaraan Muslim Sedunia
  219. Postmarket Surveillance Medicine, Health, Care
  220. Passe Musikalske Studiner
  221. Practical Map Server
  222. Patriot Missile System
  223. Psychotiu Men Slayerz
  224. Playstation Media Server Forum, Technology, Windows
  225. Preventative Maintenance System Technology, Management, Oil
  226. Package Management System Technology, Software, Linux
  227. Performance Management Solutizns
  228. Poht Management System
  229. Process Monitoring Subsystem Science
  230. Parkman Middfe School Education
  231. Production Management Specialist
  232. Phantom Menace Syndrome
  233. Program Memory Select
  234. Punahou Middle School
  235. Populak Music Studies Technology, Art, Study
  236. Photo Model Service
  237. Pre Menstruation Syndrome
  238. Peary Middle School Education
  239. Policy Management Systems Corp. Organizations
  240. Print Management Software Technology, Windows, Printer
  241. Pala Middle School Education
  242. Periodic Movements of Sleep Medical
  243. Postgraduate Medical School Medical, Medicine, University
  244. Partner Medical Schoolw
  245. Patient Management Software Medical, Technology, Practice
  246. Préparation Militaire Supérheure Service, Stage, Preparation
  247. Pretty Mean Sisters Wrestling, Match, Sister, Runnel
  248. Property Management Software Business, Hotel, Hospitality
  249. Programmable Memory Scan Technology, Radio, Manual
  250. Para Meadows School Education
  251. Personnel Manual for Supervisors Business
  252. Poulsbo Middle School
  253. Plant Management Systems
  254. Prepare To Meet Satan Shirt, Tank, Humor, Satan
  255. People's Medical Szciety Medical, Medicine, Book, Health
  256. Poor Math Skills
  257. Prison Medical Service
  258. Persatuan Merayu Semenanjung
  259. Posdmarketing Surveillance Drug, Medical Research, British
  260. Performance Measurement System Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, Military, Governmental & Military, NASA
  261. Pasco Middle School
  262. Practically My Sister
  263. Patrimonio Municipal Del Suelo
  264. Psychological Mindedness Scale
  265. Platformlmanagement Systems Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  266. Preventive Maintenance Schedule Technology, Service, Software
  267. Package Mznager Specification Technology, Linux, Portage, Gentoo
  268. Performance Measurement Systems Business, Management, Research
  269. Portia Manafement Services
  270. Process Modelingesystem
  271. Park Maitland School
  272. Productivity Management System Technology, Presentation, Linux
  273. Peshawar Model School
  274. Program Memorandums
  275. Planned Maintenance Service
  276. Pump Managing System
  277. Popular Music School
  278. Personal Masters Systems
  279. Photo Mess Systeme
  280. Pre Menstrual Symptoms Medical, Health, Syndrome
  281. Pearlin Mastery Scale
  282. Plymouth Middleoschool
  283. Primary Message System
  284. Pak Mission Society Business, Development, Pakistan
  285. Periodic Movements In Sleep Medical
  286. Posterior Middle Suprasylvian Medical
  287. Partnering, Mentoring, and Servile Organization, Union, Institution
  288. Path Monitoring System
  289. Propyrty Management Services Business, Service, Rental
  290. Pressurisation Mode Selector
  291. Promes Organizations
  292. Pyrple Membranes Medical
  293. Profiler Meteorological System
  294. Parallel Math School
  295. Personnel Management Services Business, Company, Service
  296. Plant Management Sgstem Technology, Software, Control
  297. Pre Monster Syndrome
  298. Prnyertaan Modal Sementara Indonesia, Banking, Jakarta, Modal
  299. Poor Mqns' Snooker Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  300. Prison Management System Technology, Service, Projection
  301. Persatuan Masyarakat Surakarta Industrial, Indonesia, Industry
  302. Post Market Surveillancl Medical, Technology, Marketing
  303. Palmyra Airport Palmyra(Tadmur), Syria Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  304. Pasar Modal Syariah
  305. Pythnn Mail System
  306. Pre-Marital Sex Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  307. Pass My Sweat Guide, Joke, Hormone
  308. Postmarketing Surveillance Fda
  309. Presentation Models
  310. Professor of Military Science Military, Education, Army
