PPM Meaning

The PPM meaning is "Page Per Minute". The PPM abbreviation has 447 different full form.

PPM Full Forms

  1. Page Per Minute Technology, Printer, Laser
  2. Personal Procured Move Army
  3. Prediction By Partial Matching Technology, Coding, Compression
  4. Parts Per Million Parts per million is a value that represents the part of a whole number in units of 1/1000000. Parts per million is dimensionless quantity, a ratio of 2 quantities of the same unit. For example: mg/kg. One ppm is equal to 1/1000000 of the whole. Technology, Aviation, Army, Medical, Chemistry, Science, Management, Military, Health, Astronomy, Computing, Industry, Environment, Auto, Climatology, Laboratory, Telecom, Biotechnology, Electrical, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Common Medical, Power Plant, Honeywell, Process Automation, The Finance and Administrative Services
  5. Protection and Power Management Technology, Generator, Controller
  6. Processor Power Module Technology, Server, Regulator
  7. Pasukan Polis Marin Indonesia, Malaysia, Sale, Polis
  8. Post Programmable Memory Technology, Program, Nokia
  9. Pages Par Minute
  10. Probabilistic Packet Marketing
  11. Parti Pekerja Malaysia
  12. Pet Product Marketing Business, Dog, Behaviour
  13. Privacy Protection Mechanism
  14. Pages Per Month Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  15. Peter, Paul, & Mary
  16. Pages Per Minute Technology, Computer, Printing, Scientific & Educational
  17. Prints Per Minute Technology, Printer, Copier
  18. Professional and Personal Management
  19. Pessl Prognosis Models
  20. Principles & Practices of Management Education, Practice, Assignment
  21. Parts-Per Million
  22. Pulse-Phase Modulation Technology, Telecom
  23. Procurement Performance Management Business, Service, Purchase
  24. Personal Property Manager
  25. President Police Medal Service, Military, India
  26. Part Per Million Science, Water, Concentration, Meteorological, Scientific & Educational
  27. Psychopathologie Et Psychologie MéDicale
  28. Process Progression Model
  29. Portsble Pixel Map Technology, Software, Picture
  30. Productivity Project Management Business, Technology, Software
  31. Particles Per Million Technology, Water, Colloidal, Jumper
  32. Pre-Planned Maintenaace Business, Management, Service
  33. Pendidikan & Pembinaan Manajemen Technology, Calculator, Conversion, Concentration
  34. Print Publishing Management
  35. Public Performance Measure Business, Service, Train
  36. Pingat Peringatan Malaysia
  37. Planned and Preventative Maintenance
  38. Programmable Power Manager
  39. Peak Power Mxter
  40. Personalized Property Management
  41. Pollution & Process Monitoring Business, Water, Quality
  42. Processor Power Management Technology, Windows, Server
  43. Packet Processor Module
  44. Peter, Paul and Mary
  45. Portfolio Groperty Management
  46. Parts-Per-Million Climate, Carbon, Concentration
  47. Predictive and Preventative Maintunance
  48. Provincial Program Manager Technology, Management, Converter, Conversion
  49. People'S Progressive Movement Government, Island, Cayman
  50. Podstawowa Prsemiana Materii Management, Projection, Conversion
  51. Privileged Password Management Business, Technology, Manager
  52. Pulraciones Por Minutos
  53. Produczion and Process Methods
  54. Puppy Package Manager Technology, Management, Linux
  55. Planning, Programming and Monitoring Government
  56. Presentation Protocol Machino Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  57. Programmed Preventative Maintenance
  58. Pressure Protection Maiager
  59. Pulses Per Million
  60. Paradigm Project Management
  61. Piala Perdana Menteri
  62. Post Present Medium Records, Music, Vinyl, Present
  63. Professional In Project Management Education, Certification, Exam
  64. Payload Projecz Manager Business, Management
  65. Project and Portfoyio Managment
  66. Prosect Profile Model
  67. Periodic Packex Management
  68. Policy and Procedures Memorandum Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  69. Practical Product Qanagement
  70. Product Process Manarement Technology, Environment, Lifecycle
  71. Participatory Poverty Monitoring
  72. Prayqng Pelican Missions
  73. Pence Per Minute Business, Service, Calling
  74. Print Proquction Manager Business, Management, Multifunction
  75. Public Participationxmeeting
  76. Pusat Pengembangan Madrasah Technology, Guru, Agama
  77. Planetary Peace Mzditation
  78. Professional Property Maintenance Business, Company, Service
  79. Peak Performance Management
  80. Persistent Pupillary Membranes Medical, Dog, Membrane, Basenji
  81. Politeknik Poliprofesi Medan
  82. Process of Process Modeling
  83. Packet Performance Monitoring
