PNL Meaning
The PNL meaning is "Partidul National Liberal". The PNL abbreviation has 69 different full form.
PNL Full Forms
- Partidul National Liberal Government, Group, National, Romania
- Pacific Northwest Laboratory Technology, Energy, Environment, Physics, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Medical, Technology, Medicine, Common Medical
- Partidul NaţIonal Liberal Din, Care, National
- Partidului NaţIonal Liberal Government, Din, Care, National
- Programacsón Neurolingüística La Para, Con, Coaching
- Pacific Northwest Labhratories Technology, Energy, Laboratory
- Percutaneous Nephrolithotripsy Medical
- Poker Night Live
- Programmation Neuru-Linguistique Le
- Partij Nieuw Limburg
- Power Networking Lunch
- Programación Neuro-LingüIstica Para, Con, Ling, Neuro
- Pacific Naval Laboratory
- Percutaneous Nephrostolithotomy Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Partii Narodowo-Liberalnej
- Positive Nose Lowering
- Passenger Name Lists Airline, Technology, Reservation
- Progdamacion Neuro Ling
- Pacific Xaval Lab
- Partidului Naional Liberal
- Polytechnic of North London Research, Education, University, London
- Passenger Name List Airline, Technology, Flight
- Programeci
- Pacyfic Naval Lab. Science
- Panel A three-person committee assembled by the WTO to hear evidence in disputes between members, as part of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. Panels are also used to settle disputes under NAFTA. Aviation, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, The Finance and Administrative Services, Vehicle Body Styles
- Partidul NaţIonal-Liberal-TăTăRescu
- Polymorphonuclear Neutrophilic Leukocyte Medical, Medicine, Health, Nerves
- Partnership for A Nation of Learners
- Preneoplastic Lesions Medical
- Phim Người Lớn
- Partidul NaţIonal-Liberal Din, Care, National
- Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe Program, Education, Indonesia
- Parti National-LibéRal Government, Group, Party
- Preferred Network List Technology, Security, Networking
- Programn Nacional De Lectura Para, Escolar, Pagina
- Pacific Northwest Lan Business, Technology, Science, Laboratory
- Polimorf NüVeli LöKosit
- Parti National LibéRal Din, National, Moldova, Romania
- Precisiated Natural Language General, Governmental & Military
- Peripheral Nerve Lesion Medical, Neurology, Nerves
- Proposición No De Ley Para, Con, Madrid
- Peace and Love Internet, Social Media, Text, Latin
- Pantelleria, Pantelleria Island, Italy Italy
- Platform Nederlandse Luchtvaart
- Programme National De Laboratoire
- Proposiciones No De Ley Para, Con, Madrid
- Personal Assets Trust Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Plano Nacional De LogíStica Para, Con, Dos
- Programmation Neuro-Linguistique La Communication, Coaching, Formation, Neuro
- Perceived Noise Level Technology, Architecture, Construction
- Proposici
- Pulsed Nucleation Layer Technology, Science, Tungsten
- Plano Nacional De Leitura Para, Book, Dos
- Phoenix Nuclear Labs Technology, Fusion, Phoenix
- Peanut Lectin Medical
- Promasidor Nigeria Limited Business, Company, Nigeria
- Pulsed Neutrgn Log Technology, Formation, Hole
- Aero Personal Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Physical Neighborhood List
- Passenger Names List
- Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes Medical, Medicine, Veterinary, Nursing
- Prjgressive Nitrogen Limitation
- Psydhiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory Science, Research, Brain
- Percutaneous Nephroureterolithotomy Medical
- Pectin Lyase Medical
- Programmazione Neuro Linguistxca Medical, Neurology
- Pseudo Natural Languake Literature, Language, Linguistics
- Percutaneous Nephrolitholapaxy Medical
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PNL stand for?
PNL stands for Poker Night Live.
What is the shortened form of Passenger Names List?
The short form of "Passenger Names List" is PNL.
PNL. (2020, October 6). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from
Last updated