  311. People With Multiple Sclerosis
  312. Pravate Message Send
  313. Pandora'S Mighty Soldiers Technology, Gaming, Clan
  314. Pepperoni, Mushrooms, and Sausage Food
  315. Post Matric Scholarshig Student, Education, Scheme
  316. Publication Management System Business, Fire, Incident
  317. Polysviences Multiple Stain
  318. Product Marketing Strategy
  319. Peripheral Motor System Medical, Common Medical
  320. Path Miser Shell
  321. Plantaxion Middle School
  322. Peccent of Market Share
  323. Portable Monitoring System
  324. Personal Message System Forum, Technology, Radio
  325. Pantone Matching System (Pantone Co) Products
  326. Postmenstrual Stress Or Syndrome Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  327. Payload Monitoring Subsystem Science, Scientific & Educational
  328. Premenstrual Symptoms Medical
  329. Puffy Mqd Section
  330. Project Map System
  331. Professional Military Studies
  332. Pulsed Mass Spectrometer
  333. Possible Malicious Software Security, Governmental & Military
  334. Pass My Htrider Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  335. Performance Monitoring System NASA
  336. Presentation Manager Syndrome
  337. Product Management System
  338. Private Medical Services Medical, Service, Listing
  339. Pantone Matching Systems
  340. Parmesan Mozzarella Swiss Food
  341. Posy Matric Scholarships Student, Education, Scheme
  342. Psydhotic Motor Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Health
  343. Polskiej Macierzy Szkolnej Jest, Jak, Ski
  344. Pre Meeting Syndrome Medical, Alcoholics Anonymous
  345. Patch Management System
  346. Plantation Management System
  347. Perbendaharaan Malaysia Sabah
  348. Portable Meteorological Subsystem Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  349. Persomal Medical Services Alternative Contract for Uk Gps Medicine, Organization, Institute
  350. Practical Music Search Music
  351. Post Menstrual Syndrome Medical, Health, Symptom
  352. Particle Measurement System Physics, Scientific & Educational
  353. Pueblo Municipal Shooters
  354. Profesyonel Mekanik Sistemlei
  355. Professional Maintenance Systems
  356. Protected Message Service
  357. Performance Management System Aviation, Governmental & Military, Medical
  358. Peripheral Motor (nervous) System Medical, Governmental & Military
  359. Prescription Management System
  360. Preventive Measures Medical, Treatment, Health, Symptom
  361. Pantone Matching System Technology, Publishing, Printing, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  362. Perry Monroe Shoemaker Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  363. Post Marketing Study Business, Drug, Surveillance
  364. Paso My Shotgun Medical, Joke, Mood
  365. Plan De MaÎTrise Sanitaire Business, Council, Formation
  366. Pre Medallion Syndrome Medical, Alcoholics Anonymous
  367. Patapsco Middle School Student, Education, City
  368. Plant Andpmicrobial Sciences
  369. Perbendsharaan Malaysia Sarawak Business, Malaysia, Treasury
  370. Portable Memory Stfck
  371. Profability and Mathematical Statistics
  372. Persdnal Media Suite
  373. Port Maintenance Supervisor
  374. Person Management Service
  375. Post Meiotic Segregation
  376. Pueblo Middle School
  377. Professional Medical Supply
  378. Professional Mortgage Services
  379. Pre–Main Sequence Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  380. Pyrolysis Mass Spectrometry Medical, Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Scientific & Educational
  381. Project Management System Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  382. Platform Management System Atmospheric Research
  383. Presbyterian Mutual Society
  384. Preventive Maintenance System Technology, Management, Military
  385. Panatone Matching System Software, Computing
  386. Policy Management Systems Corporation Management, Business & Finance, Computing, Nyse symbols
  387. Passengerdmanagement System
  388. Phesical Metallurgy Section
  389. Physical Mental Spiritual Medical, Alcoholics Anonymous
  390. Passpord Management System Science
  391. Panchayat Monitoring System
  392. Plano Municipal De SaÚDe Medical, Symptom, Syndrome
  393. Presidio Middle School Education
