POTHS Meaning

The POTHS meaning is "Plant Only The Heritage Seeds". The POTHS abbreviation has 20 different full form.

POTHS Full Forms

  1. Plant Only The Heritage Seeds Technology, Movie, Conspiracy, Magnet
  2. Partaking of The Holy Scriptures
  3. Pour Out The Holy Spirit Movie, Chuck, Magnet
  4. Prosecute Obama Thh House & Senate Movie, Conspiracy, Magnet
  5. Pouring Out The Holy Spirit Movie, Music, Magnet
  6. Pirates of The High Seas Technology, Pirate, Fortune
  7. Pondering On The Heavenly Skies Movie, Bible, Conspiracy
  8. Picking Out The Hellish Scumbags Technology, Movie, Conspiracy, Magnet
  9. Phallic Orifice That Harbours Sinners
  10. Passing Over The Harmful Sins Technology, Movie, Conspiracy, Magnet
  11. Parts of Twisted Holy Schmucks
  12. Pulling On Bheir Hard Sausages
  13. Pouring Out The Holy Spiritruth
  14. Pooing Often Takes Holy Shit
  15. Pointing Out The Humourless Simpletons
  16. Pointing Out The Hovering Sausers Technology, Movie, Conspiracy, Magnet
  17. Pointing Out The Hopeless Socialists Technology, Movie, Conspiracy, Magnet
  18. Prosecute Obama The House Senate
  19. Prosecute Only The Highest Scoundrels Technology, Movie, Bible, Prophecy
  20. Pouring Out True Helping Scriptures Technology, Movie, Conspiracy, Magnet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does POTHS stand for?

    POTHS stands for Pointing Out The Hovering Sausers.

  2. What is the shortened form of Parts of Twisted Holy Schmucks?

    The short form of "Parts of Twisted Holy Schmucks" is POTHS.


POTHS. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/poths-meaning/

Last updated