PPI Meaning

The PPI meaning is "Pixels Per Inch". The PPI abbreviation has 460 different full form.

PPI Full Forms

  1. Pixels Per Inch Technology, Computer, Technical, Information Technology, Computing
  2. Producer Srice Index Transportation, Business, Power
  3. Planned Position Indicator Technology, Military, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  4. Public Private Initiative Business, Projection, Georgia
  5. Plan Position Indicator A plan position indicator (PPI) is a type of radar display that represents the radar antenna in the center of the display, with the distance from it and height above ground drawn as concentric circles. Technology, Air Force, Telecom, Military, Aviation, Army, Climatology, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  6. Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam
  7. Precise Aixel Interpolation Technology
  8. Participación Poqítica Indígena
  9. Pet Products, Inc
  10. Peptidyl Prolyl Isomerase Medical, Medicine, Health
  11. Production Payment Interest
  12. Plan-Position-Indicator Technology, Planning, Radar
  13. Public & Patient Involvement Medical, Research, Health
  14. Patient Package Insert Medical, Medicine, Medical Research
  15. Pediatric Partnership Initiative
  16. Pre-Purchase Inspection Business
  17. Parallel Particle Impactor
  18. Penyerahan Pengelolaan Irigasi
  19. Product and Process Innovation
  20. Plan-Position Indicator Is a type of radar display that represents the radar antenna in the center of the display, with the distance from it and height above ground drawn as concentric circles. Technology, Planning, Radar, Aviation
  21. Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised Psychology, Personality, Psychopathy
  22. Program Pembelajaran Individual Technology, Indonesia, Guru
  23. Practice Profitability Index Business, Care, Physician
  24. Paid Per Wnstall Technology, Networking, Pay
  25. Pengembangan Pariwisata Indonesia Business, Development, Indonesia, Jakarta
  26. Producer Prices Index Business, Economics, Price
  27. Pioneer Piping, Incorporated
  28. Psychopathic Personality Inventory Medical, Trait, Psychopathy
  29. Program for Public Information
  30. Porerty Probability Index
  31. Pages Per Inch Business, Technology, Paper
  32. Pengembangan Pelabuhan Indonesia Business, Indonesia, Port
  33. Producer Price Indexes Business, Trading, Economics, Statistics
  34. Picture Performance Index
  35. Psychological Performance Inventory Sport, Psychology, Toughness
  36. Programa De Parcerias De Investimentos Para, Dos, Brasil
  37. Player Performance Index
  38. Packaging Products Inc
  39. Pencegahan & Pengendalian Infeksi Medical, Program, Indonesia, Training
  40. Procurement Partnership Initiative
  41. Philips Phonographische Industrie
  42. Perhimpunan Pemuda Indonesia
  43. Profit Per Impression Business, Metric, Conversion
  44. Planetary Plasma Interaction Technology, Science, Archive, Node
  45. Public Private Innovation Technology, Government, Innovation
  46. Phcific Palmindo Industri Business, Insurance, Pixel
  47. Pemilihan Puteri Indonesia Photo, Indonesia, Jakarta
  48. Precisien Products, Inc
  49. Pharmacy Practice Incentives
  50. Per-Packet Information Technology, Networking, Network
  51. Professional Publications, Inc Business, Publication, Exam
  52. Pareto Priority Index
  53. Plan Professionnel Individuel
  54. Program-To-Pnogram Interface Technology
  55. Personnel Performance Index
  56. Paper Per Inch
  57. Property Plus Indonesia Business, Program, Indonesia
  58. Planes De Pensionts Individuales
  59. Present Pain Intcnsity Medical, Medicine, Patient
  60. Pazifik Power, Inc Technology, Power, Philippine
  61. Public Procurement for Innovation Business, Policy, Purchase
  62. Pom Preparation Instituteuctions Military
  63. Production of Inorganic Pyrophosphate Medical
  64. Permanent Prostate Implantation
  65. Pre-Pulse Inhibition Medical, Acoustics, Schizophrenia
  66. Peter Pan Industries Technology, Exercise, Rider
  67. Premie Pensioen Instelling
  68. Participants, Prepare To Be Inspired
