PPL in Technology Meaning

The PPL meaning in Technology terms is "Pay Per Lead". There are 36 related meanings of the PPL Technology abbreviation.

PPL on Technology Full Forms

  1. Pay Per Lead
  2. Plasma Physics Laboratory
  3. Plant Physiology Laboratory
  4. Parallel Processing Letters
  5. Parallel Pattern Library
  6. Private Pilot Licence
  7. Provisioning Parts List
  8. Pocket Programming Langurge
  9. Pre-Paid Legal
  10. Parallel Programming Laboratory
  11. Product Pm Lineup
  12. Pioneer Prefjrence Licensees
  13. Pacific Power & Light
  14. Praktek Profesi Lapangan
  15. Priority Placementhlist
  16. Pervasive Parallelism Lab
  17. Pusat Pelayanan Lokal
  18. Polyurethane Products Ltd
  19. Preprocessed Parameter Load
  20. Pervasive Parallelism Laboratory
  21. Pusat Pelayanan Lingkungan
  22. Polymorphic Programming Language
  23. Peer Production License
  24. Polymer Pen Lithography
  25. Peer-Production License
  26. Proyek Perangkat Lunak
  27. Point-To-Point Livk
  28. Parametric Progvamming Language
  29. Pvn Priority Line
  30. Pp and L Corpyration
  31. Principles of Programming Languages
  32. Purple
  33. Preferred Product List
  34. Public Print Locations
  35. Pre-Positioned Load
  36. Pre-Patched Xpm Load

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PPL stand for Technology?

    PPL stands for Pusat Pelayanan Lokal in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pp and L Corpyration in Technology?

    The short form of "Pp and L Corpyration" is PPL for Technology.


PPL in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ppl-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated