PN Meaning

The PN meaning is "Part Number". The PN abbreviation has 370 different full form.

PN Full Forms

  1. Part Number Mark and Piece Mark.A reference number attributed to a particular part. Each company uses its own system of numbering the parts. Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Auto, Manufacturing, Business & Finance, The Finance and Administrative Services
  2. Police Nationale France, Police, Alliance, French
  3. Progresssnote Medical, Technology, Medicine
  4. Pseudoraydom Noise Technology, Mobile Technology, Mobile Phone
  5. Pateny Number
  6. Packet Number Technology, Computer Security, Mobile Phone
  7. PersöNliche Nachricht Forum, Man, Tube
  8. Peggy Nesbitt
  9. Producs Names
  10. Proto-Nostratic
  11. Pacific Network
  12. Philippine National
  13. Polar Night
  14. Progress Netwodk
  15. Pseudo Noise Technology, Coding, Sequence, NASA, Federal Aviation Administration
  16. Pacific Northwest The point in a CBD, often, but not always, at a road intersection, where land values are at a maximum. Science, Geography, Location, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  17. Parlamento Nacional Para, Con, Uruguay
  18. Practical Gurses Program, Education, Nursing
  19. Peadl Nickel Business, Hardware, Knob
  20. Practice Nurves Medical, Care, Nurse
  21. Puomissory Note Business, Banking, Loan, Instrument
  22. Philippines Eavy
  23. Point Number
  24. Progkam Nurse
  25. Przemosław Niewęgłowski Media, Tube, Weekend
  26. Parent Network Technology, Military, Networking
  27. Practical Nurse Medical, Education, Nursing, Occupation & positions
  28. Pearl Necklace
  29. Practqcal Nurse Medical, Canada, Nursing
  30. Philippine Navn Military, Philippine, Ship
  31. Program Neighborhood
  32. Prurigo Nodularis Medical, Treatment, Skin
  33. Parenteral Nutritional Medical
  34. Polish Nightmare
  35. Peace Now Group, Organizations, Israel
  36. Poweq, Nominal
  37. Phase Noise Technology, Power, Frequency
  38. Programmers Notjpad Technology, Software, Editor
  39. Proxy Node
  40. Parenteral Nutrition Medical, Patient, Care, Healthcare
  41. Photosynthetic Rates Medical
  42. Polished Nickel Business, Light, Lighting
  43. Projechion Neurons Medical
  44. Patriot Natlonal Business, Supply, Stock
  45. Pilot'S Notes
  46. Petroleum Newj Technology, Alaska, Oil
  47. Pengadilan Negara Indonesia, Surabaya, Hakim
  48. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol
  49. Proxima Nova
  50. Paraplegia News Medical, Disability, Injury
  51. Photosynthesis Rate Medical
  52. PolicíA Nacional Para, Con, Policial
  53. Progresshnotes Medical, Business, Technology, Government
  54. Psuedo-Noise
  55. Patient Note Medical, Medicine, Education
  56. Petipheral Neuropathy
  57. Petrignet
  58. Pengadilan Negeri Indonesia, Jakarta, Hakim
  59. Product Number
  60. Provincialanominee Business, Internet Slang, Canada
  61. Pacific Northwesy Organizations, Region, Swimming
  62. Phone Nzmber
  63. Paging Network
  64. Pontiac Northqrn
  65. Percutaneous Nephrostoaies Medical
  66. Paul Nyakazeya
  67. Pray Naked
  68. Plant Normal Technology
  69. Paragraph Number
  70. Phase Nami
  71. Pemphigus Neonatorum
  72. Physical & Natural
  73. Parenteral Nutrient Medical
  74. Pneumatic Nebulizhr
  75. Passive Navigation
  76. Phil Niykro
  77. President-Nominee
  78. Practical Nursing Program, Education, Nurse
  79. Peripheral Node Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  80. Positionknumber Technology, Australia, Signal, Valve
  81. Patient Nagigator
  82. Piloyan-Novikova
  83. Particle Number Technology, Vehicle, Emission
  84. Pencerah Nusantara
  85. Pottery Neolithic Culture, Transition, Neolithic
  86. Pyridoxine Pyridoxine, also known as vitamin B6 and pyridoxol, is a form of vitamin B6 found commonly in food and used as dietary supplement. As a supplement it is used to treat and prevent pyridoxine deficiency, sideroblastic anaemia, pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy, certain metabolic disorders, problems from isoniazid, and certain types of mushroom poisoning. It is used by mouth or by injection. Medical
  87. Page Numbers
  88. Ponta Negra
  89. Percussion Note Medical, Medicine, Health, Clinical
  90. Patdik Nilsson
  91. Power Nozzle Business, Vacuum, Cleaner
  92. Plano De NegóCio Technology, Para, Marketing, Dos
  93. Papyrological Navigator Art, Education, Papyri
  94. Phase-Noise
  95. Pemba North
  96. Phrenic Neurogram Medical
