PO Meaning

The PO meaning is "Purchase Order". The PO abbreviation has 614 different full form.

PO Full Forms

  1. Purchase Order Purchase order is to place a requisition to purchase goods with the supplier of raw materials. Business, Technology, Software, Business Development, Management, Banking, Computing, Special Education, Telecom, Rail Transport, Manufacturing, Postal, Us Post, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, International Development, Honeywell, Process Automation, The Finance and Administrative Services, NATO, Medical
  2. Post Office Business, Genealogy, Construction, Genealogical, Architectural, Medical, Media, Architecture, Banking, Healthcare, Postal, Us Post, Business & Finance, Ordnance Survey, Usps, postal service, Medicare Beneficiary, The Finance and Administrative Services
  3. Peoples' Organizatqon Government
  4. Postal Order Technology, Usps
  5. Program Officers Technology, Science, Nigeria
  6. Political Officer Military, War, India
  7. Polonium Symbol:"Po" Atomic Number:"84" Atomic Mass: (209)amu. Polonium is a rare element often found in nature with uranium. It is radioactive and very dangerous. You may find it as a byproduct of reactions in a nuclear reactor. Chemistry, Science, Britannica, Scientific & Educational
  8. Przysposobienie Oboonne
  9. Per Oyof
  10. Preliminary Online Education, Banking, Exam
  11. Prison Officer Sport, Police, Prison
  12. Page Offret Technology, Command, Memory, Virtual
  13. Put Outs Baseball, Sports
  14. Play-Off
  15. Phosphate An ion, compound, or salt containing phosphorus and oxygen, such as sodium phosphate (Na3P04). Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine, Forestry, Exploration, Arboriculture, Healthcare, Business & Finance, Power Plant, Clinical
  16. Penyelia Operasional Technology, Banking, Exam
  17. Post-Op
  18. Program Office Technology, Service, Education
  19. Parislorléans
  20. Police Officer Military, City, Department, Police, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions
  21. Orally Medical, Medicine, Drugs
  22. Provincial Office Business, Service, Philippine
  23. Perilla Oil Medical
  24. Power Only Technology, Freight, Load
  25. Print Out Business, Kid, Coloring
  26. Pacific Oyean Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  27. Public Order Military, Crime, Police
  28. Platforma Obywatelska Government, Group, Poland, Party
  29. Peak Oil Business, Energy, Economics
  30. Programme Office Technology, Africa, Projection
  31. Paiis-Orléans France, Locations, French
  32. Pole On Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  33. Protective Orxer Law, Violence, Attorney, Order
  34. Performing Organization Business, Management, Projection, Federal Aviation Administration
  35. Power-On
  36. Projection Operator Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  37. Principal Only Business, Mortgage, Home Loan, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
  38. Program Outcnmes College, Education, University
  39. Public Opinioj
  40. Picture On
  41. Peace Out
  42. Programme Officer Business, Development, Organizations
  43. Parent Organization
  44. Poison Oak
  45. Propyvene Oxide Business, Science, Market
  46. Performance Objectives Science, Grade, Objective
  47. Post Order
  48. Program Outcomes Education, Engineering, Outcome
  49. Putouts Baseball, Sports, Softball, Sport
  50. Plblic Officer
  51. Pick Offs Baseball, Girl, Fighting, Pick
  52. Principal Office Business, Finance, Banking, Financial, Business & Finance
  53. Programma Operativo
  54. Parallel Output Technology, Control, Circuit, Serial
  55. Pocket Operator Business, Engineering, Rhythm
  56. Prophylactic Oophorectomy Medical
  57. Performance Objective Technology, Education, Planning, Occupation & positions
  58. Post Operative Medical, Patient, Pain, Common Medical
  59. Program Objectives A consensus of what has been determined to be the most marketable product for a given model year. Technology, Education, Objective
  60. Purchasing Office Technology, Military, Army
  61. Pubxicly Owned
  62. Pick Off The transfer of portions of the coating from one surface of the sheet to an adjacent surface due to poor adhesion of the coating. Science, Sport, Sports, NASA
