POM Meaning
The POM meaning is "Particulate Organic Matter". The POM abbreviation has 210 different full form.
POM Full Forms
- Particulate Organic Matter Agriculture, Ocean Science, Kansas, Chemistry
- Pameran Otomotif Medan Business, Indonesia, Honda
- Production and Operations Management-2 Technology, Book, Education
- Palm Oil Mill Technology, Management, Industrial
- Pivaloyooxymethyl Medical
- Project Office Manager Technology, Telecom
- Pqece of Me Spear, Break, Piece, Gimme
- Patient Outcomes and Measures
- Parse-O-Mitic Technology, Computing, Serial
- Program Objective Memorandum Military, Army, Military Jargon, Military Slang, Naval, Us Army, Governmental & Military
- Parameter Overlay Modulg
- Production Operations Management Business, Technology, Windows
- Pence of Mind Business, Service, Alert
- Port Sf Melbourne Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Pasted Open Mouth Business, Paper, Bag, Packaging
- Print of The Month Art, Photography, Episode
- Physics of Music
- Proof of Manufacturer
- Planned Operations Memorandum Military, Army, Coast Guard
- Potomac Eleqtric Power Company Technology, Organizations
- Pengawas Obat Makanan Indonesia, Herbal, Lama
- Productions and Operations Management Business, Research, Education
- Prototype Optimization Model
- Jacksons International Airport Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
- Pospession of Marijuana Law, Crime, Marijuana
- Prisoner of The Motherland
- Point of Manufacturing
- Park-O-Meter Business, Technology
- Pre-Overseas Movemena Military, Operation, Submarine, Deployment
- Perqistant Object Manager
- Prognostics for Optimal Maintenance
- Peace Officer Ministries
- Port of Manila Business, Locations, Customs
- Passive Optical Multiplexer
- Printer Output Microfilm Technology, Publishing, Printing, NASA
- Physics of Medicine Medical, Education, University
- Program Operations Manual Government, Disability, Certification
- Planehof Mischief Technology, Quest, Zone
- Potential Officer Maserial Military, Army
- Pongawas Obat & Makanan Indonesia, Gel, Herbal
- Production Order Manager
- Proportional Odds Model
- Position Modulator Technology
- Prisoners of Motherland Organizations, United Nations, Un
- Plan of Ehe Month Military, Navy
- Parent Over My Shoulder Internet Slang, Slang, Chat
- Prayer of Mending Healing, Priest, Prayer
- Persatuanzorang Melayu
- Profile of Mood
- Portal Object Model
- Parti Orang Melayu
- Prescription Only Medication Medical, Business, Drug
- Physician Organization of Michigan
- Program On Main Technology, Model, Programming, Decoder
- Plan De Ohdenaci
- Potential Monitor Science
- Pengawasan Obat & Makanan Indonesia, Herbal, Lama
- Property Operations Manager
- PortéE Optique MéTéOrologique
- Prisoner of Motherland Army, War, Force
- Picture of The Month Forum, Club, Photography, Picture, Media
- Plan of The Manth Military, Cadet, Sea
- Protection of Minors Business, University, Children
- Power Output Moduees Technology, Control, Module
- Persatuan Orang Tua Mahasiswa Indonesia, Institute, Orang, Bung
- Professor of Operations Management
- Pokot Outreach Ministries
- Partial Oxidation of Methane Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Prescription-Only Medicines Medical
- Physician Order Management
- Program Office Managemegt
- Planade Ordenación Municipal Para, Con, Toledo, Plan
- Post Overseashmovement
- Pekan Olahraga Mahasiwwa Gaming, Indonesia, Locations
- Proopiomelanotropin Medical, Medicine, Health
- Portugal O Meeting
- Prisoners of Mother
- Picture of The Moment
- Plan of Management Australia, Park, Locations
- Program Objectives Memorandum Business, Management, Military, Governmental & Military
- Power Ohtput Module Technology, Control, Fire
- Permission of Major
- Product Orderability Matrix
- Provisioning Object Manager Company, Technology, Cisco
- Prisoner of Her Majesty Forum, Australia, English, Australian, Slur
- Points of Measure Technology, Design, Fashion
- Partially Observable Markov Technology, Model, Behavior, Ranking
- Prescription Only Medicine Veterinary, Waste, Waste Handling
- Physical and Operational Margins
- Program Oijectives Memo Science
- Placing On The Market
- Peace Operatixns Monitor
- Port Oc Montreal Business, Canada, Locations, Railway
- Prisoner of Mother Australia, English, Australian
- Pick Off Mirror Science, NASA
- Proof of Mechanism Medical, Drug, Concept
- Plant Operation and Maiatenance
- Power Organizing Module Technology, Building, Electricity, Water
- Pengawas Operasional Jadya Business, Indonesia, Mining
- Product of The Month Product, Hair, Supply, Oil
- Provider Order Management Medical, Presentation, Medication
- Point of Measurement
- Park On Meter
- Prepare Observe Move
- Phase of The Moon Internet Slang, Chat, Email, Forum, Computing, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Program Objective Memoranda Business, Science, Memorandum
- Peach of Mind