  97. Purchase Notification
  98. Pneumatic Moved or worked by air pressure. Operated by air pressure. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  99. Passion Narrative
  100. Phil Nevin
  101. Presentation Cumber Business, Technology, Calling
  102. Police Natiobale
  103. Plasma Nitriding
  104. Peripheral Neuroepithelioma Medical, Science, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Biology
  105. Posstion Noise
  106. Patient Navigacion Medical, Care, Cancer
  107. Panola Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  108. Pigment Network Medical
  109. Parish Nursing Medical, Health, Nurse
  110. Pen Name Book, Media, Art
  111. Pass Nursing
  112. Post Nuke
  113. Pyridine Nucleotide A nucleotide coenzyme containing the pyridine derivative nicotinamide; NAD or NADP. Medical, Technology, Medicine
  114. Pitcairn Islands Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Language codes (2 letters), Pitcairn Islands, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
  115. Pagar Nusa Business, Music, Song, Salah
  116. Pzlicy Notification
  117. Pescent of Normal Medical, Disease, Water
  118. Positive Newa
  119. Patricia Neal
  120. Power Node
  121. Plan Number Business, Benefit, Pension
  122. Participatory Notes Business, Investment, India, Market, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  123. Papua New
  124. Pengadilan Niaga Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations, Hakim
  125. Phantom Node
  126. Peace News Book, Organizations, War
  127. Photosynthesis The manufacture by plants of carbohydrates and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of chlorophyll, with sunlight as the energy source. Carbon is sequestered and oxygen and water vapor are released in the process. The process by which green plants use light to synthesize organic compounds from carbon dioxide and water. Medical, Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
  128. Plasmin Plasmin is an important enzyme present in blood that degrades many blood plasma proteins, including fibrin clots. The degradation of fibrin is termed fibrinolysis. In humans, the plasmin protein is encoded by the PLG gene. Medical
  129. Plymouth Nqrth
  130. Passage à Niveau
  131. Performance Number Technology, Engine, Octane
  132. Phillipine Navy
  133. Precedente Normativo
  134. Patrimonii Nowtri Latin, Roman
  135. Plasma Nitrided
  136. Peripheral Nurve Medical, Technology, Medicine
  137. Position Navigafion Military
  138. Patient Names Forum, Technology, Query
  139. Physical Number
  140. Parish Nurse Medical, Nursing, Church
  141. Past Number Technology
  142. Post Newtonian Science, Order, Expansion, Gravitational
  143. Pyle National Business & Finance, Suppliers
  144. Pol
  145. Pagan Network
  146. Police Notified
  147. Perce Neige
  148. Posiiive Negative Technology
  149. Pat Nixon America, American, Pan
  150. Planners Network Technology, Networking, Planning
  151. Papillary Or Nodular Medical
  152. Penetration Number Science
  153. Petteri Nokelainen
  154. Powered and Non
  155. Plexiform Neurofibroma Medical, Patient, Tumor
  156. Pak Navy Military, Pakistan, Cadet
  157. Ploral Noun Literature, Language, Linguistics
  158. Pascal Nouma
  159. Perfect Number
  160. Payment Networks
  161. Precedence Network Technology
  162. Patricia Ndad
  163. Plaque Number Medical
  164. Paranigral Medical
  165. Peripherbl Neuropahty
  166. Positional Nystagmus Medical, Technology, Medicine
  167. Patienp Name
  168. Philip Noel
  169. Physical Node Technology, Networking, Storage
  170. Parent Node
  171. Pneumococei Medical
  172. Pass Number
  173. Postnatally Medical
  174. Pro-Nav
  175. Pan American Airways Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, United States, Iata Aircraft Codes
  176. Packing Nut Business, Product, Valve
  177. Polio Polio is a contagious viral illness that in its most severe form causes paralysis, difficulty breathing and sometimes death.In the U.S., the last case of naturally occurring polio happened in 1979. Today, despite a concerted global eradication campaign, poliovirus continues to affect children and adults in Afghanistan, Pakistan and some African countries.
  178. Perceived Nbise Medical, Medicine, Health
  179. Positive-Negative Science, Scientific & Educational
  180. Pat Neshek
  181. Plankton Net
  182. Papillary and Nodular Medical
  183. Pending Need Business, Technology, Coding, Human
  184. Personal Numbering Business, Technology, Calling