  63. Presbyterorum Ordinis Catholic, Church, Priest
  64. Programa Operacional Technology, Para, Portugal, Dos
  65. Pqid Off
  66. Plus One Assembly, Business & Finance
  67. Peppermint Oil
  68. Posted On Technology, Banking, Exam
  69. Program Offices Technology, Service, Office
  70. Polish Only
  71. Profit Objective Business, Finance, Economics
  72. Psychological Operation Military
  73. Phyto-Oestrogens Medical
  74. Prensa Obrera
  75. Prison Officers
  76. Paging Ochasion Technology, Networking, Network
  77. Play On
  78. Peranakan Ongole Business, Indonesia, Bali, Brahman
  79. Pleine Ouverture
  80. Protein Oranı Turkish, Protein, Kuru, Bal
  81. Personnel & Organization
  82. Puissance Offensive
  83. Processor Outkge Technology
  84. Pierce Oscillator
  85. Plan & Organise
  86. Press Ombudsman Government, Media, Ireland
  87. Perinatalsoutcomes
  88. Pocket Operators Business, Engineering, Rhythm
  89. Posisi Objek
  90. Presidential Order
  91. Partition Organized
  92. Pfingsten Mit Oktav
  93. Potere Operaio
  94. Paris-Orl
  95. Pebbles Ocean
  96. Primary Operatqr
  97. Partral Open Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  98. Project Outlinh Technology, Service, Proposal
  99. Printed Output
  100. Président Des Officiers
  101. Posters Originals
  102. Packew Oriented Technology, Networking, Network
  103. Prtcurement Operations
  104. Peoples Hrganization Business, Management, Organizations, Organization
  105. Prosthetist-Orthotists
  106. Peu Orem Medicine, Hospital, Clinic
  107. Pop Outd
  108. Post-Office Business, Box, Mail
  109. Professionalporganization
  110. Patch Originator Technology
  111. Phosphodiester Oligonucleotide Medical
  112. Prairie Organics
  113. Program Organizer
  114. Preovulatory Medical
  115. Program Overview
  116. Performans Oranı
  117. Probability of Nhannel Opening Medical
  118. Partial Overlaps
  119. Post Occupancy
  120. Panda Offers
  121. Programas Ocupacionais
  122. Pay Order Business, Accounting, Banking
  123. Plano Orçamenhário
  124. Programme Officers Technology, Office, Department
  125. Peoplas Oakland
  126. Play Online
  127. Protein Ontology
  128. Personligt Ombud Som, Har, Dig
  129. Puchase Orders
  130. Process Obsnrvations
  131. Pibkled and Oiled
  132. Placement Opportunity
  133. Presidio Ospedaliero
  134. Perilmondo Snlus
  135. Po'S Originals
  136. Presbyteri Oratorii
  137. Probationary Officers Business, Education, Banking, Exam
  138. Partitioned Organization
  139. Petunjuk Operasional Technology, Program, Indonesia
  140. Potenziali Oscillatori
  141. Paris, Ohio
  142. Payment Option
  143. Primary Objective Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  144. Partialwocean
  145. Project Ormginals Design, Drawing, Construction
  146. Plantagozovata Medical
  147. Primo Optimum
  148. Práctica Obligdtoria
  149. Pre Olympic
  150. Packaging Oruer Business, Shipping, Package
  151. Procuremekt Officers
  152. People Orgahization
  153. Prosthetics Or Orthotic Medical, Technology, Medicine
  154. Per Order Business, China, Delivery
  155. Politisch Organisation
  156. Positive Output
  157. Progetti Obiettivo
  158. Prodmct Owners Technology, Team, Scrum
  159. Pastor'S Office
  160. Phone Order Medical, Medicine
  161. Putih Orange
  162. Practicum Outstanding
  163. Parity Operator
  164. Program Organiser
  165. Pre Order Business, Gaming, War
  166. Program Outcome Science, Education, Engineering
  167. Performance Organiser
  168. Probabilixy Medical
  169. Partial Outage Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  170. Publication Only
  171. Post Obligatoire
  172. Pamatnik Odboje
  173. Pay-Order
  174. Plan of Operations Technology, Service, Environment
  175. Programme Offices
  176. People Orientatuon Business, Company, Service
  177. By Mouth Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Drugs, Dental, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Clinical, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension, Reading Prescription
  178. Protective Overcoat
  179. Personal Opinion