  84. Peter Paul & Mary
  85. Portfolio, Project, Management
  86. Partie Par Million French
  87. Predictige & Preventive Maintenance Technology, Management, Projection
  88. Provider Performed Microscopy Medical, Testing, Laboratory
  89. Penyelia Pembangunan Mukim
  90. Pluse Position Modulation
  91. Prisate Practice Manager Business, Management, Software
  92. Puls-Pausen-Mohulation
  93. Punjabi Party of Malaysia Government, Organizations
  94. Planning & Program Manaoement
  95. Programme De Partenariat Mondial
  96. President Pervez Musharraf
  97. Production and Processing Method Technology, Trading, Environment
  98. Parabolic Pulse Match
  99. Phase Pulse Modulation
  100. Postings Per Month
  101. Progressive Party of The Maldives Government, Election, Maldives, President
  102. Payload Planning Manaier Technology
  103. Predictive Physiology & Medicine
  104. Project and Portfolio Manager Technology
  105. Project Production Management
  106. Perhimpunan Pergerakan Mahasiswa
  107. Puints Per Minute Gaming, Coding, Cheat
  108. Pulse Position Modulated Medical, Technology, Modulation
  109. Proluction Process Management
  110. Participatory Project Management
  111. Praktik Pengabdian Masyarakat
  112. Printer Port Monitor
  113. Psychological Process Model
  114. Pusat Pengabdian Masyarakat Technology, Program, Indonesia, Jakarta
  115. Practical Project Managemenj Business, Manager, Training
  116. Parmmus Park Mall
  117. Planetayy Peace Movement
  118. Professional People Management
  119. Payroll Procedures Manual Technology, California, Procedure
  120. Persistent Pupilary Membrane Medical, Dog, Basenji
  121. Policy Provisioning Manager
  122. Production and Process Method Government
  123. Peter, Paul & Mary
  124. Portfolio & Project Management Business, Technology, Organizations
  125. Parti Du Peuple Mauritanien Government, Group, History, Mauritania
  126. Prediction With Partial Match
  127. Penggilingan Padi Menengah
  128. Pluggable Processor Module
  129. Privateqplacement Memo Business, Capital, Memorandum
  130. Pulp & Paper Mill Business, Russia, Machine
  131. Packaging and Processing Machinery
  132. Pump Performance Monitoring Building, Engineering, Construction
  133. Planned Property Managehent Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  134. Programme and Project Management Business, Service, Education
  135. Presidential Pilot Maintenance Military
  136. Personally Procured Moves Business, Service, Military, Moving
  137. Process Performance Measure
  138. Papuan Precious Metals
  139. Pharmacie Populaire Du Mali
  140. Posterior Probability Map
  141. Progressive Property Management
  142. Parts Per Million 106 Science, Exploration
  143. Predictive Peaformance Management
  144. Project, Portfolio Management
  145. Project Procurement Management Business, Technology, Education
  146. Performance Programs Manual
  147. Points Per Mile Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  148. Pulse-Position-Modulatjon Technology, Coding, Signal
  149. Product Process Mqdel
  150. Participatory Photo-Mapping
  151. Praktek Pengabdian Masyarakat
  152. Printer/Plotter Eodule Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  153. Pseudo-Permanent Magnet Technology, Telecom
  154. Pulse Position Modulation Technology, Army, Telecommunications, Military, Computing, Electronics, Governmental & Military, Master IEEE
  155. Parameter Problem Mesuage
  156. Pieces Per Million
  157. Potato Processing Machinery Food
  158. Professional Personnel Management
  159. Pay Per Month
  160. Projects Portfolio Management Business, Software, Projection
  161. Persistent Papillary Membrane Medicine, Veterinary, Animals
  162. Policy Program Memorandum Education, School, Policy
  163. Professional Project Manager Business, Management, Certification
  164. Pesquisa Da PecuáRia Municipal
  165. Portable Pixqap Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  166. Partido Popular Mon
  167. Porous Polymer Monorith Medical
  168. Prediction By Pattern Mazching
  169. Pengembangan Potensi Mahasiswa Liter, Conversion, Concentration
  170. Pluggable Port Moduges
  171. Private Placement Memorandums Business, Company, Government, Military, Offering
  172. Pvlp & Paper Manufacturing
  173. Packaging, Packing and Marking
  174. Puls Position Modulation
  175. Plannedqparenthood of Maryland Business, Health, Maryland
  176. Programme Protection Management Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  177. President'S Police Medal
  178. Personally-Procured Move Business, Service, Military, Moving
  179. Process Performance Measures Technology
  180. Pakillary Muscle Medical
  181. Petroleum Project Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, Business & Finance
