PPC Meaning
The PPC meaning is "Pay Per Click". The PPC abbreviation has 406 different full form.
PPC Full Forms
- Pay Per Click Business, Technology, Marketing, Computer, Scientific & Educational
- Pulmonary Capillary Pressure Medical, Medicine, Health, Pulmonary
- Phosphopantothenoylcysteine Medical
- Prescription Pre-Payment Certificate Medical, Health, Cost
- Pan Pacific College
- Public-Private Cooperation Technology, Publics, Economics
- Philippine Philatelists and Collectibles
- Prenatal and Postpartum Care
- Palestinian Prisoners Club Military, Children, Israel
- Provider Preventable Conditions Medical, Health, Care
- Procurement Placement Code Science
- Phenprocoumon Medical
- Precious Pages Corporation
- Pacific Pole Championships
- Prospect Creek Airport Prospect Creek, Alaska,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
- Price Per Click
- Personal Protective Clothing Science
- Pre Production Check Business, Service, Product
- Pay Per Clic
- Project Performance Corporation Technology, Management, Consulting
- Prevents Production of Counterfeit
- Patrol Plane Commander Technology, Military, Aircraft
- Pre-Production Check Business, Service, Product
- Pay-Per-Click Business, Technology, Marketing, Advertising, Social Media, Online Marketing
- Pretoria Portland Cement Business, Organizations, Africa, Portland
- Partido Popular Cristiano Government, Con, Peru, Vector
- Physical Plant Cost
- Prescription Prepayment Certificates Medical, Surgery, Doctor
- Paperboard Packaging Council Business, Science, Industrial
- Public Policy Colloquium Technology, Education, Organizations
- Partnership for Patient Care
- Prepaid Phone Card
- Penthouse Players Clique Lyric, Player, Bitch
- Plastic Powder Coating
- Processing Payment Cycle Medical, Healthcare
- Peste Porcine Classique English, Diagnostic, Madagascar, Porcine
- Pollution Prevention Control Business, Service, Environment
- Positive Psychology Coaching Science, Coupon, Happiness
- Public Private Comparator
- Pay Pay Click
- Pindell-Palmisano Cartridge Gun, Rifle, Military, Remington
- Pressure Products Company Business, Glass, Sight
- Pacific Pole Champion
- Performance Production Center
- Polar Path Compass
- Professional Performance Certificate
- Parent Problem Checklist
- Progressive Peace Coalition
- Puneet Puri & Company Business, Accounting, India, Firm
- Pneumatic Power Clutch Motorcycle, Engine, Mille
- Physician Practice Connections Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Preferred Priorities of Care
- Pearson Peacekeeping Center Military, Command, Training
- Public Protection Class Insurance, Organizations, Fire
- Plain Paper Copier Business, Media, Trading
- Primary Processing Centers Business, Food, Park
- Palestinian Prisoner'S Club
- Per Per Click
- Political and Partnership Committee
- Professional Practices Council
- Partido Popular De Cataluña Para, Con, Pol
- Poor Peoples Campaign
- Projetos PedagóGicos Dos Cursos
- Patient Placement Criteria Medical, Treatment, Addiction
- President'S Priorities Commitee Education
- Production Products Company
- Paradise Power Company Business, Energy, Sexy
- Partnership and Performance Council
- Prepaid Card Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Pentecostal Protestant Church
- Plastic Playing Cards
- Procedures Personal Computer Technology
- Peste Porcina CláSica
- Pollution and Prevention Control
- Positive Psychology Center Program, Research, Education
- Public Presentation Competition
- Pay-Pay-Click
- Pin-To-Pin Compatible
- Pressure Perturbation Calorimetry Medical, Science, Protein
- Iata Code for Prospect Creek Airport, Prospect Creek, Alaska, United States Locations
- Performance Planning Card Technology
- Poland Presbyterian Church
- Professional Practice Course Education, Law, Society
- Parallel Pilot Channel
- Progressive Party of Canada
- Plutonium Product Cell Technology
- Physician-Patient Communication
- Preferred Priorities for Care
- Pearl Petroleum Co
- Pinnacle Presbyterian Church
- Primary Processing Centres Business, Food, Park
- Palestinian Peace Coalition Government, Geneva, Initiative
- Peripheral Pre-Controller
- Political and Partnerships Committee
- Professional Practice Council
- Partido Popular De Catalunya Para, Con, Catalan
- Projetos PedagóGicos De Cursos
- Present Perfect Continuous Education, English, Grammar
- Production Possibility Curves Business, Economics, Cost
- Paradigm Precision Components
- Picture Post Card Business, Stamp, Postcard
- Partners for Parasite Control
- Premium Priced Calls Technology
- Pennsylvania Power Company
- Plastic Pipe Culvert Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Procedimiento Preventivo De Crisis
- Palm Personal Computer Technology, Notebook, Laptop