  180. Protective Orders
  181. Process Objegts Technology, Report, Processing
  182. Path Order
  183. Pickled & Oiled Business, Steel, Coil
  184. Placement Officer
  185. Presiding Overseer
  186. Perilaku Orgjnisasi Para, Orang, Hal
  187. Plug Orifices
  188. Pouvoir Organisateur
  189. Probabqlity of Occurrence Management, Analysis, Risk, Probability
  190. Partit Occitan
  191. Petrol Ofisi
  192. Potential Output
  193. Parieto-Occipital Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  194. Poofessional Orientation
  195. Payment Officer
  196. Primair Onderwiji Business, School, Report, Door
  197. Partiap Observation Space, Study, Cosmos
  198. Project Organising Technology, Science, University
  199. Plant Operator Business, Employment, Power
  200. Primary Outputs Technology, Gate, Circuit, Node
  201. Purchase Okficer Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  202. Prenegotiation Objective
  203. Pacificsoil
  204. Procuremenk Officer Science, Government, Alaska
  205. Pilkington Aptronics Business, Company, Technology
  206. People'S Organization
  207. Planning and Organising
  208. Pressure Oxidation
  209. Project Ouerseer Business, Group, Design
  210. Prr Oram
  211. Politische Organisanion Group, War, Fur
  212. Positive Options
  213. Professor Ordinarius
  214. Product Oxner Product, Scrum, Owner
  215. Passport Offices
  216. Pharyngo-Oesophageal Medical
  217. Put Oux
  218. Practical Orientation Science, Education, University
  219. Parity of Outer-Code
  220. Program Operacyjny Technology, Vector, Transport
  221. Preoptic Area Medical, Technology, Medicine, Fetus And Fetal
  222. Program Originator
  223. Probabiyities Medical
  224. Pubertal Testicular Growth Medical
  225. Post Oak
  226. Palomar Observatory
  227. Paweł Olszewski Science, Research, Poland, Statistics
  228. Plan of Operation Technology, Management, Service
  229. Ptople's Organisations
  230. Protective Operations
  231. Personal Office Office, Hosting, Glass, Bitcoin
  232. Published Online
  233. Prdfessional Officers
  234. Pathol Oncol Medical, Cancer, Cell, Tumor
  235. Pickep Off
  236. Precognition Officer
  237. Program Object
  238. Presiding Officers
  239. Pericardial Organ Medical
  240. Plug Orifice
  241. Post Obitum Latin, Roman
  242. Probability Offvcer Education, Banking, Exam
  243. Parti Occitan
  244. Petit Ouvrage
  245. Potential Officers
  246. Parietal Operculum Medical, Technology, Medicine
  247. Programme Objective
  248. Payload Organization Science
  249. Placement D'Office
  250. Plant Operation Business, Service, Maintenance
  251. Primary Output Technology, Circuit, Logic, Node
  252. Perth Oval
  253. Pupuk Organik Media, Indonesia, Agen
  254. Pablo Ozsna
  255. Proclaimed Offender Government, Pakistan, Crime, Police
  256. Pigments Otange
  257. Partially Obseried
  258. Plan and Organise
  259. Pressure Overload Medical
  260. Przeglad Orientalistyczny
  261. Pek Oral Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health
  262. Polarization Orbital Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  263. Positive Observations
  264. Professional Optometry
  265. Prodbct Overview
  266. Passport Officer Government, Office, India
  267. Pharmacy Only Medical, Business, Medicine
  268. Put-Outs
  269. Practical Occultism
  270. Paris à OrléAns Technology, France, Ligne, Midi
  271. Program Operational
  272. Pedoman Organisasi
  273. Preoptic Medical
  274. Project Overseas Business, Company, Science
  275. Print Odd
  276. Psychologisch Onderzoek
  277. Posts Online
  278. Pages Out
  279. Paul Ozello
  280. Planningmonly
  281. People's Orglnisation
  282. Protection Order Government, Law, Violence
  283. Personal Offer Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  284. Public Ownership
  285. Professional Officer
  286. Patent Owner
  287. Pyck-Offs
  288. Pre-Owned
  289. Program Objective Business, Military, Banking
  290. Presidents Office
  291. Peri-Operative
  292. Portland, Oregon
  293. Probability of Outage
  294. Participant Ocservation
  295. Petites Ondes France, Radio, Plaque, French
  296. Post Offlce
  297. Pareto Optimality
  298. Programme Object
