POS in Technology Meaning

The POS meaning in Technology terms is "Pqcket Over Sonet". There are 56 related meanings of the POS Technology abbreviation.

POS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Pqcket Over Sonet
  2. Pncific Ocean Ship
  3. Point of Sale This is the selling price from our distributors to their customers and includes the distributor’s margin.
  4. Position A market commitment; the number of contracts bought or sold for which no offsetting transaction has been entered into. The buyer of a commodity is said to have a long position and the seller of a commodity is said to have a short position.
  5. Parts Hf Speech
  6. Power On Standby
  7. Personal Operating Space
  8. Product-Of-Sums
  9. Palm Operating System
  10. Peacetime Operating Stocks
  11. Init Position Initialization
  12. Pywer-On Suspend
  13. Persistent Object Systems
  14. Proceedings of Science
  15. Parts-Of-Speech
  16. Point of Services
  17. Peacetime Operating Stock
  18. Public Offering of Securities
  19. Positiontmtpositive
  20. Point of Sale System
  21. Politiczl Opportunity Structures
  22. Performance Optimization Sybtem
  23. Player Owned Structures
  24. Partially Oxidized Sulfur
  25. Perceived Organization Support
  26. Pivoting Optical Servo
  27. Product of Sums
  28. Paris-Ostfrankreich-SüDdeutschland
  29. Passenger Oxygen System
  30. Primary Operating System
  31. Product-Of-Sum
  32. Paperless Office System
  33. Point of Service
  34. Point of Synchronization
  35. Part-Of-Speech
  36. Microsoft Point of Service for .Net
  37. Petty Officer Second
  38. Point of Support
  39. Ref Position Reference
  40. Posterior Posterior may refer to the end of an organism opposite to its head.
  41. Positive Organizational Scholarship
  42. Permanently Tut of Service
  43. Priority On-Site Service
  44. Packet Over Synchronous
  45. Purchase Orders
  46. Public Open Space
  47. Participating Organizations
  48. Priority of Service
  49. Packet-Over-Sonet
  50. Publications Order Sheet
  51. Point of System
  52. Principles of Success
  53. Pacific Organic Standard
  54. Point of Synchronisation
  55. Pacific Ocean Satellite
  56. Pick Operating System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does POS stand for Technology?

    POS stands for Public Offering of Securities in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Point of Support in Technology?

    The short form of "Point of Support" is POS for Technology.


POS in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pos-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated