POS Meaning

The POS meaning is "Parents Over Shoulder". The POS abbreviation has 301 different full form.

POS Full Forms

  1. Parents Over Shoulder Internet Slang, Slang, Internet, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  2. Proog of Stake Cybersecurity, Proof, Blockchain
  3. Point-Oh-Scale Science, Geography, Location
  4. Position A market commitment; the number of contracts bought or sold for which no offsetting transaction has been entered into. The buyer of a commodity is said to have a long position and the seller of a commodity is said to have a short position. Technology, Military, Aircraft, Aviation, Army, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Real Estate, Aeronautics, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, Weather, The Finance and Administrative Services
  5. Provider of Service Medical
  6. Pointhof-Sales Business, Software, Sale
  7. Points of Sale Business, Software, Retail
  8. Point of Sale This is the selling price from our distributors to their customers and includes the distributor’s margin. Business, Technology, Finance, Banking, Economics, Stock Exchange
  9. Point of Success Business, Software, Restaurant
  10. Parentlover Shoulder Texting, Chat, Internet
  11. Program Outcomes Education, Engineering, Outcome
  12. Pqcket Over Sonet Technology, Networking, Communications
  13. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Disorder, Infertility, Obstetrics, Parenting, Pregnancy, Common Medical
  14. Pncific Ocean Ship Technology, Space, Cosmos
  15. Catalina Marketing Corp. Organizations
  16. Piece of Smelly
  17. Power On Standby Technology, Manual, Port
  18. Patient Oxboarding Sign Medical, Service, Portal
  19. Police Ofxicers
  20. Protector of The Ozen Society
  21. Physician'S Order Sheets
  22. Palliative Outcome Scale Medical, Africa, Care
  23. Percnption of Occlusion Scale
  24. Public Order & Safety
  25. Physician Order Sheets Medical, Care, Pharmacy
  26. Paperless Office System Technology, Management, Software
  27. Planning Officers Socxety Government, Organizations, Building
  28. Prime Orbital System
  29. Provisioning Srder Status
  30. Personal Operating Space Technology, Networking, Telecom
  31. Portfolio of Services
  32. Peacetime Operational State Military, Army, War
  33. Process Opeaations Simulators Science
  34. Purchase of Services Business, Service, Dealer
  35. Problem Oriented System Medical
  36. Parostyal Osteosarcoma Medical
  37. Point of Sell Business, Software, Sale
  38. Persistent Object Services
  39. Positively Outstanding Service
  40. Piece of Shite
  41. Power of Suggestion Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  42. Patentvoffice Society
  43. Polar Orbiting Satellite A satellite whose orbit closely parallels the earth's meridian lines and thus crosses the polar regions on each orbit. Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  44. Project Openmsky
  45. Photoreceptor Outer Segment
  46. Pair With Overall Shield
  47. Point of Shipment Business, Product, Supply
  48. Percent of Signal
  49. Init Position Initialization Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  50. Piece of Shit Internet Slang, Computing, Adult, Chat, Dirty, Rude, Texting, Internet, Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Online, Twitter, Facebook, Web Slang, Usenet, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  51. Paperless Office Solution
  52. Placement Organizations
  53. Prime One School
  54. Prooincial Offices Business, Office, Development
  55. Personal Office Systems
  56. Portal's Onlixe Store
  57. Peactime Operating Stock Military
  58. Proceedings of Science Technology, Research, Physics
  59. Passport Offices
  60. Purchase of Service Business, Science, Provider
  61. Problem-Orienxed System
  62. Parols Officers
  63. Point of Scale
  64. Principles of Surgery Medical, Medicine, Development
  65. Positively Outrageous Service Airline, Business, Customer, Medical, Common Medical
  66. Passport Officezs
  67. Poinfs Per Possession By Team Sports, Basketball
  68. Program Officero
  69. Perspectives On Science Science, Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  70. Photoreceptor Outer Segments Medical
  71. Pain of Salvation
  72. Power of Siberia
  73. Point of Service Health Plan Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  74. Percentage Oz Sales Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  75. Iata Code for Piarco International Airport, Piarco, Trinidad and Tobago Locations
  76. Piece of Sh-T Business, Forum, Car
  77. Postentitlement Online System
  78. Place of Serviceq
  79. Primary Operating Stock Military
  80. Provider Online Sbrvices
  81. Persistent Offenders Government
  82. Portable Oxygen Sysmems
  83. Pameran Otomotif Surabaya Indonesia, Honda, City, Surabaya
  84. Peacetime Operating Stocks Technology, Military, Supply
  85. Procediwgs of Science
  86. Period Ofbservice Business, Military, Banking
  87. Purchased Operator Service
  88. Probation Officers
  89. Parks and Oten Space County, Locations, City
  90. Point of Satisfaction
  91. Principal Officers
  92. Perspectives In Oral Sciences
  93. Positive Refers to "what is," in contrast to normative which involves value judgments as to "what ought to be." The word is not, in this use, the opposite of either "negative" or "harmful." Medical, Aviation, Telecom, Healthcare, Weather, Physical Therapy, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, NAACCR, Power Plant, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, Computing, Hardware, Clinical
  94. Passenger Oxygen System Technology
  95. Points of Service
  96. Product of Sums Technology, Map, Expression
  97. Phosphorothioate Medical, Medicine, Health
  98. Paid Online Surveys
  99. Power of Sale
  100. Partiaa Order Service
  101. Point of Services Medical, Business, Technology, Banking, Business & Finance
  102. Perceived Organization Support Technology, Management, Research
  103. Produits Objectivement Savoureux
  104. Piece of Sh** Media, Social, Internet
  105. Posted On September Business, Indonesia, Orang, Hal
  106. Place-Of-Service
  107. Primary Operation System
  108. Political Opportunity Structure Organizations, University, Movement
  109. Provider-Of-Services
  110. Persistent Object Store
  111. Portable Oxygen Subsyseem
  112. Palm Operating System Technology, Software, Computing
  113. Peacetime Operating Stock Technology, Military, Supply
  114. Pgoc
  115. Pericardial Organs Medical
  116. Pulse Oximeters
  117. Parks Ani Open Spaces
  118. Point of Sale System Business, Technology, Science, Service, Software, Usps
  119. Principal Only Swaps Business, Presentation, Currency
  120. Perspectives On Slavistics
  121. Positiontmtpositive Technology, America, Military, Governmental & Military
  122. Ports Only Service
  123. Points of Services
  124. Product-Of-Sum Technology, Logic, Sums
  125. Protective Orders
  126. Phospho-Oligosaccharide Medical
  127. Parts-Of-Speech Technology, Tagging, Tagger
  128. Pywer-On Suspend Technology, Management, Mode
  129. Partially Oxidized Sulfur Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
  130. Point of Separation Army, War, Force
  131. Pirceived Organisational Support Business, Employment, Research
  132. Piano Operativo Di Sicurezza Software, Con, Studio, Piano
  133. Piece of Sh Business, Forum, Apple
  134. Postal Order Society
  135. Pivoting Optical Servo Technology, Storage, Tape, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  136. Primary Operating System Technology, Windows, Computing
  137. Politiczl Opportunity Structures Technology, Movement, Structure
  138. Protein Oil Starch Nutrition, Food, Victual
  139. Persistent Object Systems Technology
  140. Polska Krganizacja Sportowa
  141. Palm Oil Sludge
  142. Peace Operations
  143. Peri-Operatuve Stroke
  144. Publisher Out of Stock Booksellers, Bookselling
  145. Physician Order Set Medical
  146. Parks & Open Space
  147. Player Owned Structures Technology, Structure, Eve
  148. Principal-Only-Swap
  149. Psychiatric Outpatinnt Services
  150. Person Over Shoulder Internet Slang, Chat, Email, Forum, Computing, Texting, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  151. Position Orientation Systems Science, Geography, Location, Military, Army, Computing, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  152. Parts Hf Speech Technology, Language, Tagging