- Peshawar Press Club Pakistan, Khan, Peshawar, Journalist
- Pollution, Prevention and Control Business, Environment, Pollution
- Positive Peritoneal Cytology Medical
- Public Practice Certificate
- Pay Personnel Center Business, Coast, Guard
- Pilot Publishing Company Science, Research, Study, Knowledge, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Pression Positive Continue Patient, Syndrome, Mes
- Chlorinated Polypropylene Chemistry, Science, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
- Perfecting Patient Care
- Poor People'S Campaign
- Professional Photographers of Canada Technology, Canada, Photography
- Parallel Petroleum Corp
- Project Planning & Control Technology, Management, Manager
- Peoples Party of Canada
- Plutonium Process Cell Technology
- Physical Protected Circuit Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Preferred Place of Care Medical, Planning, Palliative
- Peak Probability Contrasts Analysis, Contrast, Package, Biomarker
- Ping Pong Club
- Primary Point of Contact Business, Management, Marketing
- Pakistan Press Club
- Peripheral Pin Controller
- Police Protective Custody Force, Police, Police Force
- Professional Pankration Championship
- Parish Pastoral Council Government, Catholic, Church
- Projeto PedagóGico De Curso
- Production Possibilities Curve Business, Economics, Possibility
- Purchasing Price Change
- Program To Program Communications
- Paper Presentation Competition
- Pick Professional Center
- Premier Property Club
- Pennsylvania Power Co
- Planned Percent Complete Business, Planning, Construction
- Pro-Palmerton Coalition
- Palmisano Pindel Cartridge
- Personal Performance Consultants
- Pollo, Pizza Y Carne
- Partit Popular Catal Els, Parlament, Pol
- Positive People Company
- Public Power Coalition
- Pay & Personnel Center Business, Coast, Guard
- Pilot Project Committee Science
- Pression De Perfusion CéRéBrale
- Public Procurement Commission Government, Guyana, Purchase
- Peregrinatio Pro Christo Latin
- Pool Players Club
- Professional Plan Consultant Business, Management, Financial
- Parallel Plate Capacitance
- People'S Party of Canada
- Plusprotector Plus Console
- Procurement Policy Committee Business, Postal, Us Post
- Physical Processor Consumption
- Production Planning & Control Business, Technology, Management, Manager, Material, Manufacturing, Operation
- Practitioner'S Publishing Company
- Peak Power Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Pingat Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
- Primary Point Code Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Pakistan Penal Code Government, Law, Pakistan, Police, Governmental & Military
- Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Medical
- Police Pistol Competition
- Professional Practice Consultant Family, Mediation, Mediator
- Paridades De Poder De Compra
- Projeto PedagóGico Do Curso Technology, Para, Dos, Ria
- Production Possibility Curve Business, Economics, Cost
- Pupuk Pelengkap Cair
- Program To Program Communication Technology, Computing, Apple
- Pan Pacific Congress
- Physiological Patellofemoral Crepitus Medical
- Premier Painting Company
- Pennsylvania Power Co. Technology, Organizations
- Public Purpose Charge
- Planned Parenthood of Connecticut
- Prix Public Conseille
- Palmisano Pindell Cartridge Army, War, Force
- Personal and Professional Capabilities Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Political Psychology Center
- Parti Du Peuple Cambodgien Pay, Rouge, Khmer
- Pore Pressure Cell Technology
- Provisional Passing Certificate
- Patriot Petroleum Corp
- Pilot Proficiency Checks
- President Petroleum Company
- Public Policy Consultation
- Percent Planned Complete Technology, Planning, Construction
- PolíTica Pesquera ComÚN Para, Con, Sector
- Product Planning Committee
- Parallel-Plate Capacitor
- People'S Party of Catalonia
- Plug and Play Compatible
- Process Proximity Correction
- Physical Presence Command
- Production, Planning & Control Technology, Management, Production
- Powered Positioning Caliper Oil, Gas, Petroleum, Electrical
- Public Protection Cabinet
- Pay-Per-Channel Technology, Access, Telecom
- Pinellas Planning Council Technology, County, City
- Primary Plasma Condenser
- Pacific Publishing Company
- Periodic Proficiency Checking Technology
- Police Pistol Combat
- Professional Pest Controller Magazine, Control, Pest
- Paridade Do Poder De Compra
- Progress Payment Certificate
- Punjab Polytechnic College
- Program Policy Committee
- Physics Policy Committee
- Preliminary Path Caching
- Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children
- Public Protection Committee
- Plain Paper Copiers Business, Film, Media
- Private Purchase Contract
