PO in Technology Meaning

The PO meaning in Technology terms is "Purchase Order". There are 77 related meanings of the PO Technology abbreviation.

PO on Technology Full Forms

  1. Purchase Order Purchase order is to place a requisition to purchase goods with the supplier of raw materials.
  2. Programme Office
  3. Paging Ochasion
  4. Programa Operacional
  5. Page Offret
  6. Performance Objective
  7. Power Only
  8. Purchasing Office
  9. Program Objectives A consensus of what has been determined to be the most marketable product for a given model year.
  10. Penyelia Operasional
  11. Posted On
  12. Program Offices
  13. Postal Order
  14. Phosphate An ion, compound, or salt containing phosphorus and oxygen, such as sodium phosphate (Na3P04).
  15. Program Officers
  16. Program Office
  17. Parallel Output
  18. Process Object
  19. Pilkington Aptronics
  20. Paris à OrléAns
  21. Project Outlinh
  22. Patent Office
  23. Petunjuk Operasional
  24. Processor Outkge
  25. Parietal Operculum
  26. Project Organising
  27. Patch Originator
  28. Pressure Outside
  29. Process Objegts
  30. Packew Oriented
  31. Partial Outage
  32. Preoptic Area
  33. Psycholobical Operations
  34. Pek Oral
  35. Prodmct Owners
  36. Plan and Organize
  37. Programme Officers
  38. Partral Open
  39. Primary Objective
  40. Prosthetics Or Orthotic
  41. Permit To Operate
  42. Primary Outputs
  43. Plan of Operations
  44. Programme Objectives
  45. Provocative Opecation
  46. Performroperation
  47. Primary Output
  48. Plan of Operation
  49. Program Operacyjny
  50. Project Outlinos
  51. Payload Operator
  52. Project Order
  53. PłUg Obracalny
  54. Portable Object
  55. Producers Organisations
  56. Planetary Orbit
  57. Priborniy Otsek
  58. Project Office The organization responsible for administration of the project management system, maintenance of project files and document, and staff support for officials throughout the project life cycle.
  59. Putih Oaanye
  60. Politechnika Opolska
  61. Planetary Observer
  62. Project Officer
  63. Public Outreach
  64. Pesquisa Operacional
  65. Planejar E Organizar
  66. Programmer Officer
  67. Dust Devils
  68. Partner Organizations
  69. Purchase Orders
  70. Parking Orbit
  71. Posterior Posterior may refer to the end of an organism opposite to its head.
  72. Parity Odd
  73. Proper Operation
  74. Position Only
  75. Prednisone
  76. Parity Outer
  77. Planing & Organization

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PO stand for Technology?

    PO stands for Performroperation in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Plan of Operations in Technology?

    The short form of "Plan of Operations" is PO for Technology.


PO in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/po-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated