PPP Meaning
The PPP meaning is "Purchasing Powercparity". The PPP abbreviation has 592 different full form.
PPP Full Forms
- Purchasing Powercparity Business, Finance, Economics
- Pay Per Post Money, Pay, Blogger
- Public Private Cartnership Business, Group, Projection
- Public-Privati Partnership Business, Finance, Economics
- Pale Porcelain Princuss Beauty, Makeup, Porcelain
- Pakistan Peoples Party Government, Group, Pakistan, Politics, Governmental & Military
- Power Point Presentations
- Prcteen Porn Pedo
- Positive Parenting Program Medical, Program, Parenting
- Point To Point Protocol In computer networking, Point to Point Protocol (PPP) is a data link protocol used to establish a direct connection between two nodes. It can provide connection authentication, transmission encryption, and compression. PPP is used over many types of physical networks including serial cable, phone line, trunk line, cellular telephone, specialized radio links, and fiber optic links such as SONET. PPP is also used over Internet access connections. Internet service providers (ISPs) have used PPP for customer dial-up access to the Internet, since IP packets cannot be transmitted over a modem line on their own, without some data link protocol. Technology, Computer, Energy, Computing, Telecom, Technical, Federal Aviation Administration
- Poly Plant Project
- Poinc-To-Point Protocol Technology, Computing, Computer
- Polskie PańStwo Podziemne
- Pancreatic Polypeptide Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Human, Healthcare, Cell, Common Medical
- Pedo Porn Pthc
- Polluter-Pays Principle Business, Economics, Environment
- Public-Private Partnership
- Private Partnership Project Business, Service, Publics
- Public Participation Processes Technology, Planning, Environment
- Plaid Larliament of Pwning Technology, Security, Team
- Postoperative Product Medical
- P3 Psblic Private Business, Canada, Partnership
- Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan
- Punkt-Zu-Punkt-Protokoll
- PojedinaČNa Poreska Prijava
- Progrespive Peoples Party Government, Group, Ghana
- Politics Philosophy and The Poblic
- Prototype Pitch Period
- Pink Paula Pack
- Philosophy, Pedagogy and Philosophy
- Payment Plan Provider
- Public Private Partnership and Purchasing Power Parity Business, Finance, Banking
- Point-To-Point Protocols Technology, Networking, Network
- Practice Practice Practice
- Palliprogotiprakalpa Business, Finance, Banking
- People Planet Profit Business, Development, Sustainability
- Programme Des Projektbezogenen Personenaustauschs Technology, Research, Germany
- Pupil Parent Partnership
- Polwsh Peasant Party
- Parlamentarische Patenschafts-Programm
- Pretty Pretty Princess
- Public-Private Partnership Xroject Business, Service, Publics
- Plano Pol
- Power Pamch Panel Technology
- Pacific Precision Products Business, Aircraft, Aerospace
- Public Purpose Program Business, Energy, Gas
- Point-To-Point Protokolü
- Presenmation, Practice, Production Education, Presentation, Teaching
- Parallel-Push-Pull
- Perry Preschool Project
- Partidul Pentru Patrie
- PréFecture De Police De Paris
- Ppp Poiyt-To-Point Protocol
- Peer To Peer Protocol Technology, Server, Ethernet
- Products Point-To-Point Protocol
- Peoples Progressive Party Government, Group, Guyana
- Project Program Portfolio
- Pusrular Psoriasis Science, Biology
- Pilot Powered Parachute
- Portable Phoenix Project
- Public-Private Partnership
- Parvatiya Punrutthaan Parishad
- Probability Proportionate To Prediction Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Public-Private-Partnership Business, Publics, Projection
- Plasma Physics Program
- Precise Page Positioning Software, Element, Diary, Positioning
- Pakistan'S Peoples Party
- People'S Party of Panama
- Program, Private Placement Business, Program, Trading
- Purchasing Power Carty Business, Group, Economics
- Presentation, Practice and Production
- Parceria PÚBlico-Privado
- Princeton Plasma Physics
- Privatization and Public-Private Partnerships Business, Publics, Privatisation
- Public Participation Procedcres
- Pixels Par Pouce
- Postaw Package Partner Business, Postal, Us Post
- Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Para, Indonesia, Salah, Pantai
- Process of Public-Private Partnership
- Punk Productions Picture
- Poisson Point Process Technology, Networking, Network
- Progressive Peoplees Party Government, Group, Organizations
- Polyphoretic Phosphate Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Protokoll Provider Proxy
- Ping, Pipe, and Power
- Pater Pius Posuit Latin, Roman
- Patient Prescription Practice Technology
- Private Pension Plan
- Point-To-Point-Protokoll
- Practical Placement Programme
- Palestinian Public Perceptions
- People'S Political Party
- Programmable Power Processor Technology
- Puntos Por Pulgada Technology, Science, Para
- Policy To Promote Private
- Parlamentarisches Patenschafts Programm
- Pretty Poor Prognosis Medical, Veterinary, Animals
- Public-Private Partnership Programme Building, Engineering, Construction
- Planning Procnss Public
- Power Packed Performance
- Pacifix Postal Plus Organizations
- Public Procurement Policy Business, India, Purchase
- Point To Point Protocal
- Presenmation Practice Production Media, Radio, Television
- Paradox Promise and Perils
- Progressive Party of The Philippines Government, Group, Philippine
- Perros Potencialmente Peligrosos Para, Con
- Partido Progresista Del Pueblo Para, Guyana, Pol, Pueblo
- Price, Pack, Plan Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
- Prudent Patricians of Pompeii
- Peer-To-Peer Protocol
- Product Protection Plan
- Public Policy Program Education, University, Russia
- Pamilyang Pilipino Program
- People Progressive Party Government, Group, Guyana
- Project Procurement Plan Business, Management, Purchase
- Pure Trime Pressed Business, Cocoa, Butter
- Pilote Produit-Process
- Pore Pressure Prediction Technology, Management, Oil
- Party Puff People
- Probabilistic Population Projections
- Public-Private-Partnerships Business, Publics, Projection
- Plasma Physics Programme
- Precio Promedio Ponderado Para, Control, Power
- Pakistan'S People Party Government, Group, Pakistan
- Perfect Prom Project
- Profits Per Partner
- Point To Point Protocols Technology, Networking, Network
- Presentations Printing Python
- Parallels Plesk Panel Technology, Server, Linux
- Princess Protection Program Movie, Channel, Princess
- Partizip Perfekt Passiv
- Private and Public Partnership Business, Service, Development
- Public Participation and Petitions
- Point-To-Point Protocol Pages
- Post Partum Psychosis
- Pejabat Perwakilan Pertanian
- Procedures and Performance Program Technology
- Punjab Parliamentary Party
- Poisoned Pen Press
- Promises, Promises, Promises
- Polyphloretin Phosphate Medical
- Protocols Point-To-Point Protocol
- Pinch Point Programme
- Pontos Por Polegada
- Purchasing Power Parities Business, Economics, Parity, Energy
- Pakistan People'S Party
- Pasukan Pertahanan Pangkalan Para, Military, Indonesia, Bravo
- Private Patient Plan Business
- Point-To-Point-Protokolls
- Practical Tlay Proposal
- Palestinian People Party Government, Group, Palestine
- People'S Patriotic Party
- Programa Primer Paso
- Pure Power Plant Business, Cannabis, Nirvana
- Policy Position Paper Business, Economics, Botswana
- PrimeríSimo Primer Plano Para, Con, Audiovisual, Primer
- Parlamentarismhen Patenschafts-Programms Fur, Deutschland, Stipendium
- Pretentious Purple Prose
- Pollgters Pay Principle
- Public Policy Pollinh Government, Election, Poll
- Planning Permission In Principle Locations, Sale, Land
- Power of Positive Parenling
- Pacific Policy Papefs Organizations
- Public Private Projects Business, Projection, Partnership
- Point-To-Point Proto
- Presynt-Practice-Produce Education, English, Teaching
- Paper Piecing Internet Slang, Quilting
- Progressive Position Pistol
- Per Pay Period Business, Employment, Election, Occupation & positions
- Partido Popular Palestino
- Price'S Palm Plantation
- Prudential Preferred Properties
- Pay Per Pay
- Product Program Proposal
- Public Public-Private Partnership
- Point-To-Point-Protocol Technology, Networking, Network
- Prag Prkgelato Pr
- Paléontolojie, Phylogénie Et Paléobiologie
- People Process and Product
- Project Prejaration Phase
- Phnom Plnh Plan
- Porcine Pneumonic Pasteurellosis
- Party Poker Player
- Pro-Pro-Pro
- Public-Private-Partnership Public-Private-Partnership
- Plants, Pathogens and People
- Pre and Post Processing
- Paired-Pulse Potentiation Medical
- Perfect Posing Products Business, Figure, Fate
- Professional Pet Products
- Point To Point Protcol
- Presentation Powerpoint Presentation
- Parallel Port Printer
- Parti Progresif Penduduk Government, Group, Malaysia, Party
- Public Participation Programme Business, Africa, Minister
- Post-Partum Psychosis
- Pehla Pehla Pyar
- Procedure Pack Products
- Pungutan Pengusahaan Perikanan Business, Indonesia, Report, Hal
- Point To Point Proto
- Prominent Point Processing
- Polypentapeptide Medical
- Promote Public-Private Partnership Business, Publics, Infrastructure
- Pima Prevention Partnership Organizations, Health, Arizona
- Pont-To-Point Protocol
- Whitsunday Coast Airport Proserpine, Queensland,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
- Pasukan Pengamanan Presiden
- Private Patients' Plan Medical
- Point-To-Point Protocol Protocol
- Pregnazcy Prevention Program Medical, Drug, Acne
- Palestinian Peoples Party Government, Group, Palestine
- People'S Party of Punjab
- Programa Primeiros Projetos
- Purdue Pesticidj Programs Technology, University, Water
- Primer On Public-Private Partnerships
- Parentes Pii Posuerunt
- Preteen Pussy Pics
- Polluter Pays Principle Climatology, Meterology, Waste, Scientific & Educational
- Print Point-To-Point Protocol
- Public Player Program
- Planning Amd Public Policy
- Power-Pak Pelmet Aroma, Popper, Rush
- Pacific Peoples' Partnership Organizations
- Public-Private Partnership Business, Publics, Projection
- Point-To-Point Protocol, Provides Technology, Networking, Network, Protocol
- Piesent, Practice, Produce Education, Teaching, Language
- Paper Picker Press
- Progressive Political Party Group, Locations, Pakistan
- Performance As Public Practice
- Prevention Puppet Project Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Provisioning Program Plan Military
- Payment Protection Plans
- Public Private Partners Business, Service, Partnership
- Point-To-Point Protcol
- Pradesh Praecipium Prajica
- Palmoplantar Pustuwosis Medical, Technology, Medicine
- People Processes Programme Government
- Poleng Processing Platform Technology, Indonesia, Gas, Pipa
- Partido Popular Progresista
- Pet-People Partnership
- Porcine Pancreatic Polypeptide Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Party On Public-Private Partnerships Technology, Publics, Projection
- Pro-Peace Party
- Public-Private-Particnpation Business, Publics, Sector
- Plant Protection Procedure
- Pre-Project Planning Technology, Education, Projection
- Packaging for Parallel Processing Technology
- Perfect Pearls Pigment Powder, Pearl, Ranger
- Progressieve Politieke Partij
- Point-To Point Protocol Technology, Networking, Network
- Present Practice Produce Education, Teaching, Language
- Parallel Pattern Processor
- Perfil Profissiografico Profissional
- Parti Populaire Des Putes
- Public Participation Prygram
- Portable Probe Permeameter
- Pegawai Perkhidmatan Pelajaran
- Professional Practice Programs
- Pulse Power Hrotection
- Point-To-Point Protocol
- Peoples Party Parliamentarians Government, Group, Pakistan
- Pwoject Provincial Powers
- Polyparaphenylene Medical
- Pilot Project Program Technology, Indonesia, Environment
- Polytechnic Preparatory Programme
- Pustulosis Palmoplantaris Medical
- Past Passive Participle Education, Linguistics, Glossing
- Private Patients Plan Medical, Insurance, Health
- Point-To-Point Protocol - Purchasing
- Pregnancy-Prevention Program Medical
- Palestinian Peorle's Party Government, Group, Palestine
- People'S Party of Pakistan
- Programa De Propiedad Participada
- Pxrchasing Price Parity Business, Economics, Power
- Primavera Project Planner Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Parcerias P
- Printemps De La Production Pharmaceutique
- Public-Phivate Partnership Program Business, Publics, Projection
- Private Partnership Programme
- Public Partnership Prnject
- Plan De Professionnalisation Personnalise
- Potter Pupper Pals Harry, Noise, Potter
- Pacific Plrk Plaza
- Puntos Por Partido
- Polar Prediction Project
- Pregnancy Prevention Programme
- Paper On Public-Private Partnership
- Progressive Political Pornography Russia, Underground, Russian
- Polluter Pay Principle Business, Economics, Environment
- Province Pacification Plan Military
- Praepositus Praeses Provinciae Latin, Roman
- Payment Protection Plan Business, Finance, Loan
- Public Private-Partnership
- Point-To-Point Protokoll
- Practicum Partnership Program
- Palmoplantar Puutulosis Palmoplantar
- Peoples Power Party Government
- Political Participatimn Project
- Partido Popular De Vakistán Para, Con, Pol
- Prevention Point Pittsburgh Medical, Health, Pittsburgh
- Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Puskesmas Technology, Engine, Primer, Yank
