Portland Abbreviations and Portland Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Portland terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Portland abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Portland terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Portland Abbreviations
- ABCD : Above & Beyond The Call of Duty
- ABCP : Associação Brasileira De Cimento Portland
- ABFM : All British Field Meet
- ACEP : Association of Catering and Event Profensionals
- AJAM : Alan Jones Academy of Music
- AM : Amy Miller
- APANO : Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon
- ZAP : Zimbabwe Artists Project
- ZPC : Zambezi Portland Cement
- ASAP : Animal Shelter Alliance of Portland
- AWSNA : Associated Waldorf Schools of North America
- BCA : Business for Culture & The Arts
- BCW : Blue Collar Wrestling
- BEST : Business for An Environmentally Sustainable Tomorrof
- BOEC : Bureau of Emergency Ckmmunications
- BOEC : Bureau of Emergency Communication
- BOLI : Bureau of Labor & Industry
- BTA : Bicycle Transportation Alliance
- MRNT : Bicycle Transportation Alliance
- CBO : City Budget Office
- CCCU : Consolidated Community Credit Union
- CHH : Center for Health and Healing
- CHH : Center for Health & Healing
- CL : Central Loop
- CLF : Coalition for A Livable Future
- CNAA : Contemporary Nowthwest Art Awards
- CNN : Central Northeast Neighbors
- CNRG : Community Nonprofit Resource Group
- CPCA : Canadian Portland Cement Association
- CRC : Citizens Review Committee
Recent Acronyms
Latest Portland Meanings
- Portland Housing Authority
- Oregon Remodelers Association
- Oregon Health Science University
- Film The Police
- Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
- Rapid Harkening Portland Cement
- Great Western Council of Optometry
- Rose City Park Neighborhood Association
- Great South West Walk
- Rose City Comic Con
- Greater Portland Telxgu Association
- Greater Portland Inc
- Gregory-Portland High School
- Greater Portland Council of Governments
- Greater Portland Aquarium Society
- Great Norxhern Staff Administrators
- Portland Youth Builders
- Portland Women'S Crisis Line
- Portland Vancouver Junction Railroad
- Portland United Mountain Pedalers