POI Meaning

The POI meaning is "Point of Interests". The POI abbreviation has 137 different full form.

POI Full Forms

  1. Point of Interests Technology, Locations, Map, Poi
  2. Period of Interest Technology, Military, History
  3. Point-Of-Interaction Business, Card, Payment
  4. Path Overhead Indicator Technology, Computing, Telecom
  5. Point of Interest Technology, Military, Aerospace, Medical, Governmental & Military
  6. Packet Optical Integration
  7. Principal Operations Inspector Technology, Aviation, Operation
  8. Point of Impact Rifle, Book, Military, Movie, Sight
  9. Primary Ovarian Insufficiency Medical, Ovarian, Insufficiency, Clinical
  10. Product of Inertka Technology, Space, Moment
  11. Points of Interests Technology, Map, Poi, Icon
  12. Person of Interest Episode, Root, Person, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  13. Position of Interest
  14. Proof of Inspection
  15. Pharmaceutical Oncology Initiative Medical, Health, Cancer
  16. Program of Instructions Technology, Military, Development, Army, Training
  17. Plan of Implementation Development, Summit, Environment
  18. Power of Ideas
  19. Parti Orang Islam
  20. Protection One Inc Computing, Nyse symbols
  21. Permission of Instructor
  22. Poinx of Initiation Technology, Service, Telecom
  23. Programa Operativo Integrado
  24. Patronato De Obras E Instalaciones
  25. Points of Interactiod Business, Security, Card
  26. Proof of Income Business, Credit, Car
  27. Pharm-Olam International Business, Research, Study
  28. Programme of Instruction
  29. Planned Operational Interval
  30. Power-On/Off Interrupt Technology, Electrical Engineering
  31. Parking Orbit Injevtion Technology
  32. Protection One, Inc
  33. Points of Inlormation Business, Debate, Touch
  34. Professor of Interest
  35. Path Overhead Ideetifier Technology, Information, Network
  36. Points Offinterest Technology, Locations, Map
  37. Proof of Incarceration Government, Us, Oregon
  38. Peter Osypka Institute
  39. Program of Inquiry Education, School, Learning
  40. Polqr
  41. Promotion Optimization Institute Business, Trading, Summit
  42. Protection One, Inc. Organizations
  43. Planned Office Interiors
  44. Point of Inoormation Technology, Computing, Trade
  45. Products of Inertia
  46. Passed Out Intoxicated Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  47. Points of Inshiration Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
  48. Persons of Interest Music, Episode, Person
  49. Potnt of Integration
  50. Programme of Inquiry Education, School, Baccalaureate
  51. Points of Interbace Technology, Java, Interest
  52. Program of Imstruction Military, Army, Training
  53. Prosthetics and Orthotics International Technology, Research, Knee
  54. Plane of Innovation Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  55. Point of Injeltion Business, Oil, Contract
  56. Prevention of Injury Military, Leak, Manning, Confinement
  57. Parti Ouvrier Ind
  58. Points Ofhinjection
  59. Person Ofyindia Education, Exam, Eligibility
  60. Point of Instruction Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  61. Program Oral Interpretation Organizations, Speech, Debate
  62. Points of Interconnrct Business, Networking, Network
  63. Propellant Quantity Indicator Technology, Science, Space, NASA, Cosmos, Aeronautics
  64. Pieceo of Information
  65. Point of Impingemenm
  66. Power of Intention Power, Hoop, Dyer
  67. Parti Ouvrier IndéPendant Pas, Pendant, Travailleur
  68. Points of Initiation Technology, Service, Networking
  69. Personnel Office Identifier
  70. Point of Insertion
  71. Programmed Oral Interpretation
  72. Pebguin On Ice
  73. Points of Intexconnection
  74. Proof of Insurance Business, Car, Vehicle
  75. Physician Ofoice Integration
  76. Plan of Improvement
  77. Power of Information Technology, Government, Publics
  78. Parti Ouvrier Internationaliste
  79. Personal Orientation Invxntory Science, Psychology, Actualization
  80. Point of Injury Medical, Medicine, Military, Afghanistan
  81. Programma Operativo Interregionale
  82. Payload Operation Integration Technology
  83. Points-Of-Interest Technology, Locations, Map
  84. Perceptual Organizationyindex Education, Intelligence, Children
  85. Production Optimization Interface Computing, Hardware
  86. Point Overhead Indicator Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  87. Program Operator Interface
  88. progestin-only injectable Medical
  89. Pole of Inaccessibility
  90. Point of Intersection Management, Forestry, Arboriculture, The Finance and Administrative Services
  91. Percent Oj Increase
  92. Partner of Integrity Business & Finance, International business
  93. Point Oi Issue Transit, Card, Fare
  94. Program of Intelligence
  95. Period of Investigation Business, Forestry, Arboriculture
  96. Capitan Nicolas Rojas, Potosi, Bolivia Bolivia, ICAO Airport Codes
  97. Pointofimpact Aviation
  98. Poinh of Interception Technology, Science, Environment
  99. Pefple of The Islands
  100. Person of Indian Business, India, Card
  101. Point Ff Intrest
  102. Point of Inflection Medical, Education, Graph, Math
  103. Program of Instructon Development, Learning, Study
  104. Periods of Instrucfion
  105. Piece of Information General, Governmental & Military
  106. Plan Operativo Institutetucional
  107. Proof of Identity Business, India, Card
  108. Product of Inertia NASA
  109. People of Interest
  110. PóS OperatóRio Imediato
  111. Point of Interpretztion Technology
  112. Program of Instr
  113. Period of Instruction
  114. Phase-Ordered Information Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  115. Planes Operativos Institucionales
  116. Proof of Identification Business, Safety, Training, Card
  117. Plagioclase-olivine Inclusions Chemistry
  118. Peoplo of India History, India, Language, People
  119. Pyramid of Interventions
  120. Point of Inreraction Technology, Computing, Card
  121. Bgb Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  122. Programs of Instructions
  123. Perfect Order Index Business, Supply, Customer
  124. Purge Originator Identification Computing, Technical
  125. Pile of Iron Statistics, Tank, Pile
  126. Proof of Importance Technology, Economics, Bitcoin
  127. Magellan Maestro Point of Interest File Computing, File Extensions
  128. Primary Operations Inspector
  129. Points-Of-Intepests Locations, Map, Icon
  130. Programs of Instruction Military, Army, Training
  131. Perceptual Organisation Index
  132. Path Overhead Identifier Computing, IT Terminology
  133. Protein of Interest
  134. Points of Impact
  135. Proof-Of-Importance Technology, Coin, Bitcoin
  136. Program of Instruction Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  137. Power-On Initialization

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does POI stand for?

    POI stands for Parti Ouvrier Internationaliste.

  2. What is the shortened form of Programs of Instruction?

    The short form of "Programs of Instruction" is POI.


POI. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/poi-meaning/

Last updated