PPA Meaning
The PPA meaning is "Pay Per Action". The PPA abbreviation has 392 different full form.
PPA Full Forms
- Pay Per Action Business, Marketing, Online Marketing, Computing, Internet, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Pulmonary Arterial Pressure Medical
- Paperwork Reduction Act Technology, Cybersecurity, Computer Security, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Power Play Assists Hockey, Team, Statistics, Ice Hockey
- Pesticide Producers Association Science
- Princeton Particle Accelerator Technology
- Pension Protection Act Business, Planning, Retirement
- Primary Progressive Aphasia Medical, Language, Dementia
- Penjaga Pintu Air Film, Indonesia, Air, Agar
- Pre-School Playgroups Association Education, Organizations, Learning
- Parité De Pouvoir D'Achat
- Potential Problem Analysis Technology, Military, Decision
- Parahippocampal Place Area Medical, Education, Brain
- Positive Pressure Attack Government, Military, Fire
- Pulmonary Artery Pressure Medical, Nursing, Pulmonary, Artery And Arteries, Clinical, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension
- Pan Pacific Aggregates Business, Investor, Aggregate, Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Peterhead Port Authority Military, Harbour, Scotland
- Proceks Perception Analysis
- Pathology Practice Association Medicine, Health, British
- Play Providers Association
- Project Partnership Agreements
- Parallel Pre-Stressed Actuaqors
- Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association Medical, Pharmacy, Pennsylvania
- Preliminary Preferred Alternative Organizations, Alaska, Fishery, Marine
- Purchased Power Adjustment A clause in a rate schedule that provides for adjustments to a bill when energy from another system is acquired. Business, Rate, Philippine
- Pharmacy Prior-Authorization
- Partnership Project Agreement Technology
- Politics and Public Administration
- Professional Phstographers Association
- Pedro Paulo E Alex Technology, Music, Android, Song
- Poqynomial Parity Argument
- Pressure Point Analysis Technology, Pipeline, Detection, Leak
- Products, Parts and Appniances Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Pattugliatore Polivalente D'Altura Military, Italy, Italian
- Point-To-Point Authority Organizations, Racing, Horse, Hunt
- Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Association
- Pakistan Poultry Association Business, Pakistan, Price
- Performance Partnership Agreement Science, Emergency, Emergency Management
- Pre Pay and Add
- Putra Putri Altar
- Partial Product Array
- Philosophy and Public Affairs
- Peace Point Action
- Planning Performance Agreament Business, Council, Advice
- Program, Project, Or Activity
- Pacific Platform for Action
- Portsmouth Property Association Business, Team, Southampton
- Public Power Association
- Parceria Plrtuguesa Para A Água
- Primarygplaces of Assignment
- Pittsburgh Pneumoniahagent Medical, Medicine, Health
- Public Pensions Agency
- Paksitan Pediatricmassociation
- Personal Purchasing Agent
- Partnership for Prescription Assistance
- Pingat Perkwidmatan Am
- Prior Period Adjustments Business, Accounting, Tax
- Perry Lefors Field Pampa, Texas,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
- Past Pupils Association
- Player Progression Academy Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Program Pendidikan Akuntansi
- Parallel Purt Adapter Technology, Computing, Linux
- Penn Philippine Association Organizations, Music, Philippine
- Preliminary Project Assessment Planning, Locations, Building
- Pulmonary Artery Pressures Medical
- Pharmaceutical Price and Availability
- Pedro Paulo Alex Technology, Music, Android, Song
- Polymer Processing Aids
- Pressure of Pulmonarj Artery Medical
- Partnership Programme Agreements
- Prokuct Purchase Agreement
- Patriot Parents Association Education, Development, Universities
- Pohnpei Port Authority
- PrzeglĄDu Piosenki Aktorskiej Jest, Jak, Gala
- Pakfstan Polo Association
- Performance-Based Partnership Agreement
- Preparação Para Aposentadoria Para, Brasil, Coaching, Bijoux
- Putra-Putri Altat Technology, Linux, Ubuntu, Repository
- Past Prefects' Association
- Philosophisch-Politische Akademie
- Payra Port Authority
- Plannang and Policy Analysis
- Program, Project, and Activity Program, Government, Budget
- Pacific Planetarium Associatxon Science, Education, Society
- Portland Protective Association