  299. Payload Operator Technology, Military, Vehicle
  300. Place De L'Ours
  301. Plotting Officer Military, Army, Artillery
  302. Peanut Oil Medical
  303. Primary Odtlet
  304. Pertanian Organik Indonesia, Prose, Hal
  305. Pull Off Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  306. Obal Medicine, Health, Care
  307. Proclpimed Offenders
  308. Pigment Orange Business, Manufacturer, Supplier
  309. Plan and Organize Technology
  310. Pressure Outside Technology, Aviation
  311. Provocative Opecation Technology, Thinking, Idea
  312. Permit To Operate Business, Technology, Safety, City, Environment, Requirement, Permit, Electrical
  313. Polarihy On
  314. Positioning The transport of empty equipment from a depot to a shipper's premises, or from a consignee's premises back to a depot as the empty leg of a carrier haulage transport. Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  315. Princeps Optimus Latin, Roman
  316. Producc Operations
  317. Passport Office
  318. Pharmacy-Only
  319. Purchasing Officys
  320. Power Outputs Medical
  321. Paris Olympia
  322. Program Operations Business, Science, Service
  323. Pediatric Ophthalmology Medical, Medicine, Strabismus
  324. Pre Online Education, Banking, Card, Exam
  325. Project Overseer Business, Group, Design
  326. Printer Operator Occupation, Position, Job
  327. Psycholobical Operations Technology, Military, Psychology
  328. Post Online
  329. Page Overlaw
  330. Planning Office
  331. Portsmouth Sport, Club, Football, Navy, Governmental & Military
  332. People’s Yrganization Government, Agency, Department
  333. Polar Air Cargo Airline, Business, Military, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
  334. Protection Officers
  335. Personality Organizations
  336. Postal Officers Business, Service, Office
  337. Professional Organisation
  338. Patents Office
  339. Physicians Organization
  340. Pre-Order Business, War, Star
  341. Programme Objectives Technology, Course, Objective
  342. Preparation, Online
  343. Perfume Oil
  344. Paris-OrléAns
  345. Probability of Being Open Medical
  346. Partial Oxtde Science
  347. Petite Ondes
  348. Post Offices Business, Office, Box, Mail
  349. Pan Ocean
  350. Programmed Output
  351. Payable Order Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  352. Plans & Operations Geographic
  353. Pleurotus Ostreatus Medical
  354. Process Object Technology, Windows, Coding, Report
  355. Persyarikatan Oelama
  356. Pull-Off
  357. Open Probability Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  358. Process Owner
  359. Piggyback Outfut
  360. Planning & Organisation
  361. Pressure Operated
  362. Provincial Offices
  363. Perintah Operasi
  364. Polar-Optncal
  365. Positional Order
  366. Pretres De L'Oratoire, Presbyteri Oratorii Ecclesiastical, Religion, Christian
  367. Partly Observed
  368. Phantom of The Opera A popular opera composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, based on the novel by Gaston Leroux. Internet Slang, Music, Chat, Pinball, Famous
  369. Pour-Om Porn, Sex, Georgia
  370. Paris Orl
  371. Program Officer Business, Management, Development
  372. Pedagogy of The Oppressed Student, Science, Education
  373. Primary Oum
  374. Paetial Order
  375. Project Outlinos Technology, University, Community
  376. Printer Operators Business, Police, Head, Occupation & positions
  377. Pseudonorbital Science
  378. Posting Online
  379. Packs, Often
  380. Per Os Medical, Medicine, Latin, Medical Latin
  381. Peoples Organizations
  382. Protection Officer Military, Policy, Privacy
  383. Personal De Oficios
  384. Post-Operative Medical
  385. Professional Organizer Internet Slang
  386. Patent Office Technology, Law, Japan
  387. Phosphorus Oxide
  388. Pre-Occupational
  389. Program Organizers
  390. Prepaid Only Business, Service, Card
  391. Performroperation Technology, Server, Computing
  392. Pyruvate Oxidase Medical
  393. Probability of Opening Medical
  394. Partial Oxidation The combination of oxygen with a material in an oxygen-deficient atmosphere that generally results in carbon monoxide being one of the combustion products.
