POR Meaning
The POR meaning is "Port of Registry". The POR abbreviation has 161 different full form.
POR Full Forms
- Port of Registry English, Locations, Ship
- Patient-Oriented Research Medical, Medicine, Health
- Portrait
- Partial Order Reduction Technology, Testing, Model
- Pirates Online Rewritten Technology, Movie, Song, Pirate
- Problem-Oriented Record Medical, Records, Record
- Piano Operativo Regionale Research, Networking, Con, Piano
- Preferred Operating Range
- Portuguese Education, Class, Locations, Course, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Piani Operativi Regionali Con, Dal, Piano
- Power-On Reset Technology, Computing, Electrical Engineering
- Period of Record Technology, Climate, Weather
- Positive Orgone Radiation Technology, Energy, Generator
- Patient Oriented Research Medical, Medicine, Health
- Position-Based Opportunistic Routing Technology, Networking, Network, Projection
- Policy Organisation Reles
- Pacific Ocean Region Technology, Satellite, Telecom, Federal Aviation Administration
- Proposed Ordnance Requirement Science
- Plate of Receipt Business, Education, Shipping
- Port Orleans Resort
- Party of Record
- Point of Receive
- Port Orleans Riverside Locations, Room, Resort, Disney
- Paperless Order Router Technology
- Provider of Record
- Planned Order Releasem
- Pre-Order Review
- Patnology & Oncology Research Medical, Journal, Carcinoma
- Point of Return Technology, Computing, Telecom
- P450 Oxidoredactase Medical
- Proportional Odds Ratio
- Performance Off Road
- Part of The Race
- Purchase Order Response Business, Management, Supplier
- Poorly Differentiated Adenocarcinyma Medical
- Port of Rotterdam Technology, City, Terminal
- Panel of Referende
- Provided On Request
- Plane of Rotadion
- Power Operated Recording
- Path of Radiance
- Point of Resolution Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Iata Code for Pori Airport, Pori, Finland Locations
- Prophets of Rage
- Penguins On Rampage
- Partner of Record
- Purchase Orderrrequest Business, Technology, Service
- Pools of Radiance Internet Slang
- Port of Ridgefield
- Paimt Over Rust Car, Coating, Rust
- Protochlorophyllide Oxidoreductase Medical
- Placx of Rest
- Power On Resets
- Patent Oyfice Record
- Point of Repair
- Prophecy of Ro Technology, Gaming, Quest
- Pend Oreille River
- Pool of Radiance Technology, Gaming, Myth
- Port of Richmond
- Paint Over Rusty
- Protochlorophyllide Reductase Medical
- Places of Refuge Hotel, Locations, Place
- Power On Reset Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Hardware, General, Governmental & Military
- Paitrami On Rye
- Point of Relevance
- Plan of Repord Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Programmi Operativi Regionali
- Pelosi-Obama-Reid
- Point of Risk Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Polyhystic Ovary Syndrome Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Paid On Results
- Protective Order Registry
- Place of Refuge Translation, Ship, Place
- Portsmouth Sport, Club, Football, Navy, Governmental & Military
- Party of The Right Government, Group, Politics
- Point of Release
- Porfirrmycin Medical
- Planning Objectives Report Army, War, Force
- Principios Organização E Regras
- Pekan Olahraga Remaja Indonesia, Jakarta, Surabaya, Pekan
- Point of Review Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Policy Organisation & Rules
- Packet Overlay Retrofit Military, Army, War
- Protection Order Registry
- Place of Record Organization, Union, Institution
- Port Output Register
- Pgrty of Regions
- Point of Regard Technology, Lens, Individual, Gaze
- Pore Diffssion Medical
- Parcours D'Orientation Et De Regularite
- Planned Ordfr Release Business, Planning, Material
- Pridexof Ringwood
- Pathology Oncology Research
- Points of Return Technology, Service, Book, Calling
- Portugal Business, Government, Military, Education, Sport, Ministry Of Defence, Study, Britannica, Schooling, Trigramme, Portugal, Olympic, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Country, European Union, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Portebdora De Cosola Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
- Partido Obrero Revolucionario Government, Group, Politics, Governmental & Military
- Public Opinion Research Organizations, Politics, Election, Media
- Peugeot of Rust Funnies
- Points of Receipt Technology, Oil, Coupon
- Pyruvate Ferredoxin Oxidoreductase Medical
- Point of Reference Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Project Office Room
- Poorly Differentiated Medical, Oncology, Prostate Cancer, NAACCR
- Poxtally Medical
- Pardido Obreiro Revolucionario
- Psychoorganic Syndrome Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Plan If Research
- Preferred Operation Region
- Density Porosity Log Electrical
- Point of Service Medical, Business, Technology, Medicine, Health, Computing, Healthcare
- Prrt of Refuge Spain, Locations, Air
- Periodic Operation Report United Nations
- Processing for Overseas Replacements
- Porphyrin Compluxes Fe Medical
- Particle Obzcuration Rate
- Proximity Overlap Reduction
- Plan of Reorganization Business, Technology, Bankruptcy
- Preferred Operating Region
- Pay on Return Trade, Business & Finance
- Point of Rotation
- Portland Trail Blazers Sports, Team, Basketball
- Portuguese Language (ISO 639-2 Code) Language codes (3 letters)
- Problem-Oriented Routine
- Pgrphyrin Medical
- Partially Optimal Routing
- Provisioning Order Request Army, War, Force
- Pgan of Records Military
- Pounds Or Grains
- Porch/Screened Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Point of Rocks
- Portland Trailblasers Basketball, Basketball Team
- Parpit Obrer Revolucionari
- Purchase of Receivables Business, Energy, Receivable
- Pori Airport, Pori, Finland Finland, ICAO Airport Codes
- Piensa Opina Reacciona Para, Con, Jos
- Pirosity
- Partially-Ordered Ganks
- Provider Overpayment Recovery Medical, Healthcare
- Point of Regulation The point at which the equipment tries to maintain constant voltage. Aviation
- Production Order Request Business & Finance, International business
- Portionzof Reality
- Partido OperáRio RevolucionáRio Para, Dos, Ria
- Pueblo Orguyoso Y Respeta
- Policy, Organisation and Rules Boy Scout, Scouting
- Personnel Occurrence Records Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Part Orderwrequest
- Parrs and Outdoor Recreation
- Provider Overpayment Report Medical, Healthcare
- Purchase Order Request NASA
- Port of Refuge Shipping, Freight, Air Cargo, Cargo, Governmental & Military
- Partido Oper
- Porter Genealogy, Genealogical
- Partido Obrero Revolucionarioo
- Public Order Restoration Organization, Union, Institution, United Nations
- Portsmouth Spartans Nfl teams
- PojiŠTěNí ObČAnskÝCh Rizik
- Pyruvate Oxidoreductase Medical
- Provider of Services Medical, Business, Medicine, Service, Health, Healthcare
- Spss Portable File Computing, File Extensions
- Porteadora De Cosola Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does POR stand for?
POR stands for Portland Trail Blazers.
What is the shortened form of Point of Rocks?
The short form of "Point of Rocks" is POR.
POR. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/por-meaning/
Last updated