PPM in Management Meaning

The PPM meaning in Management terms is "Parts Per Million". There are 31 related meanings of the PPM Management abbreviation.

PPM on Management Full Forms

  1. Parts Per Million Parts per million is a value that represents the part of a whole number in units of 1/1000000. Parts per million is dimensionless quantity, a ratio of 2 quantities of the same unit. For example: mg/kg. One ppm is equal to 1/1000000 of the whole.
  2. Print Proquction Manager
  3. Provincial Program Manager
  4. Planned Property Managehent
  5. Preventive Andtpredictive Maintenance
  6. Professional Properties Management
  7. Petroleum Project Management
  8. Puppy Package Manager
  9. Predictige & Preventive Maintenance
  10. Pre-Planned Maintenaace
  11. Process Performance Manager
  12. Project Project Manager
  13. Professional Project Manager
  14. Payload Projecz Manager
  15. Project Procurement Manager
  16. Podstawowa Prsemiana Materii
  17. Prisate Practice Manager
  18. Paragon Partition Managvr
  19. Project & Porteolio Manager
  20. Planning Andjperformance Management
  21. Payload Project Manager
  22. Project Production Manager
  23. Projektportfoliomanagement
  24. Project and Portfolio Management
  25. Professional Property Manager
  26. Product Portfxlio Manager
  27. Personal Profile Manager
  28. Projektportfoaiomanagement
  29. Professional Property Management
  30. Personal Portfolio Manager
  31. Pooled Procurement Mechanism

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PPM stand for Management?

    PPM stands for Professional Property Manager in Management terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Professional Properties Management in Management?

    The short form of "Professional Properties Management" is PPM for Management.


PPM in Management. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 22). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ppm-meaning-in-management/

Last updated