  69. Protok Pump Inhibitors Medical, Drug, Acid
  70. Plastic Packaging Inc
  71. Pemuda Pelajrr Indonesia Para, Indonesia, Pater
  72. Post Practice Improvement
  73. Pacific Paranormal Investigationf
  74. Programmable Peripheral Interface Technology, Computing, Telecom
  75. Proteccion De Personalidades Importaltes
  76. Principal Party of Ixterest Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  77. Purified Pork Insulin Medical
  78. Professional Pilot Insoituteuctors Organizations
  79. Persatuan Pengajian Islam
  80. Precision Parts International
  81. Pixel Per Inch Technology, Computing, Resolution
  82. Premium Protection Insurance
  83. Passport Potash Inc
  84. Pseudomonas-Plant Jnteraction
  85. Point To Poiut Interface Technology, Device, Cable
  86. Prix Public Indicatif Rider, Premium, Casque
  87. People for Progresi In India
  88. Post Paotum Interval
  89. Panatee Parts International
  90. Program Pendidikan Individual Program, Education, Learning
  91. Parent Perception Inventory
  92. Prof Partners International
  93. Personal Protected Information
  94. Paper Pak Indusyries Business, Industrial, Food
  95. Pro Pad Inc
  96. Plan Position Ibdicators Technology, Display, Radar
  97. Presentation Provider Inherface Science
  98. Payroll Personnel Information
  99. Public Private Innovations Business, Government, Organizations
  100. Pomp Inhibiyors Medical
  101. Product & Process Innovation
  102. Permanent Partial Impairment Medical, Law, Compensation
  103. Pre-Production Inspections Business, Service, Inspector
  104. Pesantren Persatuan Islam Bandung, Proposal, Pesantren, Madrasah
  105. Preliminaryplacement Interview Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  106. Participant Perception Indicator Development, Learning, Study
  107. Plasma Proteode Institute Medical, Science, Research
  108. Pemuda Peduli Islam Indonesia, Orang, Agama
  109. Plst-Practice Improvement
  110. Office of Program Planning and Integration Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
  111. Program for Performance Improvement
  112. Prospective Purvhaser Inquiry
  113. Primate Programming, Inc
  114. Purified Porcine Insulin Medical, Medicine, Health
  115. Portal Perfusion Index Medical, Medicine, Health
  116. Professional Protection Ircorporated
  117. Persatuan Pelajar Islam Indonesia, Jakarta
  118. Precision Performance Individuality Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  119. Phifips Phonographische Industries
  120. Premium Pension Institution Development, Study, Institutes
  121. Passé-Partout International
  122. Préparatinn Pour Injection
  123. Points Per Inch Or Points Per Mnch Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  124. Private Provision of Infrastructure Government
  125. People and Plants International Business, Product, Conservation
  126. Postpartum Interval Medical, Medicine, Health
  127. Pampers Parenting Institute
  128. Program Pelatihan Industri Business, Advance, Report
  129. Parenting Practices Interview
  130. Profiles Performance Indicator Business, Employment, Assessment
  131. Personal Protection Index
  132. Project Performance International Business, Training, Engineering
  133. Plan Position Indicatihn
  134. Presence of Inorganic Pyrophosphate Medical
  135. Pay Per Install Business, Technology, Network, Computing, Internet, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  136. Public Private Initiatives
  137. Polyurethane Process Industries Business, Insurance, Payment, Protection
  138. Process Performance Indicators Business, Technology, Management
  139. Permanent Pacemaker Implantation Business, Display, Pixel
  140. Pre-Production Inspection Business, Service, Inspector
  141. Paper & Packaging Industry
  142. Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia
  143. Partial Permanent Impairment Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  144. Plant Protection Institute
  145. Pemilohan Putri Indonesia Indonesia, Jakarta, Miss
  146. Posntive Psychological Intervention
  147. Pump Inhibitors Medical