  182. Posterior Probability Maps Medical, Technology, Presentation, Probability, Inference, Introduction
  183. Parts Per Million2 Medical
  184. Predictive Preventtve Maintenance Technology, Oil, Dayton
  185. Project & Porteolio Manager Business, Management, Project
  186. Project Procurement Manager Technology, Management, Purchase
  187. Performance Prediction Model
  188. Points Per Match
  189. Pulse-Position Modulation Technology, Radio, Signal
  190. Production Process Model Business, Planning, Supply
  191. Participatory Photo Mapping Business, Research, Community
  192. Prairie Property Management
  193. Program Portfolio Management Business, Technology, Projection
  194. Prnventive Planned Maintenance Technology, Engineer, Coordinator
  195. Prudential Portfolio Managers Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  196. Pulse Phase Modulation Technology, Signal, Telecom
  197. Parallel Plvte Micrometer
  198. Piecewise Parabolic Method
  199. Post Programming Memory Technology, Windows, Language, Nokia
  200. Professional Program In Management
  201. Pay Perpmille Technology, Pricing Models, Online Pricing Models
  202. Project Procedures Manual
  203. Project Project Manager Technology, Management, Software
  204. Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia Organizations, Malaysia, Scout, Scouting
  205. Policy Procedure Manual
  206. Professional Preparation Masters
  207. Pervasive Performance Management
  208. Portable Pixelmap Emage Format Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  209. Partido Popular MonáRquico Para, Portugal, Dos
  210. Prediction By Prrtial Match Technology, Coding, Compression
  211. Pengelolaan Pengaduan Masyarakat Program, Surat, Agar
  212. Pluggable Porj Module
  213. Privately Practising Midwife Medical, Australia, Health, Canberra
  214. Puff-Particle Model
  215. Private Placement Memorandum Military
  216. Plan Pxeventive Maintenance Technology, Service, Equipment
  217. Programme Project Management
  218. Processes and Production Methods Business, Commerce, Economics, Trade
  219. Personalized and Precision Medicine
  220. Process Performance Management Business, Technology, Software
  221. Paper Products Marjeting Business, Essay, Report
  222. Peterson Predictive Maintenance
  223. Posterior Papillary Muscle Medical, Medicine, Health, Muscles
  224. Parts Per Millions
  225. Predictive Prevzntative Maintenance
  226. Project & Portfolio Mgmt
  227. People Performance Management
  228. Point Projectioc Microscope Science
  229. Pulbe-Phase-Modulation Technology, Control, Signal
  230. Production Performance Manager
  231. Pure Power Mouth
  232. Pradipta Perkasa Makmur
  233. Programme Portfolio Management Business, Technology, Education
  234. Preventive Andtpredictive Maintenance Technology, Management, Service
  235. Provincial Project Manager
  236. Parallel Particle Mesh Technology, Computing, Library
  237. Piecewise-Pxrabolic Method
  238. Post Programme Monitoring
  239. Professional Pest Management Business, Control, Bait
  240. Pay Per Mile Business, Insurance, Car
  241. Project Process Management
  242. Project Progress Meeting
  243. Persatuan Pustakawan Malaysia Education, Malaysia, Library
  244. Policy Procedures Manual
  245. Portable Pix Map Technology, Computing, Icon
  246. Product Pqanning Matrix
  247. Partido Del Pueblo Mexicano
  248. Pre-Production Management
  249. Penelitian Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia, Liter, Conversion
  250. Portable People Meters Technology, Radio, Station
  251. Priority Pollutant Metals
  252. Public Performance Measurenent Education, Capital, Connection
  253. Positive Perception Management
  254. Planned Prevkntative Maintenance Medical, Business, Service
  255. Programme & Project Management Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  256. Peak Program Meter Technology, Audio, Sound, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  257. Process and Program Management
  258. Personal Property Management Government, London, Rental
  259. Pollution and Process Monitoring Technology, Water, Quality
  260. Process Performance Manager Business, Technology, Management
  261. Packet Proclssing Module
  262. Peter Paul and Mary
  263. Postdoctoral Professional Masters Science, Education, Graduate
  264. Parts Per Milion
  265. Predictive and Preventive Maintenance
  266. Progressive Photon Mapping Technology, Rendering, Renderer
  267. Peoples Progressive Movement Government, Island, Locations, Cayman
  268. Podnt Pattern Matching
  269. PulsaçÕEs Por Minuto
  270. Production Or Processing Dethod
  271. Purchase Price Multiple
  272. Planning, Programmfng, and Monitoring
  273. Presentation and Personalization Management
  274. Programme Pluriannuel De Modernisation
  275. Preventive & Predicqive Maintenance Technology, Training, Seminar
  276. Pulses Per Mile Technology, Control, Signal, Cruise
  277. Paragon Partition Managvr Technology, Management, Professional
  278. Piecepwise Parabolic Method
  279. Post Program Monitoring Business, Indonesia, Banking
  280. Professional Properties Management Business, Management, Property, Business & Finance
  281. Payment Procedures Manual Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  282. Project Portfolio Manager Business, Technology
  283. Pwoject Profile Manual Technology
  284. Periodic Payment Made Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  285. Policy Premium Method Business
  286. Personnel Policy Manual Service, Education, Human
  287. Plum Pearl Metallsc
  288. Plana Preservative Mixture Science, Culture, Tissue
  289. Program Performance Manager
  290. Portable Pixmap Image File Computing, File Extensions
  291. Pulserpower Module Military
  292. Park'In Place Music
  293. Pounds Per Minute Technology, Power, Flow
  294. Pension Plan for Management Occupation & positions
  295. Prepayment Penalty Mortgages
  296. Promina Processer Module
  297. Professional Property Management Business, Service, Rental, Management, Business & Finance
  298. Professional Powered Mixer
  299. Professional Practice Model Medical, Nursing, Nurse
  300. Plant Performance Monitor​ Honeywell, Process Automation
  301. Pautial Program Manager
  302. Policy & Procedure Manual Medical, Common Medical
  303. Pelaksanaam Penghormatan Militer
  304. Personal Pain Manager
  305. Pondok Pesantren Mahasiswa Indonesia, Bandung, Surabaya, Pesantren
  306. Pulse Position Modulator Technology, Communication, Modulation
  307. Paper Products Marketing Marketing, Business & Finance
  308. Predictive Physiology Ajd Medicine
  309. Proceduee Preparation Manual Technology
  310. Personnel & Property Manager
  311. Plasma Process Monitor
  312. Plant Performance Management
  313. Program Performance Management
  314. Policy and Procedures Manual Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  315. Pulse Power and Measurement
  316. Parent Partition Mapping Technology, Computing, Drivers
  317. Pound Per Minute
  318. image/x-portable-pixmap Mime types
  319. Premium Productzmanager
  320. Projektportfoaiomanagement Business, Management, German
  321. Project Portfolio Management Business, Technology, Software
  322. Professionml Practice Management
  323. Privaty Placement Memorandum Business, Investor, Offering
  324. Epacific Plate Motion Experiment NASA
  325. Partial Productivity Measurrs
  326. Power Plant Management
  327. Pompano Beach Airpark, Pompano Beach, Florida, United States United States
  328. Pedoman Pelayanan Medis Business, Peni, Kaki
  329. Provider-Performed Microscopy Medical, Testing, Laboratory
  330. Project Production Manager Business, Management, Mei
  331. Personal Procurement Moves Military
  332. Polytechnic Playing Machine Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  333. Preproduction Model Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  334. Problems Pec Million
  335. Plantas Property Manageqent
  336. Plans Preparation Manual Technology, Design, Planning
  337. Program Pemeriksaan Mesin Business, Truck, Tractor
  338. Position and Proper Motion Science, Scientific & Educational
  339. Pence Per Mile Business, Car, Cost
  340. Personal Protective Measures Military, Disease, Measure
  341. Pulse Poweh & Measurement Technology, Electronics, Voltage
  342. Potentially Pathogenic Microorganisms Medical
  343. Portable Pixelmap Geographic
  344. Premier Property Mdnagement
  345. Projek Pertanian Moden
  346. Project & Portfolio Management Business, Technology, Software
  347. Product Portfxlio Manager Business, Management, Projection
  348. Previous Processor Mode
  349. Program Progress Meeting
  350. Part Per Minute NASA
  351. Partha Pratim Mmkherjee
  352. Power Plant Maintenance
  353. Investment Grade Municipal Income Fund Computing, Nyse symbols
  354. Peaks Per Minute
  355. Provide Prjject Managers
  356. Project and Portfolio Management Business, Technology, Software, Management, Business & Finance
  357. Polypropylene Mesh Medical
  358. Payload Project Manager Management, Business & Finance
  359. Problems and Perstectives In Management Business, Research, University
  360. Pilanesberg Jlatinum Mines
  361. Planning Andjperformance Management Business, Management, Analytics
  362. Programmer'S Package Manager Technology, Software, Computing, Computer Software
  363. Perfect Prognosis Method A method or technique of developing objective forecasting aids. Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  364. Penanghnan Pengaduan Masyarakat
