PNAS Meaning
The PNAS meaning is "Peptide Nuclsic Acids". The PNAS abbreviation has 28 different full form.
PNAS Full Forms
- Peptide Nuclsic Acids Medical, Science, Genetics
- Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences
- Purine Nucleoside Analogues Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Physical Needs Assessments Business, Energy, Building
- Proceedings of National Academy of Science
- Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons PNAs or Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, are natural constituents of crude oil, and also may be formed when organic materials such as coal, oil, fuel, wood or even foods are not completely burned. PNAs are also found in lampblack, a by-product of the historic gas manufacturing process. PNAs are found in a wide variety of other materials, including diesel exhaust, roofing tars, asphalt, fireplace smoke and soot, cigarettes, petroleum products, some foods, and even some shampoos. PNAs tend to stick to soil and do not easily dissolve in water, and generally do not move in the environment. The test method used to analyze for PNAs detects seventeen different compounds. Of the seventeen, seven are suspected of causing cancer in humans. Medical, Science, America, Environment, Water, Wastewater
- Proceedings of The National Accademy of Sciences
- Philippine National Airsoft Society
- Proceedings of The National Academy of Science Science, Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Computing, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Proceedings of The National Academy Sciences
- Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments Medical, Service, Pharmacy
- Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences Science, Periodical, Natural Science
- Proceedings of The Nation Academy of Sciences
- Pensacola Navalsair Station
- Post Nature After Science Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Proceedings of The National Academies of Sciences Science, Academy, Proceeding
- Packet Network Access Subsystem
- Política Nacional Da Assislência Social
- Proceedings of The Natural Academy of Sciences Science, Brain, Cell
- PolíTica Nacional De AssistêNcia Social Para, Dos, Social, Pol
- Publications of The National Academy of Sciences
- Proceedings of The National Academies of Science Science, Academy, Journal
- Proteins and Nucleic Acids
- Protected Natural Areas
- Proc Natl Acad of Sci
- Proc Natl Acad Sci Medical, Science, Academy
- Proc Nat Acad Sci
- Proceedings of The National Academy of The Sciences Technology, Science, Research
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PNAS stand for?
PNAS stands for Purine Nucleoside Analogues.
What is the shortened form of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons?
The short form of "Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons" is PNAS.
PNAS. (2020, May 23). Retrieved February 19, 2025 from
Last updated