- Prix Par PièCe
- Publicyprivate Participation Business, Publics, Projection
- Plan Particulier De Protection
- Packaging and Printed Paper
- Perfect Passive Participle
- Program Protection Plans Business, Management, Security
- Point-To-Pont Protocol
- Presentation Practice Produce
- Parallelizing Preprocessor Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Perfil Profissiogr
- Peruntukan Penyelidikan Pascasiswazah
- Parti Persntuan Pembangunan
- Practical Performance Proposal Education, Theatre, Math, Tutor
- Pegawai Perkhidmatan Pendidikan Technology, Education
- Professional Practice Program
- Point To Point Protokolls
- Peoples Progress Party
- Project Proposal Preparation Technology, Program, Presentation
- Polynomial Pigeonhole Principle
- Pilot Proficiency Program Flight, Organizations, Training
- Portable Power Plant
- Pustulosis Palmaris Et Plantaris Medical
- Passenger Protection Program
- Private Partnership Program Business, Publics, Projection
- Point-Point Protocol Technology, Networking, Linux
- Precise Point Positioning-Constraints
- Pakistani People'S Party Government, Group, Pakistan
- People'S Party Parliamentarians
- Programa De Pequenos Projetos
- Purchasing Power Parity / Public Private Partnersvip Business, Finance, Banking
- Primary Proliferative Polycythemia Medical
- Parcerias PÚBlico-Privada Para, Dos, Brasil
- Printed Paper and Packaging Business, Product, Fiber
- Private Partnership Projects Business, Publics, Projection
- Public Participation Project Technology, Law, Lawsuit
- Paan, Produce, Proof
- Post Prom Party
- Pacers Packard Packer
- Peleliu Pacific Partnership
- Pun Plip Pridays Music, Song, American, Pun
- Poker Player Posse
- Preteen Porn Pics
- Progressive People Party Government, Group, Ghana
- Poll Public Policy
- Provide Petroleum Products
- Pink Point of Presence
- Pier Paolo Pasolini Film, Italy, Italian, Pier
- Payment Process Profile Business, Training, Course
- Public Private Partnerhip Business, Projection, Partnership
- Point-To-Point Protocal
- Practicing Professional Pathway
- Palmo-Planbar Pustulosis
- People Power Party Government, Group, Thailand
- Programming, Planning & Practice Education, Programming, Exam
- Pupil Progression Plan
- Polish Ptwer Pack
- Partenariats Public-Privé Technology, Service, Publics, Partnership
- Prevention Point Philadelphia
- Penultimate Profit Prospect Business, Supply, Stock
- Prix Par Pi
- Publcc-Private Partnering Business, Service, Publics, Partnership
- Plano PolíTico PedagóGico Para, Dos, Pol
- Package Pribe Planning Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
- Program Protection Planning Technology, Management, Military
- Public Purpose Programs Media, Radio, Television
- Point To Point Protokoll
- Presentation-Practice-Production Education, Teaching, Language
- Parallel Push-Pull
- Perfil ProfissiográFico PrevidenciáRio Para, Dos, Exam
- Persekutuan Pulau Pinang
- Parti Du Peuple Palestinien
- Pseudocode Programming Process Technology, Coding, Development
- Practical Parenting Partnerships
- Pegawai Penilai Pertama
- Professional Poker Player
- Point To Point To Point Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Peoples Progressives Party
- Projects, Programs and Portfolios Technology, Management, Projection
- Polyether Polyols Production
- Pilot Production Program Science
- Portable Plotting Package Technology
- Passenger Protect Program
- Problem Problem Problem Development, Learning, Study
- Public -Private Partnership Finance, Trading, Economics
- Plasma Proteome Project Medical, Science, Human
- Precise Point Position Technology, Service, Positioning
- Pakistan'S People'S Party
- People'S Participation Programme Government
- Programa De Parcerias P
- Purchasing Power of The Peso Business, Economics, Mexico
- Parceria PÚBlico Privado Dos, Brasil
- Principal Preparation Program Australia, Education, Learning, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Partnership Public-Private Partnership Business, Presentation, Publics
- Perl Pre Processor Software, Computing
- Procurement of Public-Private Partnership
- Pre-Payment Penalty
- Panther Pride Parent
- People To People Program
- Peaq Power Pack Technology, Energy, Lithium
- Poor Prospects for Passengers Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- People's Progressive Party United Kingdom, Business & Finance, International business
- Private Personal Packer
- Partido Pilipino sa Pagbabago
