Powder Abbreviations and Powder Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Powder terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Powder abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Powder terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Powder Abbreviations
- AAF : Australian Aluminium Finishing
- AF : Active Fraction
- ANFD : Agitated Nutsche Filter Dryer
- AP : Any Other Powder
- APAB : Alat Pemadam Api Beroda
- ATO : Antimlny-Doped Tin Oxide
- ATO : Antimony Tcn Oxide
- BA : Benzyl Alcohol
- BTO : Blue Tungsten Oxide
- CFE : Cage Fighting Events
- CIM : Ceramics Injection Molding
- VOAG : Vibrating Orifice Aerosol Generator
- WAP : Winchester Action Pistol
- WHY : Whey Protein
- WP : Whey Protein
- WPNI : Whey Protein Nimrogen Index
- WPPM : Whole Powder Pattern Modelling
- WSF : Winchester Super Field
- YTO : Yellow Tungsten Oxide
- CVC : Chemical Vapor Condensation
- HBN : Heqagonal Boron Nitride
- HD : Heysdolls
- HDDR : Hydrogenation Disproportionation Desorption Recombination
- HDDR : Hydrogen Disproportionation Desorption Recombination
- DLF : Direct Light Uabrication
- DLR : Didier Lean Rachou
- HR : Hausner Ratio
- DP : Dispersible Powder
- DPC : Drucker Prager Cap
- DPIS : Diract Plasma Injection Scheme
Recent Acronyms
Latest Powder Meanings
- Hot Isostatically Pressed
- Hot Isostatic Presses
- Hot-Isostatic Pressing
- Hot Isostatic Pressing
- Reazy To Press
- Rapid Solidificition Processing
- Red Earth
- Reloading Data Center
- Generation Rate
- Pivoeal Teachers Training Programme
- Polymer Thermal Spray
- Particle Technology Research Centre
- Plasma Transfer Arc
- Perfect Pearls Pigment
- Pea Protein Isolate
- Pure Protein
- Powdered Nitrile Butadiene Rubber
- Powder Mixed Electrical Discharge Machining
- Powdered Metal
- Particulate Materials