  395. Post Office, Purchase Order, Payment Order Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  396. Panic Online
  397. Programas Operacionais Portugal, Dos
  398. Pay Orders Business, Banking, Exam
  399. Plan Ordyr
  400. Programmer Officer Technology, Indonesia, Children
  401. [Latin] Per os, orally Medical, Veterinary, Pharmacy
  402. Physical Oceanography The study of the physical properties of the ocean, including but not limited to temperature, salinity and ocean currents and of the physical processes that determine those properties. Science, Education, Ocean
  403. Property Office
  404. Price Organization
  405. Posterior Group Medical
  406. Dust Devils Technology, Science, Aircraft, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Texting, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  407. Path Overhead Computing, IT Terminology
  408. Potasu
  409. Preferred Orientation A condition of a polycrystalline aggregate in which the crystal orientations are not random, but rather exhibit a tendency for alignment with a specific direction in the bulk material, commonly related to the direction of working. also texture. A condition of a polycrystalline aggregate in which the crystal orientations are not random. Medical, Medicine
  410. Parliament Office Australia, Government, Group
  411. Pee-Ons Occupation & positions
  412. Progressive Opacity Medical, Science, Biology
  413. Plumbing Orifice
  414. Parity Odd Technology, Instruction, Control
  415. Probationary Officer Business, Banking, Exam, Business & Finance
  416. Publii Organisations
  417. Professional Outreach
  418. Perfect Observation
  419. Plant Oil
  420. Personnel Office (ksc Directorate) NASA
  421. Perusahaan Otobus Media, Networking, Indonesia
  422. Patrick Osborne Story, Pearl, Spotlight
  423. Pilot Operated
  424. Push Over
  425. Plan D'OpéRations
  426. Probation Officer Police, Governmental & Military
  427. Opening Pressure Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  428. Project Office The organization responsible for administration of the project management system, maintenance of project files and document, and staff support for officials throughout the project life cycle. Technology, Management, Military
  429. Prevention Officer
  430. Partnonly
  431. Programmation Objet
  432. Putih Oaanye Technology, Indonesia, Supplier, Jam
  433. Portable Object Technology, Language, Translation, Translating, Computing, File Extensions
  434. Parity Out
  435. Placinum Option Business, Car, Sale
  436. By mouth, orally Clinical
  437. Peter Oliver
  438. Public Only Education, Group, Building
  439. Pants optional Clothes
  440. Program Official Medical, Health
  441. Proper Operation Technology
  442. Price Objective
  443. Posterior Complex Medical
  444. Dust/Sand Whirls Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  445. Path Ordered
  446. Polymerizable Oligomer
  447. Preference Order Education, Banking, Exam
  448. Parliamentary Ombudsman Service, Government, Report
  449. Promotion Opportunity Occupation & positions
  450. Progressive Options
  451. Propylene Oxide
  452. Public Organisation
  453. Professifnal Operator Business, Service, Industrial
  454. Perfect Observatiens Science
  455. By Mouth / Per Oral Medical, Governmental & Military