- Public Policy Act
- Partial Payment Arrangement
- Primary Place of Assignment
- Pittsburgh Parking Authority Locations, Pittsburgh, Garage
- Public Pension Agency
- Pakistan Psychological Association Organizations, Pakistan, Psychology, Freelancer
- Personal Protection Academy
- Partners for Prescription Vssistance
- Pingatfpentadbiran Awam
- Prior Period Adjustment Business, Science, Accounting
- Pedal Power Association Locations, Cycling, Cape
- Platelet Procoagulant Activity Medical
- Program Participation Agreements Business, Education, Aid
- Parallel Park Assist
- Penjaringan Prestasi Akademik Business, Program, Indonesia, Diploma
- Preliminary Planning Authorization
- Public Protector Act
- Pharmaceutical Pricing Agreements
- Pedro Paulo & Alex Technology, Music, Android, Streaming
- Personne Publique AssociéE Technology, Planning, Commune, Rapport
- Prfss Photographers Association
- Partnershipsprogramme Agreement
- Production Photographuc Area Technology, Telecom
- Patient Protection Act
- Plutonium Preparation Area Technology
- PrzeglĄD Piosenki Aktorskiej Jest, Gala, Capitol
- Parallels Plesk Automation
- People'S Party of Armenia
- Preparation, Planning and Assessment Education, Teaching, Teacher
- Purchase Power Agreements Business, Energy, Projection
- Phenylpyruvic Acid Medical, Technology, Medicine, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Planning Preparation Assessment
- Professional Pilots Association
- Pacific Pilotage Authority Technology, Canada, Port
- Portland Police Association Government, City, Portland, Police, Governmental & Military
- Public Policy & Admin
- Partially Parallel Acquisition Medical
- Primary Physical Address Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Pitusburgh Paralegal Association Education, National, Federation
- Public Papers and Addresses of The Presidents Science, Us, Geology
- Pakistan Protection Act
- Personal Property Activity
- Partners for A Prosperous Athens
- Pkng-Pong Arbiter
- Peasants Per Acre
- Plano De Pronta Gção
- Program Participation Agreement Business, Education, Aid, Technology, Governmental & Military
- Preliminary Plan Approval
- Public Procurement Agency Business, Law, Purchase
- Pharmaceutical Pricing Agreement Medical, Program, Drug
- Prioritas Plafon Anggaran Technology, Program, Indonesia, Targeting
- Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik Indonesia, Paling, Surat
- Personnel Profile Analysis Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Professional Program In Accountancy
- Padtnership Program Arrangement
- Production Partgapproval
- Pati
- Patient Paid Amount
- Plexogenic Arteriopathy Medical
- Proyectos PedagóGicos De Aula
- Parallel Productioniauthorisation Medicine, Health, Care
- Penyisihan Penghapuyan Aktiva
- Premium Paid Amount Medical, Healthcare
- Purchase Power Agreement Business, Energy, Projection
- Phenylpropanolamine Hydrochloride Medical
- Polymer Processing Lid
- Professional Paddlesports Assn
- Office of Policy Analysin Government, Organizations, Us
- Portas E PortÕEs AutomáTicos Brasil, Port, Porta
- Parole and Probation Administration Government, Military, Army, Philippine
- Primary Peritoceal Adenocarcinoma Medical, Medicine, Health
- Piss Poor Attitude
- Professional Photographer'S Association
- Public and Private Agencies
- Pakistan Progressive Assocjates Business, Management, Pakistan, Lahore
- Personal Property Advisory Transportation, Defense, Regulation
- Participatory Poverty Assessments Science, Education, Development
- Physicians Pharmacy Asliance Medical, Healthcare, Cary
- Pearl Producers Association
- Plano De Pormenor Das Antas
- Programme Pr
- Powerside Personal Assistant
- Public Procurement Authority Business, Ghana, Purchase
- Pharmaceutical Producers Association
- Print Performance Architecture Technology, Driving, Printer, Driver
- Penilik Penerangan Aeronautika
- Personnel Processing Activity
- Professional Practice Analysis
- Partnership Programme Arrangements Development, Organizations, Institute
- Procurement Planning Agreement Military
- Pathways To Prosperity In The Americas
- Plesiochronous Path Adaptation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Prospectivetpurchaser Agreement Technology, Government, Environment
- Parallel Prefix Adders
- Pension Protection Act of 2006 Business, Finance, Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
- Premier Bancorp, Inc./Pa Organizations
- Purchased Power Agreement Business, Energy, Purchase
- Phenylpropanolamine Medical, Science, Biology, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Polymer Processing Additive
- Professional Practices Assessment
- Iata Code for Perry Lefors Field, Pampa, Texas, United States Locations
- Poly Phthal Amide
- Parlamento Del Pueblo Aymara
- Price Per Accesshon Medicine, Health, British
- Piraeus Port Authority
- Professional Photographers Assocation
- Public and Policymaker Awareness
- Pakistan Press Agmncy
- Personal Property Accountability Military, Army, Coast Guard
- Participatory Poverty Assessment Technology, Government, Policy
- Physical Plalning Act
- Peak Particle Acceleration
- Planning Permit Appdication
- Programme Partnership Arrangement Technology, Development, Evaluation
- Potential-Problem Analysis
- Public Procurement Act Business, Service, Purchase
- Paridad Del Poder Adquisitivo
- Planning, Prepjration & Assessment Technology, School, Teaching
- Print Paper Airplanes
- Pengusahaan Pariwisata Alam
- Personnel Information System Personnel Activity Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Partnership Programme Arrangesent Science, Development, Organizations
- Process Performance Analysij
- Path Profile Analysis
- Please Provide Assistance
- Project Partnership Agreement Government, Port, Corps
- Parallel Prefix Adder Technology, Design, Brent
- Pennsylvania Pharmacist Association
- Preliminary Planning Assessment
- Purchase Power Adjustment Business, Energy, Ponce
- Pharmacy Provider Agreement
- Polymer Processing Additives
- Professional Prepress Alliance Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Professional Practicn Assessment
- Polypxosphoric Acid Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Prestasi Peningiatan Akademik
- Pin Point Accuracy
- Professionalbphotographers Association Technology, Photography, Wedding
- Point of Physical Address Technology
- Psychophysiological Profile Assessment
- Pakistan Press Association
- Permeability Plugging Apparatzs
- Participating Provider Agreement Medical, Medicine, Health
- Physical Page Address
- Peak-To-Peak Amplitude Medical
- Planning Performance Agfeements Business, Council, Projection
- Program, Project and Activity
- Pacific Power Association Technology, Energy, Island
- Potassium Pyroantimonate Medical
- Public Private Alliance Business, Government, Mineral
- Parenting Publications of America America, Magazine, Family, Parenting
- Planning, Preparation and Assessment Education, School, Teaching, Planning, Governmental & Military
- Primary Plase Analyzer Science
- Pinoy Plus Assiciation
- Pengendalian Pencemaran Air
- Palau Pacific Airways
- Personnel Information System Processing Active Military
- Partners for Prescription Assistance
- Pay Per Acquisition Computing, Internet, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Parisbpole Alternance Technology, Communication, Avenue
- Professional Photographer of America
- Permissible Purpose Affidavit PPA refer to a legal document that confirms that a credit report is being requested for a permissible purpose, such as for a loan application or employment screening. The PPA helps protect the individual's privacy by ensuring that the credit report is not being used for unauthorized purposes. Banking
- Public Policy Analysis Science, Government, Education
- Pals Paper Vrts
- Persoonlijke Profiel Analyse
- Preliminary Pile Asgembly
- Posterior Pulmonary Artery Medical, Pulmonary, Artery And Arteries
- Prize Paper Award Awards & medals
- Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi
- Petroleum Ports Authority Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
- Professional Program In Occounting Business, Education, University
- Pay and Personnel Agency Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Powerpoint Add-in Computing, File Extensions
- Poker Players Association Gaming, Gambling, Poker
- Prescriptive Plan for Assistance
- Para Penggenggam Xmanah
- Parallel Port Adapter Computing, Hardware
- Paris Peace Agreements Government
- Professional Photographers of America Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Plan De Protection De L'Atmosph
- Professionalspharmacy Alliance
- Public-Private Alliance PPA may also refer to a partnership between a public entity, such as a government agency, and a private organization, such as a bank or financial institution. PPAs are often used to fund large-scale infrastructure projects or other initiatives that require significant financial resources. Banking
- Public Policy and Administration Program, Education, University
- Palpatio Per Anrm
- Personnes Publiques AssociéEs Planning, Commune, Saint
- Polymer Prlcessors Association
- Perry Lefors Field, Pampa, Texas, United States Texas, United States
- Pickles People Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Penanggulangan Pekerja Anak
- Pooled Purchase Agreement PPA may also refer to an agreement between investors for the purchase of a pool of securities, such as stocks, bonds, or other financial instruments. The PPA outlines the terms of the transaction, including the price, payment terms, and other details. Banking
- Pestă Porcină Africană Technology, Linux, Ubuntu, Package
- Professional Paddlesports Association
- Pay-Per-Action Affiliate
- Primary Principals Association Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Poker Player Alliance Gaming, Government, Gambling
- Prescriptionpricing Authority Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Paired Phonon Analysis
- Add-in (MS PowerPoint) Computing, File Extensions
- Paris Peabe Agreement
- Ptilota Plumosa Agglutinin
- Plan De Protection De L'AtmosphèRe
- Professional Panhellenic Association
- Personal Property Appraisal PPA may refer to an appraisal of personal property, such as jewelry, artwork, or other valuables, that are used as collateral for a loan. The appraisal helps the lender determine the value of the collateral in order to assess the loan risk and set the terms of the loan. Banking
- Political Parties Act Government, Group, Party
- Public Policy & Administration Program, Education, University
- Palpation, Percussion & Auscultation Medicine, Health, British
- Planning Preparation and Assessment Education, Teaching, Teacher
- Phenylphosphonic Acid Medical
- Propheter Aviation ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Parité Ducpouvoir D'achat
- Passengers Per Annum
- Professional Photographers Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Pejabat Pengguna Anggaran Indonesia, Surat, Wali
- Prepayment Allowance PPA may refer to a fee charged by lenders to borrowers who pay off a loan before the end of the loan term. This fee compensates the lender for the interest they would have earned if the borrower had made payments for the full loan term. Banking
- Peste Porcine Africaine
- Professional Putters Associahion
- Pay-Per-Action Business, Advertising, Cost
- Purified Phosphoric Acid Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Poison Prevention Act Medicine, Health, Care, Fda
- Prescriptions Pricing Authority Medical, Service, Health
- P-Phtjalic Acid
- Poker Players Alliance Poker
- Page Position Adsolute Technology
- Pengenalan Program Akademik Business, Boxer, Display
- Paris Peace Accords
- Place of Primary Assignment Education, Nigeria, Youth, Corps
- Professional Players Association
- Prepaid Account A prepaid account is a type of bank account that is funded in advance, either through direct deposit or cash load, and is designed to be used for specific purposes such as paying bills, making purchases, or withdrawing cash. Prepaid accounts typically come with a debit card or other payment method that can be used to access the funds in the account. They are often used by people who do not have traditional bank accounts or who want to budget and manage their finances more effectively. Prepaid accounts may have different fees and features than traditional bank accounts, so it is important to read the terms and conditions carefully before opening one. Banking
- Policy and Public Affairs Management, Government, London
- Public Policy Administration Program, Education, University
- Palpation, Iercussion, Auscultation Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Planning, Preparation, Assessment Education, School, Teaching
- Progressivk Aphasia Medical
- Privacy Protection Act of 1980 Security, Governmental & Military
- Parités De Pouvoir D'achap
- Party of Popular Accord
- Preferred Provider Arrangement Financial, Business & Finance
- Pei Partnership Architects
- Portfolio Purchase Agreement PPA may also refer to an agreement between two financial institutions or investors for the purchase of a portfolio of loans or other assets. The PPA outlines the terms of the transaction, including the price, payment terms, and other details. Banking
