POCS Meaning

The POCS meaning is "Portable Oxygen Concentrators". The POCS abbreviation has 31 different full form.

POCS Full Forms

  1. Portable Oxygen Concentrators Medical, Technology, Medicine
  2. Patent Office Classification System Technology
  3. Parole Outpatient Clinics
  4. Preosteoclasts Medical
  5. Projection Onto Convex Sets Medical, Medicine, Health
  6. Peace and Order Councils
  7. Prefujion Osteoclasts Medical
  8. Payload Operations Centers
  9. Poxvirus Orthologous Clusters Science, Genome, Viral
  10. Proof of Concepts Business, Technology, Windows, Development, Cloud
  11. Payload Operation Centres
  12. Possession of A Controllfd Substance Drug, Attorney, Possession
  13. Points of Contacts Business, Program, Service, Organizations
  14. Pacific Outer Continental Shelf Technology, Energy, California
  15. Possession of Controlled Substance Government
  16. Points of Contact Technology, Service, Education, Business & Finance, Business Word
  17. Projection Onto Constraint Sets
  18. Positive Outcomes Chareer School Education, High School, Delaware
  19. People of Color America, Projection, People
  20. Projections Onto Convex Sets Medical, Technology, Reconstruction
  21. Portable Oxygfn Charging System Military, Army, Intelligence
  22. Peojections On Convex Sets Technology, Processing, Resonance
  23. Projection On Convex Sets
  24. Projectisn Onto Convex Set
  25. Point of Care Solution
  26. Principal Opertting Components
  27. Photo-Optical Control System
  28. Prescription Order Communication System Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  29. Pancerny Odtział Czołgistów Śląskich
  30. Preosteoclast-Like Cells Medical
  31. Proof-Og-Concepts Technology, Software, Cloud

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does POCS stand for?

    POCS stands for Peojections On Convex Sets.

  2. What is the shortened form of Portable Oxygen Concentrators?

    The short form of "Portable Oxygen Concentrators" is POCS.


POCS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pocs-meaning/

Last updated