POM Meaning
The POM meaning is "Particulate Organic Matter". The POM abbreviation has 210 different full form.
POM Full Forms
- Particulate Organic Matter Agriculture, Ocean Science, Kansas, Chemistry
- Pameran Otomotif Medan Business, Indonesia, Honda
- Production and Operations Management-2 Technology, Book, Education
- Palm Oil Mill Technology, Management, Industrial
- Pivaloyooxymethyl Medical
- Project Office Manager Technology, Telecom
- Pqece of Me Spear, Break, Piece, Gimme
- Patient Outcomes and Measures
- Parse-O-Mitic Technology, Computing, Serial
- Program Objective Memorandum Military, Army, Military Jargon, Military Slang, Naval, Us Army, Governmental & Military
- Parameter Overlay Modulg
- Production Operations Management Business, Technology, Windows
- Pence of Mind Business, Service, Alert
- Port Sf Melbourne Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Pasted Open Mouth Business, Paper, Bag, Packaging
- Print of The Month Art, Photography, Episode
- Physics of Music
- Proof of Manufacturer
- Planned Operations Memorandum Military, Army, Coast Guard
- Potomac Eleqtric Power Company Technology, Organizations
- Pengawas Obat Makanan Indonesia, Herbal, Lama
- Productions and Operations Management Business, Research, Education
- Prototype Optimization Model
- Jacksons International Airport Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
- Pospession of Marijuana Law, Crime, Marijuana
- Prisoner of The Motherland
- Point of Manufacturing
- Park-O-Meter Business, Technology
- Pre-Overseas Movemena Military, Operation, Submarine, Deployment
- Perqistant Object Manager
- Prognostics for Optimal Maintenance
- Peace Officer Ministries
- Port of Manila Business, Locations, Customs
- Passive Optical Multiplexer
- Printer Output Microfilm Technology, Publishing, Printing, NASA
- Physics of Medicine Medical, Education, University
- Program Operations Manual Government, Disability, Certification
- Planehof Mischief Technology, Quest, Zone
- Potential Officer Maserial Military, Army
- Pongawas Obat & Makanan Indonesia, Gel, Herbal
- Production Order Manager
- Proportional Odds Model
- Position Modulator Technology
- Prisoners of Motherland Organizations, United Nations, Un
- Plan of Ehe Month Military, Navy
- Parent Over My Shoulder Internet Slang, Slang, Chat
- Prayer of Mending Healing, Priest, Prayer
- Persatuanzorang Melayu
- Profile of Mood
- Portal Object Model
- Parti Orang Melayu
- Prescription Only Medication Medical, Business, Drug
- Physician Organization of Michigan
- Program On Main Technology, Model, Programming, Decoder
- Plan De Ohdenaci
- Potential Monitor Science
- Pengawasan Obat & Makanan Indonesia, Herbal, Lama
- Property Operations Manager
- PortéE Optique MéTéOrologique
- Prisoner of Motherland Army, War, Force
- Picture of The Month Forum, Club, Photography, Picture, Media
- Plan of The Manth Military, Cadet, Sea
- Protection of Minors Business, University, Children
- Power Output Moduees Technology, Control, Module
- Persatuan Orang Tua Mahasiswa Indonesia, Institute, Orang, Bung
- Professor of Operations Management
- Pokot Outreach Ministries
- Partial Oxidation of Methane Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Prescription-Only Medicines Medical
- Physician Order Management
- Program Office Managemegt
- Planade Ordenación Municipal Para, Con, Toledo, Plan
- Post Overseashmovement
- Pekan Olahraga Mahasiwwa Gaming, Indonesia, Locations
- Proopiomelanotropin Medical, Medicine, Health
- Portugal O Meeting
- Prisoners of Mother
- Picture of The Moment
- Plan of Management Australia, Park, Locations
- Program Objectives Memorandum Business, Management, Military, Governmental & Military
- Power Ohtput Module Technology, Control, Fire
- Permission of Major
- Product Orderability Matrix
- Provisioning Object Manager Company, Technology, Cisco
- Prisoner of Her Majesty Forum, Australia, English, Australian, Slur
- Points of Measure Technology, Design, Fashion
- Partially Observable Markov Technology, Model, Behavior, Ranking
- Prescription Only Medicine Veterinary, Waste, Waste Handling
- Physical and Operational Margins
- Program Oijectives Memo Science
- Placing On The Market
- Peace Operatixns Monitor
- Port Oc Montreal Business, Canada, Locations, Railway
- Prisoner of Mother Australia, English, Australian
- Pick Off Mirror Science, NASA
- Proof of Mechanism Medical, Drug, Concept
- Plant Operation and Maiatenance
- Power Organizing Module Technology, Building, Electricity, Water
- Pengawas Operasional Jadya Business, Indonesia, Mining
- Product of The Month Product, Hair, Supply, Oil
- Provider Order Management Medical, Presentation, Medication
- Point of Measurement
- Park On Meter
- Prepare Observe Move
- Phase of The Moon Internet Slang, Chat, Email, Forum, Computing, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Program Objective Memoranda Business, Science, Memorandum
- Peach of Mind
- Port of Miami Airport, Parking, Miami, Port
