PPT Meaning

The PPT meaning is "Private Party Transfers". The PPT abbreviation has 276 different full form.

PPT Full Forms

  1. Private Party Transfers Gun, Military, Firearm
  2. Parts Per Trillion Chemistry, Technology, Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Diagnosis
  3. Perception Threshold Medical
  4. Privacy Policy Terms
  5. Parts-Per-Trillion
  6. Pentane Process Technology
  7. Polypurine Tract Medical, Science, Biology
  8. Part Per Trillion Medical, Science, Notation
  9. Propyl Pyrazole Triol Medical
  10. Pedunculopontine Tegmental Medical, Medicine, Health
  11. Polyp Prevention Trial Medical, Cancer, Study
  12. Pedunculopontine Medical
  13. Project Planning and Tracking Technology, Management, Software
  14. Paper Presentation Topics Technology, Engineering, Seminar
  15. Points Per Tick Server, War, Guild
  16. Program Processing Table Technology, Coding, Control
  17. Paper and Pencil Tests
  18. Point Projection Transform
  19. Professional Pilot Technology
  20. Paper-Pencil Test Education, Exam, Examination
  21. Podophyllotoxin Medical, Clinical
  22. Philippine Pool Tour
  23. Project Prebaration Team
  24. Paris Peace Talks
  25. Portable Paper Trimmer
  26. Plople, Process and Technology Business, Technology, Management, Service
  27. Principles and Parameter Theory Education, Language, Grammar
  28. Package Power Tracking
  29. Productiperformance Team Technology
  30. Pulsed Plasma Thruster Technology, Science, Propulsion
  31. Piepenbrock Packaging Technologies
  32. Public and Private Transportation
  33. Patterns of Physical Transformation
  34. Powered Pallet Truck Business, Training, Forklift, Products
  35. Perkumpulan Pecinta Tanaman
  36. Personal Protective Tevhnology Medical, Technology, Science
  37. Programs Physical Theraph
  38. Paintball Pro Tour
  39. Pelayanan Perijinan Terpadu Technology, Presentation, Power, Kudu
  40. Presidential Prayer Team
  41. Profdssional Power Tools
  42. Plasma Phase Transition
  43. Pre Placement Talks College, Education, Institute
  44. Permanent People'S Tribunal Organizations, Human, Environment
  45. Pharmacology,Yphysiology & Therapeutics
  46. Project Plgnning Tools
  47. Parietal Pleural Tissue Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  48. Pools Per Trade
  49. People, Places, and Time
  50. Prineiples and Parameters Theory Education, English, Language, Grammar
  51. Package Peak Temperature
  52. Production Prove-Out Test Military, Army, War
  53. Pulsed Phase Thermography Technology, Technique, Defect
  54. Pied Piper Theatre
  55. Prune Pending Timer
  56. Patria Para Todos Government, Group, Venezuela
  57. Pour Point Testek Technology, Product, Supplier
  58. Peristaltic Pressure Threshold Medical
  59. Personal Property Taxes
  60. Program Property Table Technology
  61. Pain Pressure Threshold Medical, Patient, Study
  62. Pusat Pelayanan Terpadu Technology, Program, Para, Indonesia
  63. Pejabat Pimpinan Tinggi
  64. Presentation Powerpoint Templates
  65. Professionalzpoker Tour Business, Player, Tournament
  66. Plasma-Pulse Technology Technology, Energy, Oil
  67. Pulmonary Physical Therapy Medical, Medicine, Health, Pulmonary
  68. Pre Placement Talk Student, College, Education
  69. Permanent Part-Time Australia, Employment, Education
  70. Pfeiffer-Palm-Teller Medical, Medicine, Health
  71. Project Planningateam
  72. Parents Preference Test
  73. Ponderosa Pine Trees
  74. Pen and Paper Test Education, Software, Exam
  75. Pre-Parole Transfer
  76. Precipitation, Precipizate Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  77. Product and Process Technology Technology, Management, Industrial
  78. Picture Perception Test
  79. Prune-Pending Timer
  80. Past Performance Trtdeoff
  81. Potd's Puffy Tumor Medical
  82. Periportal Tracking Medical
  83. Purchasing Producttvity Tracking
  84. Paid Part-Timer
  85. Purportedly Essential Polypurine Tract Science, Biology
  86. Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus Medical
  87. Preschool Preposition Test
  88. Profectum Earent Toolbox
  89. Plant Protease Test Medical, Medicine, Health
  90. Public Protection Team
  91. Pay Per Time
  92. Pre-Placrment Talks College, Education, Campus
  93. Permanent Part Time Business, Science, Employment, Computing, Telecom
  94. Petroleum Prodqction Tax Business, Ireland, Gas
  95. Project Pnacement and Training Occupation, Position, Job