- Palmisano & Pindel Cartridge Gun, Technology, Rifle
- Personal, Professional Coaching
- Political Party Committee
- Partit Popular De Catalunya Government, Group, Pol, Party
- Population Patch Clamp
- Protech Pharmaservices Corporation Business, Research, Organizations
- Patient Priorities Care
- PokéMon Puzzle Challenge
- Presidential Policy Commission
- Public Policy Conference Technology, Marketing, Event
- PolíTica Pesquera Comunitaria
- Product Performance Counters
- Paradoxical Puborectalis Contraction Medical
- Partnership for Primary Care
- Pentose Phosphate Cycle Medical, Medicine, Health
- Plenum Publishing Corporation
- Process Plants Corporation
- Phased Provisioning Code Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Pollution Prevention Center
- Policl
- Pour Prendre Conge Technology
- Public Private Cooperation Business, Development, Economics
- Pay-Per-Call Pay-Per-Click
- Pindell Palmisano Cartridge Army, War, Force
- Pressure Proportional Control
- Pacific Polymer Conference
- Performance Present Capabilities Technology, Management, Power, Processor
- Pole Placement Control Education, Power, Toolbox
- Professional Process Consultants
- Paridade De Poder De Compra
- Progressive Populist Caucus
- Punjabi Press Club
- Pneumatic Products Corporation
- Physician Practice Connection
- Preliminary Proceedings Committee Medical, Medicine, Government, Council
- Pearson Professional Centers Education, Testing, Exam
- Public Protection Classifications Insurance, Organizations, Fire
- Plain Paper Copy
- Private Power Cell Business, Pakistan
- Palmetto Poison Center
- Personal & Professional Coaching
- Political Parties Committee
- Professional Practice Commission
- Partido Popular De Catalu
- Popular Party of Catalonia
- Prospectus Prepayment Curve
- Patient Placement Criteria for The Treatment of Substance-Related Disorders Medical, Therapy, Health Care
- Poker Private Club
- President'S Policy Committee
- Production Process Characterization Science
- Paradisus Punta Cana
- Programmable Process Controller
- Production Planning and Control Technology, Management, Manufacturing
- Pulmonary Complication Medical
- Pan-Pacific Championship
- Power Processing Chip Computing, Hardware
- Pondicherry Photography Club
- Polyester Powder Coated Business, Aluminium, Coating
- Program Planning and Control Business, Technology, Management, Military, Governmental & Military
- Passenger Processing Center
- Prepyriform Cortex Medical
- Program Plans and Controls
- People-Plant Council Medical, Health, Horticulture
- Production Planning Control Business, Management, Manager
- Pandemic Preparedness Clinic
- Private Practice Committee Medical, Dental
- Project Planning Center
- Pilgrims Pride Corporation Business, Supply, Stock, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Perceived Personal Control Medical, Genetics, Cancer
- Purina Puppy Chow
- Poder De Paridad De Compra
- Picture Production Company Business, Film, London
- Powerplant Change (tdc 02) Military, Governmental & Military
- Program and Policy Coordination
- Procurement Planning Conference Military
- Puerto Princesa City Locations, Philippine, Palawan
- Pampanga Press Club
- Pay Per Click (a search engine advertising model) Computing, Computer, Internet, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Palau Asia Pacific Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Palau, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Pollo Pizza Carne
- Polyester Polymer Concrete Bond, Technology, Projection
- Product Planning and Control Science
- Pasadena Presbyterian Church
- Prepiriform Cortex Medical
- Program for Public Consultation America, Government, American
- People-Plant-Council
- Pump Peripheral Controller Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Producción Per CáPita
- Pandemic Preparedness Clinics
- Prospect Creek Airport, Prospect Creek, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States
- Pro-Personal Computer
- Polystyrene Packaging Council Business, Africa, Association
- Patient-Physician Communication Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Pilgrims Pride Corp Business, Supply, Stock
- Per-Per-Click
- Pure Power Center
- Pocket Pc Cep
- Mobile Data Studio Project File Computing, File Extensions
- Publishing Product Creation
- PowerPC A computer architecture that is based on the third generation of RISC processors. PowerPC was developed jointly by Apple, Motorola, and IBM. Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC – Performance Computing, PowerPC A microprocessor architecture developed in 1992 by Motorola and IBM, with some participation by Apple. A PowerPC microprocessor is RISC-based and superscalar, with a 64-bit data bus and 32-bit address bus. Information Technology, Computing, Computer