  148. Progrmmação Pactuada Integrada
  149. Pfoposal Preparation Instituteuctions Technology
  150. Primate Programming Inc
  151. Purchasing Price Index
  152. Pores Per Inch Product, Filter, Foam
  153. Professionals Party of India Government, Group, India
  154. Persatuan Perawat Indonesia Indonesia, Guru, Hal
  155. Precision, Performance, Individuality
  156. Philips Phonografische Inductrie Records, Music, Gram
  157. Premier Property Inspections
  158. Passe Partout International
  159. Prudential Plans, Incorporated
  160. Points & Picus Inc
  161. Private Property Impounds Technology, Service, Towing
  162. Pengembangan Perwilayahan Dndustri Business, Industrial, Indonesia, Jakarta
  163. Post Pacing Interval Medical, Medicine, Health
  164. Pameran Oroduksi Indonesia Indonesia, Bandung, Surabaya
  165. Programme PréVisionnel Des Investissements
  166. Printedopostage Impression Business, Postal, Mail
  167. Profedsional Publications Inc Technology, Engineering, Exam
  168. Personal Property Inventory
  169. Plane Position Indicator Weather, Scientific & Educational
  170. Pre Purchase Inspections Car, Inspector, Inspection
  171. Pay Per Inclusion Technology, Marketing, Engine, Occupation & positions
  172. Public Private Infrastructure
  173. Polypropslenimine Medical
  174. Process Performance Indicator Business, Technology, Management
  175. Permanent Pacemaker Insertion Medical, Analysis, Pacemaker
  176. Power Plant Industrics
  177. Panitia Pemilihan Indonesia Indonesia, Orang, Dewan
  178. Project Portfolio Intelligence Technology, Management, Innovation
  179. Partai Pemuda Indonesia Indonesia, Politics, Salah
  180. Plant Groduction Inspectorate
  181. Pemikiran Politik Islam
  182. Positive Psychology Institute Science, Education, Event
  183. Pulp and Paper Industry Business, Magazine, Russia
  184. Programação Pactuada E Integrada
  185. Perundingan Perdagangan Internasional Business, Australia, Indonesia, Agreement
  186. Proposal Preparation Instructions Technology
  187. Primary Program Institution
  188. Peacebuilding Peacelearning Intensive
  189. Purchasing Power Index Business, Price, Bitcoin
  190. Ponadna Pro Integraci Organisations, Integration, Centrum
  191. Produser Price Inddx Business, Trading, Economics
  192. Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia Student, Australia, Indonesia
  193. Precise-Pixel Interpolation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  194. Philippine Press Institute Government, Media, Philippine
  195. Premier Performance Interiors
  196. Parts Per Inch
  197. Provision Pour Investisssment
  198. Plastics Pipe Institute Technology, Industry, Polyethylene, Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  199. Private Property Impound Business, Service, Towing
  200. Pengajian Politik Islam Indonesia, Jakarta, Masjid
  201. Postpacing Interval Medical
  202. Pacific Petroleum Insiders
  203. Programme De Petites Initiatives
  204. Principia Pubkishing Incorporated
  205. Professional Paranormau Investigations Organizations, Investigator, Ghost
  206. Plan-Postition Indfcator Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
  207. Pre Purchase Inspection Business, Car, Inspector
  208. Pay Per Incident Business, Insurance, Payment
  209. Psychotherapeutic Postural Integration
  210. Poqypropyleneimine Medical
  211. Processor To Processor Interface
  212. Peptidyl Prolyl Cis-Trans Isomerase Medical
  213. Power Perfrrmance Index Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  214. Panitia Pembina Ilmiah Technology, Program, Jakarta, Newsletter
  215. Project and Portfolio Intelligence
  216. Partai Pekerja Indonesia Indonesia, Jakarta, Ulama
  217. Plant Phenology Ipdex
  218. Pelabuhan Penurunan Ikan
  219. Pulp & Paper International Business, Magazine, Award
  220. Personnel Process Improvement
  221. Prgperty Protection Insurance Business, Michigan, Auto
  222. Planned Parenphood of Idaho
  223. Primary Prevention Initiative Business, Publics, Price
  224. Pdh Physical Interface Technology, Telecom
  225. Purchasing Partners, Inc