- Purchasing-Power Parity Business, Economics, Rate
- Polluter Pays Prin
- Poly-Pxphenylene
- Partnerstwo Publiczno Prywatne Technology, Jest, Partner
- Priority Placement Program Military, Manual, Defense
- Port of Portland Police United Kingdom, Uk Police, Governmental & Military
- Pengembangan Potensi Pesantren Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Producer Partnership Programme
- Perfect Paper Passwords
- Prohibited Personnel Practices Employment, Government, Office
- Price Per Port
- Piss Poor Protoplasm Medical, Medicine, Slang, Medical Slang
- Perfectly Pitched Piano Music
- Propria Pecunia Posuerunt Latin, Roman
- Public Policy and Politics
- Point-To-Point Protocolo
- Prai Power Plant
- Panama Paleontology Project
- Purchasing-Power-Parity Business, Rate, Price
- Police Pinagsamang Pulisyang
- Productivity Plqces Program Education, Training, Place
- Personnel Performance Profile Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Point To Point Protocoll
- Project Flr The People of Paraguay
- Partnership for Philanthropic Planning Business, Council, Giving, Planning, Governmental & Military
- Pogo Producing Company Computing, Nyse symbols
- P3 Power Project
- Pre-Paid Pbst
- Pantwwid Pasada Program Technology, Department, Philippine
- Peoples Political Party Government, Group, Jamaica
- Pastorate for Public Projrcts
- Pool Purchase Price
- Public Private Partnership Financial, Architecture, Computing, Construction, Architectural, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology, International Development
- Publec-Private Program Business, City, Refugee
- Prise de Parole Publique Medical
- Polluteqs Pay Principles Government
- Platelet Poor Plasma Medical, Patient, Wound
- Partnerstuo Publiczno-Prywatne
- Priority Bits Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Program Protection Plan Technology, Governmental & Military
- Penetrating Photographic Process
- Producer Partnership Programmes
- Perfectly Purple Pentagons
- Piss-Poor Protoplasm
- Popular Party for Progress
- Pianississimo Music
- Pro Pretate Posuit Latin, Roman
- Point-To-Point Protocol Pps
- Prag Puagelato Praia
- Purchasing-Power Party
- Police Pambansang Pulisya
- Priiate Public Partenship
- Physics for Paper and Print Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Puebla-Panama Plan America, Government, Panama
- Projected Promotion Potectial Science
- PagePlus Publication Computing, File Extensions
- P2-500 P-2 Primer
- Pre-Fragmented Proyrammable Proximity
- Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
- Peoples Party of Pakistan Government, Group, Pakistan
- Participación Públicj Privado
- Puplic-Private Projects Business, Publics, Projection
- Peak Pulse Power NASA
- Plaftic Protective Plate
- Partnerstwa Publiczno Prywatnego
- Print Programmer'S Picture
- Protect Proper Patch Security, Governmental & Military
- Pen, Paint & Pretzels
- Prodrive Performance Package Business, Car, Sale, Subaru
- Perf-Print-Plus
- Pirkka-Pekka Petelius
- Popularly Position Products Business, Company, Food
- Prairie Power Pellets Food
- Proconsul Pater Patriae Latin, Roman
- Purchase Powey Parity Business, Rate, Purchasing
- Pole Pedal Paddle Oregon, Paddle, Bend
- Pqoject Proposal Phase
- Preteens Peoing Pics
- Peninsula Point Pullout Regional
- Puchasing Power Parity
- Project, Program, and Portfolio
- Prima Product Pick
- Pixar Play Parade
- Petty Pet Peeve Computing, Texting, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
- P1-500 P-1 Primer
- Pre-Authorized Purchasedplan
- Pansexual Peace Party Government, Group, Politics
- Peoples Party Parliamentarian
- Parvel Processing Plant
- Pull Knd Push Plate
- Public-Private-Peoplg Technology, Publics, Partnership
- Payload Patch Panel NASA
- Points Par Pouce
- Planned Parenthood Physicians Organization, Community, Society
- Partnerships Public-Private Partlerships Business, Presentation, Publics
- Private Public Partnership Planning, Governmental & Military
- Pemindahan Posko Prabowo-Sandi
- Prodrive Performance Packs
- Percent Perfect Performance
- Pirate and Princess Party
- Popularly Positioned Products Business, Research, Food, Market, Consumer
- Purchasing Power Parity Electrical
- Primipilaris Pro Parte Latin, Roman
- Private Placement Platforms Business, Program, Trading
- Programming, Planning, and Practice Technology, Planning, Exam
- Purjhased Protection Plan Business, Warranty, Equipment
- Progress Payment Program