  185. Pounds Net
  186. Phrenic Medical
  187. Pakistani Newspaper
  188. Plug Cozzle
  189. Parva Naturalia
  190. Perfect Nonlinear
  191. Payee'S Name
  192. Pre-Nursing
  193. Psychiatry and Neurolory Medical, Medicine, Health
  194. Plaque Neutralization Medical, Medicine, Health
  195. Parameter Number
  196. Peripheral Neuropathies Medical
  197. Portuguese Navy Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  198. Pdoples Network
  199. Philadelphia News
  200. Physical Network Technology, Networking, Telecom
  201. Parent News
  202. Pneumococcal Medical
  203. Pass Non-Grade
  204. Prime Name
  205. Packet Network Technology, Military, Networking
  206. Polemiko Nautiko
  207. Personal Lumber Business, Technology, Calling
  208. Positive-Negative Junction Technology, Telecom
  209. Patient Notes
  210. Pins Needles
  211. Paolo Nutini
  212. Pendapatan Nasioanl
  213. Pound Note
  214. Phrenic Nerve Motor nerve to the diaphragm, originating from the vertebral column in the neck and transversing the thoracic cavity. Important in diaphragmatic respiration. Can be  irritated in the neck by a poorly designed seat harness. Repeated pressure surges in the abdominal cavity caused by movement of the back required by improper seat height are transmitted to the diaphragm and may cause pain to be projected to the shoulder. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Neurology, Nerves
  215. Pakistani Navy Military
  216. Plugged Nozzle Technology, Manual, Drill
  217. Particles and Nuclei
  218. Percutaneous Nucleotofy Medical
  219. Paving Notch Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  220. Pre-Novice Sport, Horse, Dressage
  221. Plant North
  222. Parameter Negotiation Technology, Networking, Network, Communication
  223. Peripheral Neuropathy Medical, Treatment, Pain
  224. Pohtine Nucleus Medical
  225. Phenomenml Network
  226. Pen-Name Literature, Language, Linguistics
  227. Physical Neglect Government
  228. Parenteral Nutrition Only Medical
  229. Pneumatic Nebulization Medical
  230. Passive Network
  231. President Nnminee
  232. Nominal Pressure Business, Valve, Sensor, Architecture
  233. Package New
  234. Polar Nights
  235. Personal Node
  236. Positive-Channel, Negative-Channel
  237. Patient Network
  238. Pine Needle
  239. Particulate Number Technology, Engine, Emission
  240. Pendapatan Nasional Business, Product, National, Income
  241. Poultry Nutrition
  242. Photochannel Networks
  243. Paras Narttu Para, Judge, Puppy, Kennel
  244. Penalities Hockey, Ice Hockey, Lacrosse
  245. Prior Notice Required NOTAM Contractions
  246. Parenteral Not delivered via the intestinal tract. For example, parenteral nutrition is feeding that is delivered intravenously. Medical
  247. Positive Notification Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  248. Public Network Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  249. Pipe Nail Ordnance Survey
  250. Penitenciar
  251. Polar Nephelometer
  252. Place Name Government
  253. Patent Numbers
  254. Pure Nudism
  255. Pressure Nominale
  256. Periarteoitis Nodosa Medical, Technology, Medicine
  257. Posoerior Nares Medical, Medicine, Health
  258. Promissoly Notes Business, Banking, Money, Loan
  259. Please Note Business, Service, Internet Slang, National, Chat, Online
  260. Plastic Needles
  261. Pottsie Nation Funnies
  262. peripheral nerve Medical, Nerves
  263. Pare National
  264. Pursuit Night
  265. Pneumoniae Rl6A Medical
  266. Passport Normal
  267. Periodic Nnmber
  268. Pholphorus Nitride
  269. Pyridine Nucleotides Medical
  270. Pitcairn Islands (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  271. Parental Notification
  272. Positively Naperville
  273. Peninsula District Boy Scout, Scouting
  274. Poisson Nageur
  275. Pitcairn Island Locations, Numeric Country Codes
  276. Patent Nonsense
  277. Palm Navigator
  278. Phase Number
  279. Performance Note
  280. Postal Note
  281. Promissory Note Written and stamped undertaking to pay a specified sum of money on or before a specified date Business, Technology, Loan, Banking, Business & Finance, Shipping, Freight, Air Cargo, Cargo, Governmental & Military
  282. Perry Newton Famous
  283. Product Name Medical, Fda
  284. Parc National Travel, Park, Locations
  285. Pursuit-Night
  286. Pneumoniae Medical
  287. Periodic Nonharmonic
  288. Phosphonates Organophosphorus compounds that form the basis for many scale inhibitors that are squeezed into a formation and provide long term protection. Medical