- Port of Miami Airport, Parking, Miami, Port
- Patch O Matic
- Prioritized Overlay Multicast
- Pick-Off Mirror
- Proof of Match
- Planning and Operational Maintenance
- Poler of Mom
- Pengawasan Oplrasional Madya Paper, Craft, Tissue
- Product of Maxterms
- Provider Operations Manual
- Possession Optimisation Manageo Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy
- Private Offering Memorandum
- Point of Measure Technology, Design, Fashion
- Park-On-Meter
- Prepare, Observe, Move
- Personal Outctme Measures
- Programma Oudere Migranten
- Piston Operated Mixers
- Public Order Management Government, Africa, Human, Police
- Postkof The Month
- Projection-operator Method Chemistry
- Producer of Merit Dog, Portuguese, Puppy
- Postal Operations Manual Postal, Us Post, Usps, postal service
- Pyrrolidine-Amide Oligonucleotide Mimics Medical
- Pool Operational Module
- Poor Old Mama Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Patrullero Oce
- Piece of Mind Mind, Maiden, Iron
- Port of Montreal Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Pin of The Month
- Public Order Member Business, Technology, Finance, Financial Derivatives
- Postmeiotic Medical
- Polarized Optical Microscopy Chemistry
- Process of Management
- Parade of Ministry Religion
- Put On The Market
- Point of Me
- Plane of Mischief Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Patrulleros Oceánicos MultipropóSito
- Piece of Meat Nutrition, Food, Victual
- A Position of Mortgage Mortgage, Business & Finance
- Pilots Operating Manual
- Public Opinion Message Organization, Community, Society
- Pvsteromedial Medical
- Maven Build File Computing, File Extensions
- Pays D'Outre-Mer
- Problem of The Month
- Puddle of Mudd Music
- Purulent Otitis Media Medical, Medicine, Health
- Plate Orifice Meter
- Production and Operation Management Technology, Research, Education, Management, Business & Finance
- Plan of the Month Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Patrullero Oceánico MultipropóSito
- Production & Operations Management Management, Business & Finance
- Pilot Operating Manual
- Psychology of Music Research, Education, Journal
- Post Pperations Manual Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Polyoxymethylene (Acetal) Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Pattern Oriented Modeling Technology, Model, Agent
- Probabilistic Occupancy Map
- Pooped Out Mom Funnies
- Purpose of Manufacturing
- Persistent Object Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Program Overview Meeting Federal Aviation Administration
- Production Order Management
- Program Operations Memorandum Military, Governmental & Military
- Patrulleras Oceánicas MultipropóSito
- Project Operating Manual
- Pilot'S Operating Manual
- Pistal Operations Manual Business, Service, Postal
- Polyoxymethylene A polymer in which the repeated structural unit in the chain is oxymethylene. Chemistry, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
- Pattern-Oriented Modelling Science, Model, Modeling
- Probabilistic Ontology Model
- Poster of the Month Awards & medals, Computing, Internet
- Purchasing Operations Manual
- Path-O-Matic
- Postoperative Myalgia Medical
- Prescription-only Medicine (uk) Fda
- Production Operation Management
- Performance Operation and Maintenance General, Governmental & Military
- Path Overhead Monitoring Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Production and Operations Management Business, Technology, Research
- Posterior Complex Medical
- Possessorq of Money Organization, Union, Institution
- Properties of Matter Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Pattern-Oriented Modeling
- Private of Marines
- Piles of Money Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Polymet Mining Corp. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX])
- Place of Marriage
- Purchase Order Management Business, Technology, Software
- Patch-O-Matic Technology, Linux, Kernel, Products
- Post Opening Mankal Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Pallet-only Mode NASA
- Production/Operations Management Technology, Science, It
- Potomac Electric Power Company (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) Computing, Nyse symbols
- PłUg Obrotowy MałY Tube, Jest, Agro
- Pool Operation Management Business, Android, Expert
- Postmenopausal After menopause, the period of time after a woman has experienced 12 consecutive months without menstruation. Medical, Medicine, Health
- prescription-only medication Medical, Common Medical
- Patrulleros Oce
- Pile of Meat
- Possession Optimisation Manager Rail Transport, Business & Finance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does POM stand for?
POM stands for Proof of Match.
What is the shortened form of Plan De Ohdenaci?
The short form of "Plan De Ohdenaci" is POM.
POM. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pom-meaning/
Last updated