PPC Meaning

The PPC meaning is "Pay Per Click". The PPC abbreviation has 406 different full form.

PPC Full Forms

  1. Pay Per Click Business, Technology, Marketing, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  2. Pulmonary Capillary Pressure Medical, Medicine, Health, Pulmonary
  3. Phosphopantothenoylcysteine Medical
  4. Prescription Pre-Payment Certificate Medical, Health, Cost
  5. Pan Pacific College
  6. Public-Private Cooperation Technology, Publics, Economics
  7. Philippine Philatelists and Collectibles
  8. Prenatal and Postpartum Care
  9. Palestinian Prisoners Club Military, Children, Israel
  10. Provider Preventable Conditions Medical, Health, Care
  11. Procurement Placement Code Science
  12. Phenprocoumon Medical
  13. Precious Pages Corporation
  14. Pacific Pole Championships
  15. Prospect Creek Airport Prospect Creek, Alaska,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  16. Price Per Click
  17. Personal Protective Clothing Science
  18. Pre Production Check Business, Service, Product
  19. Pay Per Clic
  20. Project Performance Corporation Technology, Management, Consulting
  21. Prevents Production of Counterfeit
  22. Patrol Plane Commander Technology, Military, Aircraft
  23. Pre-Production Check Business, Service, Product
  24. Pay-Per-Click Business, Technology, Marketing, Advertising, Social Media, Online Marketing
  25. Pretoria Portland Cement Business, Organizations, Africa, Portland
  26. Partido Popular Cristiano Government, Con, Peru, Vector
  27. Physical Plant Cost
  28. Prescription Prepayment Certificates Medical, Surgery, Doctor
  29. Paperboard Packaging Council Business, Science, Industrial
  30. Public Policy Colloquium Technology, Education, Organizations
  31. Partnership for Patient Care
  32. Prepaid Phone Card
  33. Penthouse Players Clique Lyric, Player, Bitch
  34. Plastic Powder Coating
  35. Processing Payment Cycle Medical, Healthcare
  36. Peste Porcine Classique English, Diagnostic, Madagascar, Porcine
  37. Pollution Prevention Control Business, Service, Environment
  38. Positive Psychology Coaching Science, Coupon, Happiness
  39. Public Private Comparator
  40. Pay Pay Click
  41. Pindell-Palmisano Cartridge Gun, Rifle, Military, Remington
  42. Pressure Products Company Business, Glass, Sight
  43. Pacific Pole Champion
  44. Performance Production Center
  45. Polar Path Compass
  46. Professional Performance Certificate
  47. Parent Problem Checklist
  48. Progressive Peace Coalition
  49. Puneet Puri & Company Business, Accounting, India, Firm
  50. Pneumatic Power Clutch Motorcycle, Engine, Mille
  51. Physician Practice Connections Medical, Technology, Medicine
  52. Preferred Priorities of Care
  53. Pearson Peacekeeping Center Military, Command, Training
  54. Public Protection Class Insurance, Organizations, Fire
  55. Plain Paper Copier Business, Media, Trading
  56. Primary Processing Centers Business, Food, Park
  57. Palestinian Prisoner'S Club
  58. Per Per Click
  59. Political and Partnership Committee
  60. Professional Practices Council
  61. Partido Popular De Cataluña Para, Con, Pol
  62. Poor Peoples Campaign
  63. Projetos PedagóGicos Dos Cursos
  64. Patient Placement Criteria Medical, Treatment, Addiction
  65. President'S Priorities Commitee Education
  66. Production Products Company
  67. Paradise Power Company Business, Energy, Sexy
  68. Partnership and Performance Council
  69. Prepaid Card Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  70. Pentecostal Protestant Church
  71. Plastic Playing Cards
  72. Procedures Personal Computer Technology
  73. Peste Porcina CláSica
  74. Pollution and Prevention Control
  75. Positive Psychology Center Program, Research, Education
  76. Public Presentation Competition
  77. Pay-Pay-Click
  78. Pin-To-Pin Compatible
  79. Pressure Perturbation Calorimetry Medical, Science, Protein
  80. Iata Code for Prospect Creek Airport, Prospect Creek, Alaska, United States Locations
  81. Performance Planning Card Technology
  82. Poland Presbyterian Church
  83. Professional Practice Course Education, Law, Society
  84. Parallel Pilot Channel
  85. Progressive Party of Canada
  86. Plutonium Product Cell Technology
  87. Physician-Patient Communication
  88. Preferred Priorities for Care
  89. Pearl Petroleum Co
  90. Pinnacle Presbyterian Church
  91. Primary Processing Centres Business, Food, Park
  92. Palestinian Peace Coalition Government, Geneva, Initiative
  93. Peripheral Pre-Controller
  94. Political and Partnerships Committee
  95. Professional Practice Council
  96. Partido Popular De Catalunya Para, Con, Catalan
  97. Projetos PedagóGicos De Cursos
  98. Present Perfect Continuous Education, English, Grammar
  99. Production Possibility Curves Business, Economics, Cost
  100. Paradigm Precision Components
  101. Picture Post Card Business, Stamp, Postcard
  102. Partners for Parasite Control
  103. Premium Priced Calls Technology
  104. Pennsylvania Power Company
  105. Plastic Pipe Culvert Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  106. Procedimiento Preventivo De Crisis
  107. Palm Personal Computer Technology, Notebook, Laptop
  108. Peshawar Press Club Pakistan, Khan, Peshawar, Journalist
  109. Pollution, Prevention and Control Business, Environment, Pollution
  110. Positive Peritoneal Cytology Medical
  111. Public Practice Certificate
  112. Pay Personnel Center Business, Coast, Guard
  113. Pilot Publishing Company Science, Research, Study, Knowledge, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  114. Pression Positive Continue Patient, Syndrome, Mes
  115. Chlorinated Polypropylene Chemistry, Science, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
  116. Perfecting Patient Care
  117. Poor People'S Campaign
  118. Professional Photographers of Canada Technology, Canada, Photography
  119. Parallel Petroleum Corp
  120. Project Planning & Control Technology, Management, Manager
  121. Peoples Party of Canada
  122. Plutonium Process Cell Technology
  123. Physical Protected Circuit Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  124. Preferred Place of Care Medical, Planning, Palliative
  125. Peak Probability Contrasts Analysis, Contrast, Package, Biomarker
  126. Ping Pong Club
  127. Primary Point of Contact Business, Management, Marketing
  128. Pakistan Press Club
  129. Peripheral Pin Controller
  130. Police Protective Custody Force, Police, Police Force
  131. Professional Pankration Championship
  132. Parish Pastoral Council Government, Catholic, Church
  133. Projeto PedagóGico De Curso
  134. Production Possibilities Curve Business, Economics, Possibility
  135. Purchasing Price Change
  136. Program To Program Communications
  137. Paper Presentation Competition
  138. Pick Professional Center
  139. Premier Property Club
  140. Pennsylvania Power Co
  141. Planned Percent Complete Business, Planning, Construction
  142. Pro-Palmerton Coalition
  143. Palmisano Pindel Cartridge
  144. Personal Performance Consultants
  145. Pollo, Pizza Y Carne
  146. Partit Popular Catal Els, Parlament, Pol
  147. Positive People Company
  148. Public Power Coalition
  149. Pay & Personnel Center Business, Coast, Guard
  150. Pilot Project Committee Science
  151. Pression De Perfusion CéRéBrale
  152. Public Procurement Commission Government, Guyana, Purchase
  153. Peregrinatio Pro Christo Latin
  154. Pool Players Club
  155. Professional Plan Consultant Business, Management, Financial
  156. Parallel Plate Capacitance
  157. People'S Party of Canada
  158. Plusprotector Plus Console
  159. Procurement Policy Committee Business, Postal, Us Post
  160. Physical Processor Consumption
  161. Production Planning & Control Business, Technology, Management, Manager, Material, Manufacturing, Operation
  162. Practitioner'S Publishing Company
  163. Peak Power Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  164. Pingat Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
  165. Primary Point Code Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  166. Pakistan Penal Code Government, Law, Pakistan, Police, Governmental & Military
  167. Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Medical
  168. Police Pistol Competition
  169. Professional Practice Consultant Family, Mediation, Mediator
  170. Paridades De Poder De Compra
  171. Projeto PedagóGico Do Curso Technology, Para, Dos, Ria
  172. Production Possibility Curve Business, Economics, Cost
  173. Pupuk Pelengkap Cair
  174. Program To Program Communication Technology, Computing, Apple
  175. Pan Pacific Congress
  176. Physiological Patellofemoral Crepitus Medical
  177. Premier Painting Company
  178. Pennsylvania Power Co. Technology, Organizations
  179. Public Purpose Charge
  180. Planned Parenthood of Connecticut
  181. Prix Public Conseille
  182. Palmisano Pindell Cartridge Army, War, Force
  183. Personal and Professional Capabilities Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  184. Political Psychology Center
  185. Parti Du Peuple Cambodgien Pay, Rouge, Khmer
  186. Pore Pressure Cell Technology
  187. Provisional Passing Certificate
  188. Patriot Petroleum Corp
  189. Pilot Proficiency Checks
  190. President Petroleum Company
  191. Public Policy Consultation
  192. Percent Planned Complete Technology, Planning, Construction
  193. PolíTica Pesquera ComÚN Para, Con, Sector
  194. Product Planning Committee
  195. Parallel-Plate Capacitor
  196. People'S Party of Catalonia
  197. Plug and Play Compatible
  198. Process Proximity Correction
  199. Physical Presence Command
  200. Production, Planning & Control Technology, Management, Production
  201. Powered Positioning Caliper Oil, Gas, Petroleum, Electrical
  202. Public Protection Cabinet
  203. Pay-Per-Channel Technology, Access, Telecom
  204. Pinellas Planning Council Technology, County, City
  205. Primary Plasma Condenser
  206. Pacific Publishing Company
  207. Periodic Proficiency Checking Technology
  208. Police Pistol Combat
  209. Professional Pest Controller Magazine, Control, Pest
  210. Paridade Do Poder De Compra
  211. Progress Payment Certificate
  212. Punjab Polytechnic College
  213. Program Policy Committee
  214. Physics Policy Committee
  215. Preliminary Path Caching
  216. Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children
  217. Public Protection Committee
  218. Plain Paper Copiers Business, Film, Media
  219. Private Purchase Contract
  220. Palmisano & Pindel Cartridge Gun, Technology, Rifle
  221. Personal, Professional Coaching
  222. Political Party Committee
  223. Partit Popular De Catalunya Government, Group, Pol, Party
  224. Population Patch Clamp
  225. Protech Pharmaservices Corporation Business, Research, Organizations
  226. Patient Priorities Care
  227. PokéMon Puzzle Challenge
  228. Presidential Policy Commission
  229. Public Policy Conference Technology, Marketing, Event
  230. PolíTica Pesquera Comunitaria
  231. Product Performance Counters
  232. Paradoxical Puborectalis Contraction Medical
  233. Partnership for Primary Care
  234. Pentose Phosphate Cycle Medical, Medicine, Health
  235. Plenum Publishing Corporation
  236. Process Plants Corporation
  237. Phased Provisioning Code Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  238. Pollution Prevention Center
  239. Policl
  240. Pour Prendre Conge Technology
  241. Public Private Cooperation Business, Development, Economics
  242. Pay-Per-Call Pay-Per-Click
  243. Pindell Palmisano Cartridge Army, War, Force
  244. Pressure Proportional Control
  245. Pacific Polymer Conference
  246. Performance Present Capabilities Technology, Management, Power, Processor
  247. Pole Placement Control Education, Power, Toolbox
  248. Professional Process Consultants
  249. Paridade De Poder De Compra
  250. Progressive Populist Caucus
  251. Punjabi Press Club
  252. Pneumatic Products Corporation
  253. Physician Practice Connection
  254. Preliminary Proceedings Committee Medical, Medicine, Government, Council
  255. Pearson Professional Centers Education, Testing, Exam
  256. Public Protection Classifications Insurance, Organizations, Fire
  257. Plain Paper Copy
  258. Private Power Cell Business, Pakistan
  259. Palmetto Poison Center
  260. Personal & Professional Coaching
  261. Political Parties Committee
  262. Professional Practice Commission
  263. Partido Popular De Catalu
  264. Popular Party of Catalonia
  265. Prospectus Prepayment Curve
  266. Patient Placement Criteria for The Treatment of Substance-Related Disorders Medical, Therapy, Health Care
