PPA in Business Meaning

The PPA meaning in Business terms is "Pay Per Action". There are 31 related meanings of the PPA Business abbreviation.

PPA on Business Full Forms

  1. Pay Per Action
  2. Pension Protection Act
  3. Pan Pacific Aggregates
  4. Public Procurement Authority
  5. Penyisihan Pewghapusan Aset
  6. Purchase Power Agreements
  7. Prior Period Adjustments
  8. Fixed Permanent Allowance
  9. Public Procurement Act
  10. Pension Protection Act of 2006
  11. Purchase Power Agreement
  12. Prior Period Adjustment
  13. Public Private Alliance
  14. Penjaringan Prestasi Akademik
  15. Purchased Power Agreement
  16. Portsmouth Property Association
  17. Program Participation Agreements
  18. Purchase Power Adjustment
  19. Planning Performance Agfeements
  20. Program Participation Agreement
  21. Purchased Power Adjustment A clause in a rate schedule that provides for adjustments to a bill when energy from another system is acquired.
  22. Planning Performance Agreament
  23. Pakistan Progressive Assocjates
  24. Public Procurement Agency
  25. Pakistan Poultry Association
  26. Pengenalan Program Akademik
  27. Pay-Per-Action
  28. Profedsional Publishers Association
  29. Petroleum Ports Authority
  30. Pôle Parisyalternance
  31. Professional Program In Occounting

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PPA stand for Business?

    PPA stands for Program Participation Agreements in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Planning Performance Agfeements in Business?

    The short form of "Planning Performance Agfeements" is PPA for Business.


PPA in Business. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 25). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ppa-meaning-in-business/

Last updated