POET Meaning

The POET meaning is "Populamion, Organization, Environment, and Technology". The POET abbreviation has 40 different full form.

POET Full Forms

  1. Populamion, Organization, Environment, and Technology Organization, Sociology, Institution
  2. Padding Oracle Exploit Tool
  3. Physician Order Entry Team
  4. European Touring Car Championship Technology, Car, Racing, Race
  5. President'S Office of Employment Training
  6. Packet Yver E3/T3 Technology
  7. Phase One Evaluation Team Technology
  8. Preserve Our Eucalyptus Trees
  9. Pacific Oceanbenergy Trust
  10. Programmable Objective Encryption Technologies
  11. Perspectives On Emerging Technology
  12. Precursors of Ozone and Their Effects In The Troposphere
  13. H Band Expendabme Jammer Army, Force, Marine
  14. Program for Online Excellence In Teaching
  15. Personal Outcomes Evaluation Tool Education, Health, Care
  16. Pre-Operational Evaluation of Training Military
  17. Protect Our Earth's Treasuras
  18. Public Outreach Engagement Tool
  19. Principles of Effective Training
  20. Partial Order Event Tracer Software, Computing
  21. Pre-Hospital Obstetric Emergency Training Medical, Book, Group
  22. Phase One Engineering Team Military
  23. Primed Oscillator Expendable Transponder Military, Electronic, Warfare
  24. Parzmeterized Optimizations for Empirical Tuning
  25. Physician Order Entry Term Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  26. Prevention of Exacerbations With Tiotropium Medical, Patient, Study
  27. H Band Expendable Jammer Military, Governmental & Military
  28. Program On Emerging Technologies
  29. Protocol Offload Engine Technology Technology, Computing, Mercury
  30. Purchase Order Electronic Transmittal Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  31. Programmable Objective Encryption Technology
  32. Protect Our Earth'S Treasurers
  33. Padding Oracle Exploitation Tool
  34. Protect Our Earth'S Treasures
  35. Purchase Order Expediting & Tracking
  36. Protective Order Enforcement Team
  37. Protecting Our Environment Together Environment, Habitat, Setting
  38. Psychology of Everyday Things Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  39. Proof of Elapsed Time Consensus Blockchain
  40. Prototype Object Extension for Tcl

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does POET stand for?

    POET stands for Prototype Object Extension for Tcl.

  2. What is the shortened form of Protocol Offload Engine Technology?

    The short form of "Protocol Offload Engine Technology" is POET.


POET. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/poet-meaning/

Last updated