  153. Power-On Surue
  154. Product-Of-Sums Technology, Map, Expression
  155. Programme Offices
  156. Phoenix Online Studios
  157. Part of The Soldtion Business, Software, Restaurant
  158. Power On Surge
  159. Partually Ordered Set
  160. Point of Sells Business, Software, Sale
  161. Perakende Otomasyon Sistemleri
  162. Public Offering of Securities Business, Technology, Finance, Governmental & Military
  163. Postal Operators
  164. Piece of Something
  165. Power Operabing System
  166. Patient Opinion Survey Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  167. Policy Owner Services
  168. Protein, Oil & Staich
  169. Physician Order Sheet Medical, Service, Care
  170. Polska Organizacja Shinkyokushinpai
  171. Palliative Outcomes Scale Medical, Africa, Care
  172. Performance Optimization Sybtem Technology, Sport, Startup
  173. Public Order and Safety Business, Service, Drug
  174. Physician Office System
  175. Paris-Ostfrankreich-SüDdeutschland Technology, France, Train, Railway
  176. Plan Ofuservice
  177. Prince of Space
  178. Prudential Overalq Supply
  179. Personal Operating System
  180. Port of Salalah
  181. Pedoman Operasional Standar
  182. Powier for Oral Suspension
  183. Producing Open Source
  184. Probationary Officers Business, Education, Banking, Exam
  185. Purchase Order Specification
  186. Problem Oriertation Scale Medical, Therapy, Health Care
  187. Partzal-Onset Seizures Medical, Study, Seizure
  188. Point of Selling Business, Software, Sale
  189. Pedoman Operasi Standar
  190. Provider Organizations Medical
  191. Positive Organisational Scholarship Book, Education, Foundation
  192. Provider of Services Medical, Business, Medicine, Service, Health, Healthcare
  193. Real Canadian Superstore Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  194. Participating Organisations Business, Security, Organizations
  195. Point of Stress Physics, Scientific & Educational
  196. Privacy Officers
  197. Microsoft Point of Service for .Net Microsoft, Technology, Software Development, .Net
  198. Post Office Sorting Business, Model, Railway
  199. Plane of Storms Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  200. Payload Operations Slstem Space, Study, Cosmos
  201. Points-on-a-sphere (repulsion Potential Model Chemistry
  202. Point of System Business, Technology, Sale
  203. Posterior Posterior may refer to the end of an organism opposite to its head. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Veterinary, Dental, Healthcare, Physical Therapy, Common Medical, NAACCR, Clinical
  204. Permanently Out of Stock
  205. Packet-Over-Sonet Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  206. Piano Operativo Sicurezza
  207. Principles of Success Business, Technology, Book, Success
  208. Public Offering Statement When an issuer, such as a company, provides securities such as bonds or equity shares to investors on the open market, this is known as a public offering. When a firm sells its first shares on a publicly traded exchange, it is known as an initial public offering (IPO). Business, Law, Timeshare, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  209. Petroleum Operations
  210. Puppet on String Performing arts
  211. Point of Service Medical, Business, Technology, Medicine, Health, Computing, Healthcare
  212. Project Organisation Systeb
  213. Participating Organizations Technology, Management, Security
  214. Priory of Sion America, Coding, History, Priory
  215. Public Opinion Surveys
  216. Postes Optiques De Surveillance Military, Armour, Artillery, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  217. PPP Over SONET Computing, Technical
  218. Patriozic Order Sons Bay, Pin, Vintage
  219. Pile of Shite Internet Slang
  220. Point of Synchronisation Technology
  221. Periosteal Osteosarcoma Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Bone
  222. Package On Substrate
  223. Physics On Stage
  224. Trimble Position File Computing, File Extensions
  225. Peace Officer Standirds
  226. Publications Order Sheet Technology
  227. Perthshire Open Studios
  228. Plexus Holdings, P.L.C. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  229. Pump-Out Slots