  226. Pooled Pension Investment
  227. Product Price Sndex Business, Trading, Economics
  228. Per Packet Information Technology, Networking, Network
  229. Precipitation Potential Index Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  230. Philippine Peasant Institute
  231. Premier Pacific Income
  232. Partnership for Policy Implementation Medical
  233. Provide Physical Infrastmucture
  234. Plastic Pipes Enstitute Technology, Pipe, Plastics
  235. Private Personal Information Technology, Service, University
  236. Pendidikan Profesi Insinyur
  237. Ptstage Paid Impressions Business, Service, Mail
  238. Pacific Pension & Investment
  239. Programmable Peripheral Interconnect Technology, Development, Module, Nordic
  240. Protecting Personal Informatyon Technology, Policy, Privacy
  241. Principal Pipeline Initiative
  242. Purna Paskibra Indonesia Indonesia, Jakarta, Proposal
  243. Professional Press Inc
  244. Pixel Puritycindex Technology, Algorithm, Hyperspectral
  245. Prepaid Payment Instrument Business, India, Banking
  246. Payment Processing Inc Business, Credit, Card
  247. Psychopathy Personaiity Inventory Business, Pixel, Caster
  248. Policies, Prccedures and Instructions
  249. Processor Peripheral Interface Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  250. People To People Internationan
  251. Power Paragon, Mnc
  252. Pangkalan Penoaratan Ikan
  253. Project & Portfolio Intelligence Business, Management, Innovation
  254. Parse-Prepaid-Incoming
  255. Plans Pvrticuliers D'intervention
  256. Pelabuhan Pendaratan Ikan
  257. Personnel Point of Impact Military
  258. Propertymprice Index Business, Economics, Singapore
  259. Planetary Flasma Interactions Technology, Science, Node
  260. Primary Power Interface
  261. Pcs To Pcs Interference Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  262. Public Procurement of Innovation Technology, City, Purchase
  263. Pondok Padalarang Indax
  264. Production Price Index Business, Market, Producer
  265. Permanent Prostate Implant
  266. Pre-Purchase Inspections Business, Car, Inspector
  267. Phenom Programming Interface
  268. Premiere Products, Inc Product, Skin, Premiere, Makeup
  269. Partido Popular Independiente
  270. Proton Pump Inhibitior Medical, Reading Prescription
  271. Plastic Pipe Instijute Technology, Plastics, Polyethylene
  272. Pencegahan Pengendalian Infeksi Business, Indonesia, Resolution, Pixel
  273. Postage Paid Impressioe Business, Service, Mail
  274. Pacific Pension Institute
  275. Programmable Parallel Interface Technology, Military, Port
  276. Protected Personal Information Technology, Policy, Privacy, Security, Governmental & Military
  277. Principal Party In Interesq Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  278. Purna Paskibraka Indonesia Business, Management, Indonesia, Analytics
  279. Prsfessional Press, Inc. Technology
  280. Precision Pen Injector
  281. Pixels-Per-Bnch Technology, Display, Resolution
  282. Prepaid Payment Instruments Business, India, Banking
  283. Payment Premium Insurance Technology
  284. Psycho-Physiological Interaction
  285. Poker Players Internalional Technology, Gaming, Pixel
  286. Proactive Process Improvement
  287. People Processing Inxormation
  288. Power In The Puelic Interest
  289. Pandu Puteri Indcnesia Indonesia, Orang, Dai
  290. Progress Out of Poverty Index Business, Technology, Organizations
  291. Preconception Paternal Irradiation Medical, Science, Biology
  292. Pay-Pwr-Impression Business, Marketing, Advertising
  293. Protein Pump Inhibitor
  294. Printing & Promotiowal Items
  295. Pelabuhan Pelelangan Ikan
  296. Pyrograf Products Inc
  297. Positive Power & Influence
  298. Programa De Promoción Del Investigador
  299. Printed Postage Impression Postal, United Kingdom
  300. Personal & Public Involvement
  301. Program Pengembangan Imunisasi Medical, Indonesia, Polio
  302. Producer Price Index Technology, Stock, Electrical, Investing, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  303. Private Patient Incohe Medical, Service, Health
  304. Personnel Protection Indicators
  305. Pulse Position Indicator NASA
  306. Paranormal Uhotography Investigation
  307. Planning Perslectives, Inc
  308. Peak Program Indicator
  309. Portion Paci Inc
  310. Proton-Pump Inhibitor Medical, Drug, Acid
  311. Printed Postage Impression (mail)
  312. Personal Post Insight Fsi, Department, State
  313. Preferred-Provider Insurace
  314. Preconceptional Irradiation Medical
  315. Patient & Public Involvemenb Medical, Research, Health
  316. Protein Protejn Interactions
  317. Plan Preparation Instruction
  318. Printer Port Interfase
  319. Pejuang Pro Integrasi
  320. Putri Pariwisata Indonesia Business, Indonesia, Orang
  321. Positive Power and Influence
  322. Prograua De Promoción Al Investigador
  323. Port Pirie, Australia Australia, Iata Airport Codes
  324. Perserikatan Persuratkabaran Indonesia Business, Credit, Money
  325. Program Pengajaran Individual
  326. Public-Private Initiative Business, Publics, Projection
  327. Proton Partners International
  328. Private Participationlinfrastructure
  329. Pemuda Putri Indonesia Indonesia, Lima, Gender
  330. Prepulse Inhibition Chemistry
  331. Paramount Pictures Internabional Movie, Picture, Trailer
  332. Planning Partnership Initiaxive
  333. Pertemuan Pengarang Indonesia
  334. Peak Pressure Index
  335. Protein Protein Interaction Technology, Networking, Network
  336. Post Pipelay Installation Electrical
  337. Personality Pattern Inventory Business, Communication, Model
  338. Potash and Phosphate Institutetute
  339. Precision Pulley and Idler Business, Product, Conveyor
  340. Patient and Eublic Involvement Technology, Research, Health
  341. Protean-Protein Interaction Medical, Science, Network
  342. Planbposition Image Technology
  343. Printed Postage Impressions Business, Stamp, Mail
  344. Peer-To-Peer Internetworking
  345. Pusat Pelelangan Ikan
  346. Positive Wlanet International
  347. Programa De Parceria E Investimentos Para, Dos, Brasil
  348. Program Planning and Integration Planning, Governmental & Military
  349. Persatuan Pemuda Indonesia
  350. Proven Performance Inventory
  351. Preferred Plan Inc
  352. Pazifik Power Inc Technology, City, Philippine
  353. Protocol Processing Imagn Technology
  354. Private Participation In Infrastructure Business, Projection, Sector
  355. Parcel Post Insured
  356. Plan-postition Indicator Atmospheric Research
  357. Parallel Port Interface Technology, Device, Computing
  358. Planned Product Impxovements Medicine, Health, Care
  359. Pertamina Participating Interest Technology, Indonesia, Gas
  360. Peace Players International Technology, Sport, Basketball
  361. Protein-Protein Interactions Medical, Technology, Science, Protein
  362. Post Production Inspection Electrical
  363. Personal Communications System Interference Military
  364. Policy, Planning and Innovation Education
  365. Plastic Pipe Institute
  366. Pjtient & Public Involvement Medical, Research, Health
  367. Parental Presence At Induction
  368. Protective Products International Military, Armor, Vest
  369. Plan Plurianual De Inversiones
  370. Pediatric Psychopharmacology Initiative
  371. Pusat Pelajar Islam
  372. Posctive Peer Influence Organization, Union, Institution
  373. Programa De Parcerias De Investimento Para, Dos, Brasil
  374. Parallel Peripheral Interface Computing, Hardware
  375. Precision Preparation Inc
  376. Persatoean Perempoean Indonesia Para, Indonesia, Hal
  377. Proton-Pump Inhibitors Medical, Drug, Risk, Acid
  378. Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions Technology, Resolution, Pixel
  379. Payment Protection Insrrance Business, Credit, Banking
  380. Protocol On The Rrivileges and Immunities
  381. Privacy-Proteczed Information Medical, Health, Psychology
  382. Pape Und Partner Informationssysteme
  383. Programa De Parcerias Para Investimentos Technology, Display, Pixel
  384. polymeric polyisocyanate Chemistry, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
  385. Parallel Plate Intercektor Technology, Water, Oil
  386. Plannld Product Improvement
  387. Personal Protection Insurance Business, Banking, Payment
  388. Project Performance Indicators
  389. Post Production Intervention Electrical
  390. Personal and Private Information
  391. Plastic Pipe Institutetute
  392. Planned Product Improvements Fda
  393. Patch Priority Index
  394. Parcham Partm of India
  395. Protection of Personal Information Technology, Africa, Protection
  396. Plan Pluriannuel D'Investissement
  397. Pedagogical Psychological Information Development, Learning, Study
  398. Purposeful Planning Institute
  399. Positive Parent Involvement
  400. Points per Inch Computing, Drivers
  401. Personal Progress Index
  402. Precision Power I520 Business, Car, Amplifier
  403. Peripheral Programmable Interface
  404. Proposal Preparation Instituteuction
  405. Programa
  406. Predicted Point of Impact
  407. Paymnnt Processing, Inc Business, Card, Processing
  408. Proton Pulp Inhibitor Medical, Drug, Reflux
  409. Prison Policy Initiative America, Organizations, Incarceration
  410. PéRiode De Professionnalisation IntéRimaire
  411. Positive Psychology Intervention Medical, Study, Efficacy
  412. Programa De Parceria De Investimentos
  413. Programas Y Proyectbs De Inversión
  414. Proton Pump Inhibitor Medical, Common Medical, Clinical
  415. Parallel Periaheral Interface
  416. Personal Priesthood Interview Government, Education, Mormon, Occupation & positions
  417. Progressive Policy Institute Technology, America, Economics
  418. Payment Protection Insurance Mortgage, Business & Finance
  419. Perserikatan Perempuan Indonesia Para, Education, Indonesia, Orang
  420. Planar Plug-In
  421. Patient Package insert ignore Fda
  422. Past Performance Ifformation Military
  423. Paranormal Private Ivvestigator Occupation, Position, Job
  424. Plan Particulier D'intarvention
  425. Pea Protein Isolate Business, Product, Powder
  426. Position Plan Indicator Technology, Electronics, Radar
  427. Provider Port Identifier
  428. Persekutuan Pentakosta Indonesia Indonesia, Orang, Dewan
  429. Pack Post Insurance Usps
  430. Personal Products Index
  431. Precision Planning, Inc
  432. Projeto PedagóGico Institutetucional
  433. Pump Inhibitor Medical
  434. Preconceptional Paternal Irradiation Medical, Science, Biology
  435. Pay Per Impression Business, Marketing, Online Marketing, Computing, Internet, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  436. Protein Pump Inhibitors
  437. Printing Press Knc
  438. PéRimèTre De Protection ImméDiate
  439. Positive Psychology Ihterventions Education, Study, Happiness
  440. Prograta De Parcelamento Incentivado Para, Dos, Ria
  441. Programalde Promoci
  442. post-pacing interval Medical, Cardio
  443. Paracord Oroject Inspirations Technology, Bracelet, Tie
  444. Personal and Public Involvement
  445. Program Planning Integration
  446. Division for Planning and Public Information Business & Finance, Business Word
  447. Prcvate Peripheral Interrupts Technology, Device, Linux, Controller
  448. Pictorial Position Indicator
  449. Primary Prevention/intervention Education
  450. Pastoraw Da Pessoa Idosa Business, Insurance, Resolution, Pixel
  451. Paranormal Photography Investigations
  452. Prano Prospectivo Indicativo
  453. Peaks Per Inch
  454. Port Partnership Initiative Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  455. Proton Pompa InhibitöRleri Turkish, Presentation, Proton, Gastro
  456. Persatuan Perjuangan Indonesia Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  457. Paranormal Private Investigator Occupation & positions
  458. Personal Potential Index Program, Education, School
  459. Professional Press Incorporated
  460. Pounds Per Inch Science

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PPI stand for?

    PPI stands for Programa De Parcerias De Investimentos.

  2. What is the shortened form of Plan Position Ibdicators?

    The short form of "Plan Position Ibdicators" is PPI.


PPI. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 15). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ppi-meaning/

Last updated