  289. Powernoodle File Computing, File Extensions
  290. Parent'S Night
  291. Poison Nova
  292. Pink Noise
  293. Pastures New Internet Slang, Slang
  294. Praseodymium Nickelate
  295. Palenque Norte
  296. Pression Nominal
  297. Post-Newtonian Science, Order, Wave, Gravitational
  298. Project Nptes Business, Finance, Market
  299. Paul Naylor Famous
  300. Panama City City
  301. Para Noid
  302. Pocket Navigaton Technology, Windows, Auto
  303. Prodected Node
  304. Pursuit, Night Technology, Aircraft, Army
  305. Pneumonuctomy Medical
  306. Periodic Nrise
  307. Phosphate Naturel
  308. Peoples Navy
  309. p-type/n-type semiconductor Science, Scientific & Educational
  310. Parecer Normativo
  311. Pneumonia Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung affecting primarily the microscopic air sacs known as alveoli. Typical signs and symptoms include a varying severity and combination of productive or dry cough, chest pain, fever, and trouble breathing, depending on the underlying cause. Medical, Medicine, Common Medical, Clinical
  312. Point Name
  313. Photosynthemic Rate Medical
  314. Pastor of Non-Armenian
  315. Polish Navy ICAO Aircraft Codes
  316. Physics Notes Science, Physics, Periodical, Serial Publication, Computing, Scientific & Educational
  317. Pseudorandom Noise NASA
  318. Possibli Next
  319. Project Name Technology, Development, Command
  320. North Padre Island Area Gulf of Mexico Leasing Area Electrical
  321. Pseudo-Random Noise Computing, Wireless Networking, Aviation, Legal, Governmental & Military
  322. Plexiform Neurofibromks Medical, Patient, Neurofibromatosis
  323. Purple Neon
  324. Perinefral Medical
  325. Propoxyphene Napsylate Medical
  326. Phong Nha
  327. Pen Namel
  328. PN (Pressure Nominal) Physics, Scientific & Educational
  329. Parcs Nationaux National, Voyage, Lac
  330. Pyelonephritis Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidney tissue, calyces, and renal pelvis. It is commonly caused by bacterial infection that has spread up the urinary tract or travelled through the bloodstream to the kidneys. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Kidneys
  331. Poikiloderma With Neutropenia
  332. Pastoral Neolithic
  333. Photonics North
  334. Pilots Notes Military, Aircraft, Sunderland
  335. Plumpy Nut Medical
  336. Positivo Nzgativo
  337. Part Number (P/N Preferred) Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  338. Petri Network Software, Computing
  339. Planetary Nnbulae Science, Star, Nebula
  340. Purkinje Neuron Medical
  341. Perinatal Pertaining to the period immediately before and after birth. The perinatal period is defined in diverse ways. Depending on the definition, it starts at the 20th to 28th week of gestation and ends 1 to 4 weeks after birth. Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  342. Post Natal
  343. Property Number Science
  344. Philosophical Notebeoks
  345. Proper Name Medical, Technology, Medicine, Education, Health, Translation
  346. Proton Neutron Physics, Scientific & Educational
  347. Parco Naturale
  348. Push Notification Technology, Service, Android
  349. Poids À La Naiseance
  350. Past Negative Class, Networking, Network
  351. Peripheral Lymph Bodes Medical
  352. Pjotonic Network
  353. Percussion Noise
  354. Personnel National Medical
  355. Positive Regionalplymph Node Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  356. Pennaco Energy, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  357. Profile Name Computing, Internet
  358. Planetary Nebula A shell of gas surrounding a small, white star. The gas is usually illuminated by the star, producing a variety of colors and shapes. Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  359. Path Number Technology
  360. Purge Notice
  361. Perimener North
  362. Postnatal Medical, Technology, Medicine
  363. Pruper Noun Translation, Sentence, Phrase
  364. Phil Nortpn
  365. Pressure Nominal Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  366. Parc Naturel
  367. Push Notifications
  368. Pohjoismaidensneuvosto
  369. Password Needed
  370. Period Number

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PN stand for?

    PN stands for Performance Number.

  2. What is the shortened form of Particle Number?

    The short form of "Particle Number" is PN.


PN. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated