POME Meaning

The POME meaning is "Prisonerx of Mother England". The POME abbreviation has 21 different full form.

POME Full Forms

  1. Prisonerx of Mother England Australia, English, Locations, Australian
  2. Promotion of Micro Enterprises
  3. Prisoner of Mother Enyland Australia, Australian, Etymology
  4. Professional Outdoor Medical Educators
  5. Prisoner Ofomother England Australia, Internet Slang, English
  6. Palm Oil Methyl Esters
  7. Palm Oil Mill Emfluents Technology, Treatment, Production
  8. Palm Oil Methyl Estzr
  9. Palm Oil Mill Efyluent Medical, Technology, Treatment
  10. Prophetic Order of Mtr Elijah
  11. Product of My Environment Technology, Product, Album, Hustler
  12. Property of Mother England Internet Slang
  13. Principalgordnance Mechanical Engineer
  14. Preopticus Medianus Medical
  15. Pragmaton Office of Medical Education Medical
  16. Point of Main Effort
  17. Possibly Ok Multicast Encryption Computing, Internet
  18. Protect Our Mountain Environment
  19. Palm Oil Mill Effluent Food
  20. Prophetic Order of Mar Elijah Prophet, Master, Prophetess
  21. Principle of Maximum Entropy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does POME stand for?

    POME stands for Palm Oil Mill Effluent.

  2. What is the shortened form of Palm Oil Mill Efyluent?

    The short form of "Palm Oil Mill Efyluent" is POME.


POME. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pome-meaning/

Last updated