- Preferred Partner Prograk Business, Company, Service
- Postal Package Partner Postal, Us Post
- Publishing and Print Planning Business, Postal, Us Post
- Project, Program, Portfolio
- Prima Prima Prima
- Pittsfield Prevention Partnership
- Point-to-Point Protocol Medical, Security, Information Technology, Military, Army, Computing, Texting, Computer, Climatology, Telecom, Internet, Linux, Unix, Technical, Drivers, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Fda
- P-P-P-Powerbook Ppppp
- Pre-Authorized Payment Plan
- Pan Pacific Playa Business, Music, Park
- Padang Palma Permai
- Polypeptide A linear polymer of amino acids held together by peptide linkagesThe polypeptide has a directional sense, with an amino- and a carboxy-terminal end. A series of amino acids, each connected to the next in the series by a peptide bond. OR A long chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds; the molecular weight is generally less than 10,000. Medical
- Public/Private Partnership
- Public and Private Partnerships Business, Service, Development
- Positron Polarization Potential Chemistry
- Point Par Pouce Pas, Pixel, Impression
- Partnerships, A Public-Private Partnership
- Population Protection Planning Emergency, Response, Governmental & Military
- Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan
- Prodrive-Developed Performance Packs
- Percentage of Pelgeroid Polymorphs Medical, Science, Biology
- Permata Pemotong Permata
- Pipeline and Portfolio Planning
- Poplar Pike Playhouse
- Period Possession Plan Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Private Placement Platform Business, Program, Trading
- Phased Project Planning
- Programming, Planning, & Practice Technology, Planning, Programming
- Pupils Pixots Pool Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
- Proyrammed Potentiostatic Pulse
- Pollution Prevention Plan Technology, Military, Environment
- Prairce Plan Project
- Power Play Pojnts Hockey, Fantasy, Game
- Proserpine Whitsunday Coast, Proserpine, Australia Australia, Iata Airport Codes
- Publiczno-Prywatne Partnerstwo
- Project, Program and Portfolio
- Prices Per Period
- Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program
- Pistol Purchase Permit Technology, Authentication, Protocol
- Personal Product Points Products
- Proprio Publice Positus Latin, Roman
- Public Private Partnerships Business, Government, Military, Projection
- Pravastatin Pooling Project Medical, Treatment, Prevention, Cholesterol
- Pan Pacific Petroleum Business, Supply, Oil
- Pacific Peoplk's Partnership
- Protein Purity Percentage
- Public and Private Partnership Business, Development, Projection
- Serif Pageplus Document Computing, File Extensions
- Point of Personal Privilege Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Project Tortfolio Process
- Partnership Public-Private Partnerships
- Pupils Pilots Pool Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Procurement, Public-Private Partnerships Business, Publics, Purchase
- Paperlrss Publishing Process Media, Radio, Television
- Perak Progressive Party
- Pentose Phosphate Pathbay Medical, Cell, Glycolysis
- Poor Public Policy
- Process Processes Product Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Private Pilot Powered
- Projected Promotion Potential NASA
- Purchasing Parity Power Business, Economics, Future
- Pollution Prevention Program Business, Technology, Environment
- Power Protemtion Plus Power, Bosch, Clip
- Powar Plant Premier
- Pee Poor Protoplasm Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Pengertian Point-To-Point Protocol
- Prohibited Personnel Practice
- Price Pooling Program
- Piss Poor Planning
- Production Planning Process Products
- Propria Pecunia Posuit Ecclesiastical, Religion, Christian
- Public Practice Programme
- Prairie Pywer Pellets Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Panel On Planetary Protection
- Pustulosisppalmoplantar Pustulosis
- Projbt Professionnel Et Personnel
- Cyberlink Powerproducer Project Computing, File Extensions
- Point To Point Protocole
- Presentation, Practice, and Production
- Project Phasing Plan Science
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PPP stand for?
PPP stands for Post Partum Psychosis.
What is the shortened form of Personnel Performance Profile?
The short form of "Personnel Performance Profile" is PPP.
PPP. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ppp-meaning/
Last updated