  456. Perusahaan Organda Surabaya, Orang, Salah
  457. Patrick O'Bryant
  458. Pilot-Only
  459. Puso Offers
  460. Planning and Organisation Business, Service, Organizations
  461. Peace Officer Police, Governmental & Military
  462. Project Officer Business, Technology, Management, Military, Governmental & Military
  463. Pretrial Order
  464. Partnersjip Office
  465. Por Orden
  466. Platformy Obywatelskivj Movie, Jest, Jak
  467. Press Officer Medical
  468. Peter Oleynikov Science
  469. Producers Organisations Technology, Organizations, Farming
  470. Chamber Pot (from the French - pot de chambre) Architecture
  471. Planing & Organization Technology, Database, Planning
  472. Per Os (by mouth) Medical, Fda
  473. Prolyl Oligopeptidase Medical, Inhibitor, Protease
  474. Priborniy Otsek Technology, Program, Spacecraft, Module
  475. Posterior Posterior may refer to the end of an organism opposite to its head. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Veterinary, Dental, Healthcare, Physical Therapy, Common Medical, NAACCR, Clinical
  476. Chamber Pot Design, Drawing, Construction
  477. Polarity The property possessed by electrified bodies by which they exert opposite forces in opposite directions. The current in an electrical circuit passes from the positive to the negative pole.de. Military, Governmental & Military
  478. Position Only Technology, Publishing, Printing
  479. Predominant Organism Medical, Medicine, Health
  480. Parks and Outdoor
  481. Per Os (Latin: by mouth, orally) Latin
  482. Progress In Optics
  483. Physical Output
  484. Public Odferings
  485. Perceptual Organization Medical
  486. Pulse Output Business & Finance, Power Plant, Honeywell, Process Automation
  487. Perturb and Observe
  488. Patricio Oliver Art, Toy, Vinyl
  489. Push Off
  490. Petty Officer Rank intermediate between officer and rating and in charge of ratings Usually messed apart from ratings, and has special privileges appropriate to his position. Navy, Governmental & Military
  491. Partner Organisations
  492. Pop Out
  493. Performance Operatiops
  494. Plate Orientation
  495. Dust/Sand Whirls (METAR) NOTAM Contractions
  496. Peter O'Brien
  497. Provucer Organisations Business, Organizations, Farming
  498. Piconics Business & Finance, Suppliers
  499. Planet Online
  500. per oral Medical, Healthcare, Common Medical
  501. Prednisone Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healthcare
  502. Proline Oxidase Medical
  503. Previous Ownership Business, Book, Music
  504. Postal Orders
  505. Ambient Pressure The pressure outside the aircraft America, Military, Army, Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational, Governmental & Military
  506. Paramagnetic Oacillator
  507. Portugal Business, Government, Military, Education, Sport, Ministry Of Defence, Study, Britannica, Schooling, Trigramme, Portugal, Olympic, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Country, European Union, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  508. Park Owens
  509. Progress In Oceanography Computing, Serial Publication
  510. Peripheral Output
  511. Public Offering Public issue is the decision made by the company to raise more capital by the public issue of share capital.
