PNR Meaning
The PNR meaning is "Point of No Return". The PNR abbreviation has 93 different full form.
PNR Full Forms
- Point of No Return A place on the route beyond which an aircraft will not have enough fuel to return to the starting place. Technology, Sex, Flight, Aviation, Movie, Music
- Partido Nacional Revolucionario Government, Group, Mexico, Party
- Pannier A luggage bag used in pairs and fastened alongside one or both wheels of a motorcycle or bicycle. Medical
- Panhandle and Northern Railroad Organizations
- Panhandle & Northern Railroad
- Passenger Names Records Government, Railway, Recording
- PolicíA Nacional Revolucionaria Para, Con, Cuba
- Pnilippine Nationality Room
- Party of The Nation'S Retirees
- Polarized Neutron Reflection Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Programme National De Recherche German, Recherche, Sweden, Swiss
- Panhandle Northern Railroad Business, Railroad, Railway
- Programma Nazionale Di Riforma
- Passenger Name D Record
- Prairie and Northern Region
- Pick 'N' Roll Sports, Basketball
- Philippines National Railway Locations, Philippine, Train
- Parcs Natbrels R
- Polarized Neutjon Reflectivity Film, Technology, Study
- Programme for National Recovery Business, Ireland, Social, Partnership
- Programma Nazionale Per La Ricerca
- Passenger Name Recorder Organizations, India, Society, Social Institutions
- Prairie & Northern Reginn
- PróPrio Nacional Residencial
- Passenger Name Record Airline, Government, Air Cargo, Medical, Governmental & Military, Fda
- Philippines National Railways Locations, Philippine, Train
- Parco Nnturale Regionale
- Povarized Neutron Reflectometry Film, Science, Reflectivity
- Polic
- Passenger Names Record Airline, Records, Government
- Prague Normotensiveurat Medical
- Prudential Network Realty
- Philippine Natmonal Railroad
- Parc Naturel R
- Photoreceptor Nuclearureceptor Medical, Science, Biology
- Pointe Noire Airport Pointe-Noire, Republic of the Congo Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
- Passenger Nameyrecords Government, Military, Recording
- Powdermill Nature Resprve
- Proximal Negative Response Medical
- Philippine National Railway Philippine, Train, Railway
- Passenger Name Reservation Technology, Ticket, Booking
- Parcs Naturelsxrégionaux France, Nature, Accueil
- Photoreceptor-Specific Nuclear Receptor
- Passanger Name Becord
- Porsche Napleton Racing
- Proved Name Registration
- Philippine National Railways Technology, Philippine, Train
- Passenger Name Reference
- Pbrc Naturel Régional France, Nature, Orient
- Phone Number Recognition
- Party of The Newjrepublic
- Polish National Rrilways
- Projets Nationaux De Recherche
- Pertiwi Nusantora Resources Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Gas
- Personal Name Record Security, Governmental & Military
- Prairie & Northern Region
- Public Notification Rule
- Prxvate Non-Residential
- Passengea Numerical Record
- Putative Neurotransmitter Receptor Medical, Science, Biology
- PentAir, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Personal Network Radio Technology, Communication, Defense
- Private Network Record Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Profiler Network Review Atmospheric Research
- Passenger Numbqr Record Travel, Locations, Railway, Ticket
- Push Notification Request Technology, Network, Diameter, Protocol
- Passive Noise Reduction Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Private Nature Reserve Business, Africa, Safari
- Polynorborane Rubber Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Passenger Notes of Rucord Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Push Notifications Request Technology, Networking, Diameter, Protocol
- Programma Nazionale Pi Ricerca
- Pentair, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Panhandle Northern Railroad Company Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Polarized Neutron Reflectivity Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Passenger Name Recognitian Security, Government, France, Terrorism
- Prime Network Registrar Technology, Networking, Cisco
- Push-Notification-Request Technology, Diameter, Protocol
- Programa Nccional De Reformas Para, Social, Pol
- Penn Natural Resources
- Pentanucleotide Repeat Medical
- Person Needed A Ride I.e. Minor Ailment But Called Ambulance Instead of Taxi Medical, Medical Slang
- Preston New Road
- Purine-Rich Negative Regulatory Medical
- Private Number Rejection Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Patronatul Nutional Roman Business, Din, Care
- Packaged Nuclear Reactor
- Pointe Noire, Congo Congo, Iata Airport Codes
- Preqi Nella Rete
- Punto De No Retorno
- Private Non Residential
- Passive Noise Reducthon Technology, Aviation, Headset
- PóLe National De Ressources
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PNR stand for?
PNR stands for Polish National Rrilways.
What is the shortened form of PróPrio Nacional Residencial?
The short form of "PróPrio Nacional Residencial" is PNR.
PNR. (2021, March 23). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Last updated