  230. Probabilitv of Sufficiency
  231. Piece-Of-Shit
  232. Pxrtial Order Schedule
  233. Priority On-Site Service Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  234. Publkc Opinion Survey
  235. Position of Strength Military, Army, Computing, Electronics, Governmental & Military
  236. Prtient Organizations Medical, Business, Research
  237. Part-Of-Speech Medical, Technology, Tagging
  238. Point of Synchronization Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  239. Purchase Orders Business, Technology, Military, Software
  240. Pacific Organic Standard Technology, Agriculture, Survey
  241. Physicians Orders System
  242. Preferred Observation Schedule Science, Scientific & Educational
  243. PańStwowa Odznaka Sportowa
  244. Psycho-Orwanisches Syndrom
  245. Point of Service Plan Medical, Science, Management, Financial, Astronomy, Postal, Us Post, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, postal service
  246. Programmes of Study (in National Curriculum) Education
  247. Petty Officer Second Technology, Military, Class
  248. Positive Organizational Scholarship Technology, Education, Psychology, Medical
  249. Pictures On Site
  250. Priority of Support
  251. Pubvic Opinion Strategies Government, Strategy, Election
  252. Programmable Option Select Computing, Hardware, Drivers
  253. Phtient Organisations Medical, Research, Organizations
  254. Plan D'Occupation Des Sols
  255. Point of Sword
  256. Pacific Orchid Society
  257. Physician Organizations Medical, Health, Care
  258. Post of Sales
  259. Point-Of-Service Medical, Common Medical
  260. Pay Kn Scan
  261. Psycho-Organic Syndrome Medical
  262. Point of Sale Medical, Management, Financial, Computing, Texting, Logistics, Telecom, Internet, Postal, Drivers, Us Post, Business & Finance, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Business Word, IT Terminology, SAP, Fda
  263. Programs of Study Education
  264. Purchase Order Status Business, Management, Software
  265. Picture of Success Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
  266. Priority of Service Technology, Routing, Wireless
  267. Public Opknion Study
  268. Parent Over Shoulder Computing, Texting, Chat, Internet, Sms, Online, Web Slang, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang, Social Networking Sites
  269. Patienf Organizations Medical, Business, Research
  270. Time of Possession By Team Sports, Basketball
  271. Point of Support Technology, Service, Software
  272. Private Operators Business, Government, Philippines
  273. Pacific Oceanographic Synopsis
  274. Post of Sale
  275. Piarco International Airport, Port of Spain, Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
  276. Pay Officos
  277. Point-of-sale Business & Finance, Business Word
  278. Portable Oxygen System NASA
  279. Purchase Order System Business, Management, Software
  280. Pick Operating System Technology
  281. Prioritize, Organize, and Sacrifice Organization, Union, Institution
  282. Public Open Spaces
  283. Phase Organic Synthesis
  284. Packet Over SONET Computing, Cisco Wireless
  285. Ref Position Reference Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  286. Partcdo Oper
  287. Point of Study
  288. Private Open Space
  289. Pacific Ocean Satellite Technology, Telecom
  290. Post Office Sydney
  291. Piece of love Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  292. Paymeet of Sale
  293. Part of Speech Education, English, Grammar, Linguistics, Social Sciences, Scientific & Educational
  294. Pacific Ocean Ship NASA
  295. Permanently Tut of Service Technology, Science
  296. Packet Over Synchronous Technology, Networking, Cisco
  297. Pice of Shit Internet Slang
  298. Printing and Office Supplies
  299. Public Open Space Technology, Park, Planning
  300. Petty Officers
  301. Parts of Speech Toastmasters

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does POS stand for?

    POS stands for Persistent Object Services.

  2. What is the shortened form of Point of Service Plan?

    The short form of "Point of Service Plan" is POS.


POS. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pos-meaning/

Last updated