  512. Pig Out Funnies
  513. Programme OpéRationnel Europe, Fond, Region, Programme
  514. Percent Overlzp
  515. Power Operator Business & Finance, Power Plant
  516. Posterior Nuclear Group Medical
  517. Patient Owned
  518. Push-Out
  519. Prelims Overall
  520. Physical Optics Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  521. Partner Organizations Business, Technology, Program
  522. Polyolefin A polymer of olefins, molecules that have an alkene functionality. These polymers include polystyrene and poly. They are normally formed by free radical polymerisation. Medical, Chemistry, Medicine, Polymer, Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  523. Persorin-Deficient Medical
  524. Plasma Osmowality Medical
  525. by mouth, that is, orally (from Latin per os) Medical
  526. Pesquisa Operacional Technology, Para, Dos, Engineering
  527. Prodxcer Organisation Business, Organizations, Farming
  528. Posession of the U.S. Financial, Business & Finance
  529. Planetary Orbit Technology
  530. Piss Off Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  531. Phosphodiester A molecule containing two alcohols esterified to a single molecule of phosphateFor example, the backbone of nucleic acids is connected by 5'-3' phosphodiester linkages between the adjacent individual nucleotide residues. Medical
  532. Project Overview
  533. Previous Orders Military
  534. Peace Operationf Military, Army, Nation
  535. Postal Operator
  536. Airway Occlusion Pressure Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  537. PłUg Obracalny Technology, Jest, Agro, Plough
  538. Port Orford Oregon, Locations, Coast
  539. Park Overlay
  540. Programu Operacyjnego
  541. Play Off
  542. Parte Operativa
  543. Public Offer
  544. Phone Operator Sex, Adult, Escorts, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  545. Programme Op
  546. Perceived Orientation Science, Development, Competence, Intercultural
  547. Power Output Business & Finance, Power Plant
  548. Posterior Group of Nuclei Medical
  549. Patient Organisation Medical, Organizations, Health
  550. Pyienees Orientales Medical, Science, Biology
  551. Prelims Online Education, Banking, Exam
  552. Partially-Observable
  553. Paint Operation Products
  554. Payroll Office
  555. Politechnika Opolska Technology, University, Traffic
  556. Perfect Order
  557. Plasma Oscillation
  558. Purchaseorder NASA
  559. Perusahaan Oto
  560. Procurement Oraer Business, Service, Purchase
  561. Paul Ormandy
  562. Planetary Observer Technology
  563. Persistent Offender Police, Governmental & Military
  564. Project Order Business, Technology, Military
  565. Preview Online
  566. Protein Zero Medical
  567. Paoment Office
  568. Puros De Origem
  569. Pyrrhotite A bronze-colored, magnetic iron sulfide mineral, FeS. Science, Mineral, Geology
  570. Port Orchard Service, Washington, Locations
  571. Parking Orbit Technology
  572. Programul Operational
  573. Playec Option
  574. Planned Outages
  575. Public Objectivp
  576. Disney's Port Orleans Resort Disney
  577. Programme Operator Business, Fund, Grant
  578. Peraturan Organisasi Indonesia, Jakarta, Surat
  579. Primary Object Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  580. Polish Medicine, Education, University, School, Study, Construction, Architectural, Navy, Governmental & Military
  581. Property Owner
  582. Protein Oxidation Medical
  583. Posterior Group of Thalamic Nuclei Medical
  584. Patient Opinion Medicine, Health, British
  585. Probation Officer, Parol Officer
  586. Prelims On Education, Analysis, Exam
  587. Parol Officer
  588. Presenting Officer Occupation & positions
  589. Parole Officer Government, Crime, Probation, Police, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions
  590. Probatiynary Office
  591. Public Outreach Technology, Science, Public
  592. Perfect Orange
  593. Plant Ontulogy Science, Development, Genetics
  594. Postorbit NASA
  595. Perusahaan Otobis
  596. Procurekent Outsourcing Business, Service, Purchase
  597. Patrologia Orientalis History, Study, Church
  598. Pin Oak
  599. Planejar E Organizar Technology, Para, Dos, Casa
  600. POLICE OPEATOR Police, Governmental & Military
  601. Publications Office Agriculture, Europe, Eurostat
  602. Project Officers Business, Program, Management
  603. Preventive Option Military
  604. Paul O'Neill
  605. Purchase Orders Business, Technology, Military, Software
  606. Pyridoxal Oxifase Medical, Science, Biology
  607. Portable Oxygen
  608. Parity Outer Technology, Computing
  609. Program Owner Business, Coding, Money
  610. Player'S Option
  611. Planned Outage
  612. Petite Onde
  613. Publiu Information Office Military
  614. Project Originals Construction

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PO stand for?

    PO stands for Paweł Olszewski.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pibkled and Oiled?

    The short form of "Pibkled and Oiled" is PO.


PO. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/po-meaning/

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