- Program and Policy Council Education
- Pollable Protocol Converter
- Program Planning Committee Science
- Party Planning Committee
- Pre Payment Check Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Programs Pay Per Click
- Pulsed Power Conference Computing, Ieee
- Procurement Planning Committee
- Pancreatic Pseudocysts Medical
- Project Preparation Committee Technology, Governmental & Military
- Polyenylphosphatidylcholine Medical
- Print Position Counter
- Polypropylene Carbonate Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Past Presidents Council
- Pilgrim Psychiatric Center
- Peptidoglycan-Polysaccharide Complexes Medical
- Pocket Pc Science, Geography, Location
- Adobe Presenter Audio File Computing, File Extensions
- Publishers Publicity Circle Book, Organizations, Award
- Portland Pozzolona Cement Construction, Products
- Program-To-Program Communications Technology, Networking, Mac
- Policy, Procedure, and Compliance Business, Management, Indonesia, Lion
- Pozzolana Portland Cement
- Program Pelajar Cemerlang
- Party for Progress and Concord
- Preparedness, Prevention and Contingency Plan Technology, Engineering, Biology, Pennsylvania
- Program, Pay Per Click
- Pulse-To-Pulse Correlation
- Panay Power Corporation Business, Technology, Philippine
- Pocket Personal Computer General, Governmental & Military
- Poltava Petroleum Company Business, Ukraine, Gas
- Power Projection Cabinet Business, Guitar, Speaker
- Polyphthalate Carbonate Chemistry, Science, Forest Industry, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
- Past Present Competitions Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Pilgrim'S Pride Corporationration Organizations
- Peoples Press Collective
- Pneumopericardium Pneumopericardium is a medical condition where air enters the pericardial cavity. This condition has been recognized in preterm neonates, in which it is associated with severe lung pathology, after vigorous resuscitation, or in the presence of assisted ventilation. This is a serious complication, which if untreated may lead to cardiac tamponade and death. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Preparative Paper Chromatography Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Pres Petrol Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Program-To-Program Communication Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Push-Pull Cannula Medical
- Power Plant Control
- Programmes and Planning Committee Military
- Parts Preference Code Military
- Preparedness, Prevention and Contingency Technology, Planning, Environment
- Profile Porous Ceramic
- Pulp and Paper Centre
- Panasonic Personal Computer
- Pay-Per-Call Computing, Telecom
- Pollution Prevention and Conservation Science
- Pour Plate Culture
- Polyester Powder-Coated Building, Engineering, Construction
- Past Present Challenge Organization, Union, Institution
- Pilgrim'S Pride Completes
- Presbyterian Publishing Corporation Book, Organizations, Church
- Project Partnering Contract Business, Technology, Engineering
- People Power Coalition Government, Philippine, Philippines
- Pneumatic Products Corp
- Pan Pacific Copper Business, Japan, Mining
- Prescription Prepayment Certificate Medical, Reading Prescription
- Pointer To Pointer To Character Assembly, Business & Finance
- Professional Psychology Center
- Percent Plan Completed
- Purpura Pigmentosa Chronica Medical
- Pediatric Pulmonary Center Disability
- Programmable Peer Control
- Preparedness, Prevention, and Contingency Technology, Planning, Prevention
- Professional Photographers of California California, Photography, Photographer
- Pulmonary Primary Complex Medical
- Panama Ports Company Business, Panama, Balboa
- TAB Periodicals Packages Committee Computing, Master IEEE
- Positron and Positronium Chemistry
- Polyester Powder Coatings
- Passive Phase Coupler
- Pikes Peak Center
- Preprocessing Center Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
- Progressive Patient Care Medical, Medicine, Health
- People Plant Council Human, People, Horticulture
- Production Plan Control Technology, Management, Manager
- Panel Personal Computer
- production and process controls Medical, Fda
- Provisionable Patchcord Telecom
- Percent Plan Complete Business, Projection, Construction
- Purple People Clan
- Point-To-Point Communication
- Piedmont Park Conservancy
- Personnel Policy Committee Education
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PPC stand for?
PPC stands for Pulmonary Primary Complex.
What is the shortened form of Pindell Palmisano Cartridge?
The short form of "Pindell Palmisano Cartridge" is PPC.
PPC. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ppc-meaning/
Last updated