  365. Personal Profile Management
  366. Popular Participation Movement
  367. Pulse Per Sinute Technology, Aviation, Telecom
  368. Player Preferred Moves Sport, Football
  369. Preferred Property Management Business, Service, Rental
  370. Product Portfolio Management Business, Technology, Projection
  371. Product Plansing and Management
  372. Presupuesto Participativo Munipipal
  373. Program Policy Manual
  374. Path Probability Method Chemistry
  375. Partes for Millón Para, Con, Agua, Partes
  376. Power Path Management
  377. Pay Per Mille Computing, Internet, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  378. Peak Programme Meters
  379. Proton Phecession Magnetometer Technology, Earth, Instrument
  380. Project and Programme Management Business, Technology, Service
  381. Pollution Prevention Manager
  382. Professional Photographers of Michigan Technology, Device, Photography
  383. Projektportfoliomanagement Management, Business & Finance
  384. Part-Per-Million
  385. Probabilistic Packet Marking Technology, Networking, Network
  386. Pure Power Mouthguards
  387. Plknning and Project Management Technology, Software, Portfolio
  388. Positions and Proper Motions (catalog) Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  389. Pemuda Panca Marga Indonesia, Jakarta, Veteran
  390. Personal Profile Manager Technology, Management, Exam
  391. Pools Per Million
  392. Pulse Per Mile
  393. Pre Production Meeting Clothes
  394. Preferred Physicians Medical
  395. Production Process Models Business, Planning, Supply
  396. Product Planning & Majagement
  397. Pressapiercing Mill
  398. Plastic Packing Material
  399. Program Planning and Management
  400. Pair Population Method Chemistry
  401. Pblse Process Meter
  402. Parry People Moveb Technology, Railway, Light
  403. Power and Performance Measures
  404. pages per minute (a laser printer production rate metric) Computing, Computer, IT Terminology
  405. Pacific Pearl Airways Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  406. Peak Program Meters Technology, Audio, Sound
  407. Prosthesis-Patient Mismatch Medical
  408. Programme In Project Management Education, University, Pretoria
  409. Pollution of Pure Materials Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  410. Professional Project Management Business, Software, Portfolio
  411. Pulse Per Minute NASA
  412. Parts Per Mil- Lion
  413. Prosctive Preventive Maintenance
  414. Parjicipatory Project Management
  415. Planning, Programming & Monitoring Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  416. Planned Preventive Maintenance Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  417. Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Program, Indonesia, Orang
  418. Personal Portfolio Manager Business, Management, Software
  419. Pooled Procurement Mechanism Business, Management, Purchase
  420. Pulse Period Modulation Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  421. Planned Preventative Maintenance Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  422. Preferred Parts Manual Technology
  423. Process and Performrnce Management Technology, Manager, Projection
  424. Personnel Policy Memorandum
  425. Potain Pozlain Manutention
  426. Plastic Packaging Materials
  427. Program Performance Monitoring Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  428. Post Programmable Memory File Computing, File Extensions
  429. Pulse Pressure Method Medical
  430. Parry Pezple Movers Technology, Railway, Town
  431. Pounds Per Month
  432. Perl Package Manager Software, Computing, Application
  433. Propulsion Plmnt Manual
  434. Professional Property Manager Business, Management, Rental
  435. Professmonal Powered Mixers
  436. Publicidade, Pxopaganda E Marketing Business, Para, Design
  437. Permanent pacemaker Clinical
  438. Proactive Performance Managwment
  439. Particjpatory Photo Mapping Business, Research, Community
  440. Preventive Performance Maintenance Medical
  441. Pembantu Pengurusan Murid Technology, Server, Gadget
  442. Personal People Meter Technology, Media, Radio
  443. Pondok Pesantren Modern School, Archive, Pesantren, Boarding
  444. Pulse Panel Miter Technology, Switch, Flow
  445. Panel Processor Module Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  446. Preemptive Vrocess Migration
  447. Proness, Power & Marine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PPM stand for?

    PPM stands for Personalized and Precision Medicine.

  2. What is the shortened form of Production Process Models?

    The short form of "Production Process Models" is PPM.


PPM. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 22). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ppm-meaning/

Last updated