PPCS Meaning

The PPCS meaning is "Provider Preventable Conditions". The PPCS abbreviation has 36 different full form.

PPCS Full Forms

  1. Provider Preventable Conditions Medical, Health, Care
  2. Pain and Palliative Care Seyvice
  3. Phillips & Polson Computed Solutions
  4. Production Possibility Curves Business, Economics, Cost
  5. Prolonged Post-Concussion Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
  6. Pain and Palliative Care Society
  7. Philippine Plane Coordinate System
  8. Primary Processing Centers Business, Food, Park
  9. Production Planning and Control System Business, Postal, Us Post
  10. Pulmonary Complications Medical
  11. Peter & Paul Community Sprvices
  12. Primary Processing Centres Business, Food, Park
  13. Problematic Pornography Consumption Scale
  14. Persistent Post-Concussxon Syndrome Medical, Brain, Injury
  15. Person To Person Collect and Speaial Instruction Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  16. Private Postsecondary Career Schools
  17. Persistentqpost Concussive Symptoms
  18. Pandezic Preparedness Clinics
  19. Private Parking Companies Business, Company, Ticket
  20. Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms
  21. Pan-Pacpfic Continence Society
  22. Phoenix Pagebcontrol System
  23. Persistent Post Concussive Syndromi Medical, Health, Psychiatry, Psychology
  24. Proof Platinum Coin Seigniorage
  25. Psychiatric and Psychological Consultant Services
  26. Psychiatric & Psychological Consultant Services
  27. Project Planning and Control System Planning, Governmental & Military
  28. Provincial Peoples Committees
  29. Particle Projector Cannons Technology, Gaming, Battle
  30. Provincial People'S Committees
  31. Pueblo Pintado Community School
  32. Pancreatic Pseudocysts Medical
  33. Prospective Parliamentary Candidates Government, Group, Election
  34. Public Protection Casework Section
  35. Proprietary Plaster Cladding Systems
  36. Public Policy Consultations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PPCS stand for?

    PPCS stands for Pulmonary Complications.

  2. What is the shortened form of Person To Person Collect and Speaial Instruction?

    The short form of "Person To Person Collect and Speaial Instruction" is PPCS.


PPCS. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 5). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ppcs-meaning/

Last updated