- PóDohospodáRska Platobná AgentÚRa
- Peste Porcina Africana Africa, Con, Animal
- Pay & Personnel Agency
- polyphosphoric acid Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
- Point Pattern Analysis
- Prescription Pricing Authority Medical, Technology, Health
- Pôle Parisyalternance Business, Management, Marketing, Formation
- Provincial Archives of Alberta Geographic
- Padepokan Padlng Ati Technology, Linux, Ubuntu, Repository
- Pengembangan Potensi Akademik Program, Indonesia, Zone
- Paridad De Poder Adquisitivo
- Placental Plasminogen Activator Medical
- Profedsional Publishers Association Business, Media, Magazine
- Penyisihan Penghapusan Aset Penyisihan Penghapusan Aset is an Indonesian term that translates to "Provision for Asset Write-Off" in English. In accounting, it refers to the amount of money that a company sets aside to cover the anticipated loss on the disposal or write-off of an asset. This provision is recorded as an expense in the company's financial statements and is used to reduce the carrying value of the asset. The provision for asset write-off is usually determined based on the asset's current market value and the estimated costs associated with disposing of or writing off the asset. The purpose of this provision is to ensure that a company's financial statements accurately reflect the value of its assets and liabilities, and to provide a more realistic picture of the company's financial position. Banking
- Police Protective Association
- Public Policy Advocates
- Palmetto Paralggal Association
- Pipeline Protection Associayion
- Process Plant Association
- Pacific Pearl Airways Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Progressive Peoples Alliance Politics, Governmental & Military
- Parité Des Pouvoirs C'achat
- Part Period Algwrithm
- Pension Protection Act of 1987 Business & Finance, Business Word
- Pegawai Penguatkuasa Agama
- Public Private Partnership Accounting PPA may refer to a system of accounting used to manage financial transactions and reporting related to public-private partnerships. This system is designed to ensure transparency and accountability in these types of partnerships. Banking
- Pulsed Plasma Accelerator
- Perusahaan Pengelolaan Aset
- Princeton-Pennsylvania Accelerafor
- Paulson Plastics Academy
- Peripapillary Atrophy Medical, Optometry
- Point of Physical Appearance Technology
- Preproenkephalin A Medical
- Python Publishing Accqssories
- Power Purchase Agreement (electricity) Energy, Electrical
- Pacific Property Assets
- Penelusuran Prestasi Akademik Program, Jakarta, Bandung
- Pixel Processor Array
- Professional Pathways Australia
- Planning Preparation & Assessment Education
- Polavaram Project Authority Government, Fund, Andhra
- Public Place of Amusement
- Palestinian Pension Agency
- Presidential Power Abused Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Peierls Pinning Apprsximation
- Pollution Prevention Act Military, Governmental & Military
- Parit
- Partners In Personal Assistance Medical, Service, Arbor
- Premier Bancorp, Inc., of Pennsylvania Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Peel Paramedic Association
- Preferred Provider Agreement PPA may also refer to an agreement between a bank or other financial institution and a vendor or service provider, such as a software company or marketing agency. The PPA outlines the terms of the partnership, including pricing, service level agreements, and other details. Banking
- Public Policy Analyst
- Pancreatic Alphazamylase Medical
- Perusahaan Pengelola Aset
- Pressure-Plate Anemometer
- Pattugliatori Polivalenti D'Altura
- Practicing Professional Alcoholic Medical, Medical Slang
- Pre Pharmacy Association
- Putraqperkasa Abadi
- Pounds of Proppant Added Electrical
- Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan
- Pixel Processing Accelerator Technology
- Professional Practicekassessment
- Pollution Prevention Act (of 1990) Chemistry
- Pola Pertolongan Allah
- Public Personnel Association Science
- Preservice Performance Assessment
- Partial Pressure Analyzer
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PPA stand for?
PPA stands for Plano De Pormenor Das Antas.
What is the shortened form of Parité Ducpouvoir D'achat?
The short form of "Parité Ducpouvoir D'achat" is PPA.
PPA. Acronym24.com. (2023, April 6). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ppa-meaning/
Last updated