  267. Poker Private Club
  268. President'S Policy Committee
  269. Production Process Characterization Science
  270. Paradisus Punta Cana
  271. Programmable Process Controller
  272. Production Planning and Control Technology, Management, Manufacturing
  273. Pulmonary Complication Medical
  274. Pan-Pacific Championship
  275. Power Processing Chip Computing, Hardware
  276. Pondicherry Photography Club
  277. Polyester Powder Coated Business, Aluminium, Coating
  278. Program Planning and Control Business, Technology, Management, Military, Governmental & Military
  279. Passenger Processing Center
  280. Prepyriform Cortex Medical
  281. Program Plans and Controls
  282. People-Plant Council Medical, Health, Horticulture
  283. Production Planning Control Business, Management, Manager
  284. Pandemic Preparedness Clinic
  285. Private Practice Committee Medical, Dental
  286. Project Planning Center
  287. Pilgrims Pride Corporation Business, Supply, Stock, Computing, Nyse symbols
  288. Perceived Personal Control Medical, Genetics, Cancer
  289. Purina Puppy Chow
  290. Poder De Paridad De Compra
  291. Picture Production Company Business, Film, London
  292. Powerplant Change (tdc 02) Military, Governmental & Military
  293. Program and Policy Coordination
  294. Procurement Planning Conference Military
  295. Puerto Princesa City Locations, Philippine, Palawan
  296. Pampanga Press Club
  297. Pay Per Click (a search engine advertising model) Computing, Computer, Internet, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  298. Palau Asia Pacific Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Palau, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  299. Pollo Pizza Carne
  300. Polyester Polymer Concrete Bond, Technology, Projection
  301. Product Planning and Control Science
  302. Pasadena Presbyterian Church
  303. Prepiriform Cortex Medical
  304. Program for Public Consultation America, Government, American
  305. People-Plant-Council
  306. Pump Peripheral Controller Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  307. Producción Per CáPita
  308. Pandemic Preparedness Clinics
  309. Prospect Creek Airport, Prospect Creek, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States
  310. Pro-Personal Computer
  311. Polystyrene Packaging Council Business, Africa, Association
  312. Patient-Physician Communication Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  313. Pilgrims Pride Corp Business, Supply, Stock
  314. Per-Per-Click
  315. Pure Power Center
  316. Pocket Pc Cep
  317. Mobile Data Studio Project File Computing, File Extensions
  318. Publishing Product Creation
  319. PowerPC A computer architecture that is based on the third generation of RISC processors. PowerPC was developed jointly by Apple, Motorola, and IBM. Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC – Performance Computing, PowerPC A microprocessor architecture developed in 1992 by Motorola and IBM, with some participation by Apple. A PowerPC microprocessor is RISC-based and superscalar, with a 64-bit data bus and 32-bit address bus. Information Technology, Computing, Computer
  320. Program and Policy Council Education
  321. Pollable Protocol Converter
  322. Program Planning Committee Science
  323. Party Planning Committee
  324. Pre Payment Check Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  325. Programs Pay Per Click
  326. Pulsed Power Conference Computing, Ieee
  327. Procurement Planning Committee
  328. Pancreatic Pseudocysts Medical
  329. Project Preparation Committee Technology, Governmental & Military
  330. Polyenylphosphatidylcholine Medical
  331. Print Position Counter
  332. Polypropylene Carbonate Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  333. Past Presidents Council
  334. Pilgrim Psychiatric Center
  335. Peptidoglycan-Polysaccharide Complexes Medical
  336. Pocket Pc Science, Geography, Location
  337. Adobe Presenter Audio File Computing, File Extensions
  338. Publishers Publicity Circle Book, Organizations, Award
  339. Portland Pozzolona Cement Construction, Products
  340. Program-To-Program Communications Technology, Networking, Mac
  341. Policy, Procedure, and Compliance Business, Management, Indonesia, Lion
  342. Pozzolana Portland Cement
  343. Program Pelajar Cemerlang
  344. Party for Progress and Concord
  345. Preparedness, Prevention and Contingency Plan Technology, Engineering, Biology, Pennsylvania
  346. Program, Pay Per Click
  347. Pulse-To-Pulse Correlation
  348. Panay Power Corporation Business, Technology, Philippine
  349. Pocket Personal Computer General, Governmental & Military
  350. Poltava Petroleum Company Business, Ukraine, Gas
  351. Power Projection Cabinet Business, Guitar, Speaker
  352. Polyphthalate Carbonate Chemistry, Science, Forest Industry, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
  353. Past Present Competitions Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  354. Pilgrim'S Pride Corporationration Organizations
  355. Peoples Press Collective
  356. Pneumopericardium Pneumopericardium is a medical condition where air enters the pericardial cavity. This condition has been recognized in preterm neonates, in which it is associated with severe lung pathology, after vigorous resuscitation, or in the presence of assisted ventilation. This is a serious complication, which if untreated may lead to cardiac tamponade and death. Medical, Medicine, Health
  357. Preparative Paper Chromatography Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  358. Pres Petrol Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  359. Program-To-Program Communication Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  360. Push-Pull Cannula Medical
  361. Power Plant Control
  362. Programmes and Planning Committee Military
  363. Parts Preference Code Military
  364. Preparedness, Prevention and Contingency Technology, Planning, Environment
  365. Profile Porous Ceramic
  366. Pulp and Paper Centre
  367. Panasonic Personal Computer
  368. Pay-Per-Call Computing, Telecom
  369. Pollution Prevention and Conservation Science
  370. Pour Plate Culture
  371. Polyester Powder-Coated Building, Engineering, Construction
  372. Past Present Challenge Organization, Union, Institution
  373. Pilgrim'S Pride Completes
  374. Presbyterian Publishing Corporation Book, Organizations, Church
  375. Project Partnering Contract Business, Technology, Engineering
  376. People Power Coalition Government, Philippine, Philippines
  377. Pneumatic Products Corp
  378. Pan Pacific Copper Business, Japan, Mining
  379. Prescription Prepayment Certificate Medical, Reading Prescription
  380. Pointer To Pointer To Character Assembly, Business & Finance
  381. Professional Psychology Center
  382. Percent Plan Completed
  383. Purpura Pigmentosa Chronica Medical
  384. Pediatric Pulmonary Center  Disability
  385. Programmable Peer Control
  386. Preparedness, Prevention, and Contingency Technology, Planning, Prevention
  387. Professional Photographers of California California, Photography, Photographer
  388. Pulmonary Primary Complex Medical
  389. Panama Ports Company Business, Panama, Balboa
  390. TAB Periodicals Packages Committee Computing, Master IEEE
  391. Positron and Positronium Chemistry
  392. Polyester Powder Coatings
  393. Passive Phase Coupler
  394. Pikes Peak Center
  395. Preprocessing Center Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
  396. Progressive Patient Care Medical, Medicine, Health
  397. People Plant Council Human, People, Horticulture
  398. Production Plan Control Technology, Management, Manager
  399. Panel Personal Computer
  400. production and process controls Medical, Fda
  401. Provisionable Patchcord Telecom
  402. Percent Plan Complete Business, Projection, Construction
  403. Purple People Clan
  404. Point-To-Point Communication
  405. Piedmont Park Conservancy
  406. Personnel Policy Committee Education

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PPC stand for?

    PPC stands for Program for Public Consultation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pinnacle Presbyterian Church?

    The short form of "Pinnacle Presbyterian Church" is PPC.


PPC. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ppc-meaning/

Last updated