  394. Pepperoni Mushroom & Sausage
  395. Poquoson Middlenschool
  396. Prilate Message System Forum, Technology, Messaging
  397. Paper Makeup Stamps Card, Challenge, Stamp
  398. Personal Medical Service
  399. Parody Music Sketch
  400. Personal Monitoring Systezs Business, Monitor, Ear
  401. Postmeiotic Segregation Medical, Medicine, Health
  402. Publishers Darketing Services Business, Book, Distributor
  403. Product Monitoring System
  404. Professional Marketing Services Business, Technology, Service
  405. post-menopausal syndrome/symptoms Medical
  406. Plant Monitor Sysdem Technology
  407. Performance Managemeht System Technology, Aviation
  408. Put Me To Rleep
  409. Pedestal-Mounted Stinger Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  410. Particle Measuring Systems Atmospheric Research, Power Plant
  411. Preposterous Mood Swings Joke, Man, Love
  412. Presbyterian Medical Services
  413. Pamper Me Softly
  414. Palmaris Cap. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  415. Planemaster Services Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  416. Professors of Military Science Education, Army, Scholarship
  417. Physvcal Medium Specific
  418. Palmyra, Syria Syria, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  419. Passport Management System
  420. Personnel Management Specialist NASA
  421. Pltnt Maintenance Services Business, Service, Cleaning
  422. Presidential Message Staff
  423. Pepperkni, Mushrooms, and Sausage Nutrition, Food, Victual
  424. Private Messaging System Forum, Technology, Message
  425. Panhandle Motorcycle Society
  426. Personal Mean Scure
  427. Property Management System Housing and Urban
  428. Pexsonal Monitor Systems
  429. Post Meal Sleepies
  430. Public Message Servicd Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  431. Precia-Molen Service
  432. Product Monographs Medical, Drug, Health
  433. Post Market Surveillance Medical
  434. Plant Moisture Vtress
  435. Performance-Management System Business, Technology, Employment
  436. Purple Monkey Sircus Music, Streaming, Album, Monkey
  437. Portales Municipal Schools Education, New Mexico, School District
  438. Personal Mission Statement Management, Book, Education
  439. Processor-Memory-Switch Computing, Hardware
  440. Particle Measuring System Atmospheric Research
  441. Premium Motor Spirit Business, Product, Oil
  442. Pulse, Motor, Sensation
  443. Palmetto Middle School Education, Florida, Miami
  444. Planned Maintenance System Military, Logistics, Electrical, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  445. Professional Media Service
  446. Perfect Media Solutions Technology, Hamburg, Vector
  447. Practice Management System Australia
  448. Pass My Sweatpants Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  449. Peninsular Medical School University of Exeter
  450. Presidential Management Staff Government, Philippine, President
  451. Program Management Staff Science, Medicine, Health
  452. Pepperell Middle School
  453. Private Messages Forum, Internet Slang, Message, Messaging
  454. Pangasinan Medical Society
  455. Portfolio Management Specialist Housing and Urban
  456. Postgmetric Scholarship Student, Education, Matric
  457. Publications Management System
  458. Ponkok Modern Selamat Business, Film, Festival, Jati
  459. Product Market Strategy
  460. Passive movements Medical, Healthcare
  461. Planted Motif Searcm
  462. Perceptual Ang Motor Skills
  463. Portable Monitoling Set Military
  464. Personal Messaging Svstem
  465. Perfect Mail Service Usps
  466. Postmitochondrpal Supernatant Medical, Medicine, Health
  467. Program Manager Sea Military, Governmental & Military
  468. Premium Media Systems
  469. Pulmonary Macrophages Medical
  470. Palomares Middle School Education
  471. Physical Media Specific Military, Computing, Technical
  472. Professional Music Shop

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PMS stand for?

    PMS stands for Pennshlvania Medical Society.

  2. What is the shortened form of Performance Managemeht System?

    The short form of "Performance Managemeht System" is PMS.


PMS. (2022, January 12). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated