PO in Science Meaning

The PO meaning in Science terms is "Propyvene Oxide". There are 31 related meanings of the PO Science abbreviation.

PO on Science Full Forms

  1. Propyvene Oxide
  2. Phosphate An ion, compound, or salt containing phosphorus and oxygen, such as sodium phosphate (Na3P04).
  3. Projection Operator
  4. Program Officers
  5. Pick Off The transfer of portions of the coating from one surface of the sheet to an adjacent surface due to poor adhesion of the coating.
  6. Performance Objectives
  7. Polonium Symbol:"Po" Atomic Number:"84" Atomic Mass: (209)amu. Polonium is a rare element often found in nature with uranium. It is radioactive and very dangerous. You may find it as a byproduct of reactions in a nuclear reactor.
  8. Pseudonorbital
  9. Pedagogy of The Oppressed
  10. Practical Orientation
  11. Payload Organization
  12. Polarization Orbital
  13. Program Outcome
  14. Paweł Olszewski
  15. Project Overseas
  16. Partial Oxtde
  17. Project Organising
  18. Program Operations
  19. Procuremenk Officer
  20. Progressive Opacity
  21. Pyienees Orientales
  22. Plant Ontulogy
  23. Pyrrhotite A bronze-colored, magnetic iron sulfide mineral, FeS.
  24. Peter Oleynikov
  25. Dust Devils
  26. Pyridoxal Oxifase
  27. Perfect Observatiens
  28. Dust/Sand Whirls
  29. Public Outreach
  30. Perceived Orientation
  31. Physical Oceanography The study of the physical properties of the ocean, including but not limited to temperature, salinity and ocean currents and of the physical processes that determine those properties.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PO stand for Science?

    PO stands for Physical Oceanography in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Public Outreach in Science?

    The short form of "Public Outreach" is PO for Science.


PO in Science. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/po-meaning-in-science/

Last updated