- Patch O Matic
- Prioritized Overlay Multicast
- Pick-Off Mirror
- Proof of Match
- Planning and Operational Maintenance
- Poler of Mom
- Pengawasan Oplrasional Madya Paper, Craft, Tissue
- Product of Maxterms
- Provider Operations Manual
- Possession Optimisation Manageo Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy
- Private Offering Memorandum
- Point of Measure Technology, Design, Fashion
- Park-On-Meter
- Prepare, Observe, Move
- Personal Outctme Measures
- Programma Oudere Migranten
- Piston Operated Mixers
- Public Order Management Government, Africa, Human, Police
- Postkof The Month
- Projection-operator Method Chemistry
- Producer of Merit Dog, Portuguese, Puppy
- Postal Operations Manual Postal, Us Post, Usps, postal service
- Pyrrolidine-Amide Oligonucleotide Mimics Medical
- Pool Operational Module
- Poor Old Mama Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Patrullero Oce
- Piece of Mind Mind, Maiden, Iron
- Port of Montreal Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Pin of The Month
- Public Order Member Business, Technology, Finance, Financial Derivatives
- Postmeiotic Medical
- Polarized Optical Microscopy Chemistry
- Process of Management
- Parade of Ministry Religion
- Put On The Market
- Point of Me
- Plane of Mischief Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Patrulleros Oceánicos MultipropóSito
- Piece of Meat Nutrition, Food, Victual
- A Position of Mortgage Mortgage, Business & Finance
- Pilots Operating Manual
- Public Opinion Message Organization, Community, Society
- Pvsteromedial Medical
- Maven Build File Computing, File Extensions
- Pays D'Outre-Mer
- Problem of The Month
- Puddle of Mudd Music
- Purulent Otitis Media Medical, Medicine, Health
- Plate Orifice Meter
- Production and Operation Management Technology, Research, Education, Management, Business & Finance
- Plan of the Month Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Patrullero Oceánico MultipropóSito
- Production & Operations Management Management, Business & Finance
- Pilot Operating Manual
- Psychology of Music Research, Education, Journal
- Post Pperations Manual Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Polyoxymethylene (Acetal) Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Pattern Oriented Modeling Technology, Model, Agent
- Probabilistic Occupancy Map
- Pooped Out Mom Funnies
- Purpose of Manufacturing
- Persistent Object Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Program Overview Meeting Federal Aviation Administration
- Production Order Management
- Program Operations Memorandum Military, Governmental & Military
- Patrulleras Oceánicas MultipropóSito
- Project Operating Manual
- Pilot'S Operating Manual
- Pistal Operations Manual Business, Service, Postal
- Polyoxymethylene A polymer in which the repeated structural unit in the chain is oxymethylene. Chemistry, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
- Pattern-Oriented Modelling Science, Model, Modeling
- Probabilistic Ontology Model
- Poster of the Month Awards & medals, Computing, Internet
- Purchasing Operations Manual
- Path-O-Matic
- Postoperative Myalgia Medical
- Prescription-only Medicine (uk) Fda
- Production Operation Management
- Performance Operation and Maintenance General, Governmental & Military
- Path Overhead Monitoring Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Production and Operations Management Business, Technology, Research
- Posterior Complex Medical
- Possessorq of Money Organization, Union, Institution
- Properties of Matter Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Pattern-Oriented Modeling
- Private of Marines
- Piles of Money Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Polymet Mining Corp. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX])
- Place of Marriage
- Purchase Order Management Business, Technology, Software
- Patch-O-Matic Technology, Linux, Kernel, Products
- Post Opening Mankal Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Pallet-only Mode NASA
- Production/Operations Management Technology, Science, It
- Potomac Electric Power Company (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) Computing, Nyse symbols
- PłUg Obrotowy MałY Tube, Jest, Agro
- Pool Operation Management Business, Android, Expert
- Postmenopausal After menopause, the period of time after a woman has experienced 12 consecutive months without menstruation. Medical, Medicine, Health
- prescription-only medication Medical, Common Medical
- Patrulleros Oce
- Pile of Meat
- Possession Optimisation Manager Rail Transport, Business & Finance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does POM stand for?
POM stands for Polymet Mining Corp. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]).
What is the shortened form of Peace Operatixns Monitor?
The short form of "Peace Operatixns Monitor" is POM.
POM. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pom-meaning/
Last updated