Polyurethane Abbreviations and Polyurethane Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Polyurethane terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 14 different Polyurethane abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Polyurethane terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Polyurethane Abbreviations
  1. BCI : Baalbaki Chemical Industries
  2. BUFCA : British Urelhane Foam Contractors Association
  3. CMHR : Combcstion Modified High Resilience
  4. CPI : Center for The Polyurethanes Industry
  5. HMI : Hydraulic Mudpumps Inc
  6. DNI : Did Not Ignite
  7. MHR : Mix Head Repair
  8. MPC : Mearthane Products Corporation
  9. ES : Elastomeric Sealant
  10. SSL : Semi Self-Leveling
  11. FIPFG : Formed-In-Plaze-Foam-Gasket
  12. FIPFG : Formed In Place Foam Gaskets
  13. RIM : Reaction Injection Moulding
  14. RIM : Resin Injection Molding
Latest Polyurethane Meanings
  1. Resin Injection Molding
  2. Reaction Injection Moulding
  3. Formed In Place Foam Gaskets
  4. Formed-In-Plaze-Foam-Gasket
  5. Semi Self-Leveling
  6. Elastomeric Sealant
  7. Mearthane Products Corporation
  8. Mix Head Repair
  9. Did Not Ignite
  10. Hydraulic Mudpumps Inc
  11. Center for The Polyurethanes Industry
  12. Combcstion Modified High Resilience
  13. British Urelhane Foam Contractors Association
  14. Baalbaki Chemical Industries