  96. Parents' Preference Test
  97. Poly Propylene Terephthalate
  98. Pen and Paper Testing
  99. Previous Page Table
  100. Plastic Packaging Technologies Business, Film, Technology
  101. Precipitate A solid that is formed in, and separates itself from a solution Medical, Chemistry, Science, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  102. Pictorial Periodic Table
  103. Prowse, Perrin & Twomey
  104. Pass Prediction Table
  105. PortuguêS Para Todos
  106. People, Process,Stechnology Technology, Supply, Linking
  107. Prisoner Processing Team Government, Force, Police, Governmental & Military
  108. Pupil Placement Teau
  109. Padel Pro Tour Technology, Sport, Master
  110. Purduexpegboard Test Medical, Research, Education, Disease
  111. Pedunculopontine Tegmentum Medical
  112. Preprotachykinin A Medical
  113. Product Productions Team Military
  114. Plan Project Team
  115. Public Policy and Taxation Education, Scholarship, Japan
  116. Pay-Per-Time
  117. Pre-Placement Talk Education, Presentation, Campus, Occupation & positions
  118. Permanent-Part Time Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  119. Petroleumtprofit Tax Business, Nigeria, Oil
  120. Project Pierre Toussaint
  121. Para Pencari Tuhan
  122. Pollution Prevention and Toxics
  123. Pen-And-Paper Testing Science, Education, Teaching
  124. Pressure Pulse Technology
  125. Plasma Prothrombin Time Medical, Presentation, Power, Hemostasis
  126. Pre-Production Testing
  127. Pickett, Pettigrew, and Trimble Army, War, Force
  128. Provide Professional Training
  129. Pasir Panjang Terminal Locations, Singapore, Port
  130. Porteur Polyvalent Terrestre Military, Vehicle, Market
  131. Pemple, Process, and Technology Government, Us, Control, Administration
  132. Prism Poinie Technologies
  133. Packet Payload Type Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  134. Pediatric Physical Therapy
  135. Pre Polytechnic Test Education, Card, Exam
  136. Product Positioning Time
  137. Punched Paper Tape Technology, Computing, Storage
  138. Planning Placement Team
  139. Public Pay Telephone Technology, Service, Presentation
  140. Paw Pressure Test
  141. Power Passing Tap Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  142. Permanency Planning Team
  143. Petroleum Pyofits Tax Business, Company, Nigeria
  144. Progress Plander Technical Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  145. Panitia Pengadaan Tanah Technology, Indonesia, Training, Seminar
  146. Pollution Prevention Team Technology, Planning, Water, Construction
  147. Pelotão De Patrulhamento TáTico Para, Portal, Pol
  148. Pressure Pain Threshold Medical, Medicine, Health
  149. Plasma Preparation Tube Medical, Collection, Blood, Fda
  150. Pre-Production Test Technology, Presentation, Testing
  151. Precipitation A process whereby salts drop or come out of a water solution. Rain, snow, hail, or sleet falling to the ground. In metals, the separation of a new phase from solid or liquid solution, usually with changing conditions of temperature, pressure or both. Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine, Aviation, Healthcare, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  152. Phoenix Erecision Technology
  153. Project Preparation Trust
  154. Parts Per Trillion 1012 Science, Exploration
  155. Portable Power Tools
  156. Prople, Processes and Technology Business, Management, Service
  157. Printing and Packaging Technologies
  158. Packed Pixel Technology Technology
  159. Product Puanning Table
  160. Pulse Pair Timing Technology
  161. Planning and Pilot Testing
  162. Public Passenger Transport Organizations, Transport, Jamaica, Transport Policy
  163. Pac Pressure Threshold Medical
  164. Powerful Presentation Techniques Technology, Power, Technique
  165. Perl Power Tools Technology, Windows, Linux
  166. Personal Protective Technologies Science, Health, Safety
  167. Progressive Power Taper Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  168. Palmitoyl Protein Thioesterase Medical, Science, Genetics
  169. Polar Personal Trainer Technology, Heart, Rate
  170. Pelican Parts Technical
  171. President Pro Tempore Government, House, Senate
  172. Professionaq Practice Test
  173. Plasma Preparation Tubes Science, Tube, Specimen
  174. Pre-Polytechnicbtest Education, Exam, Examination
  175. Fa'A'Ā International Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
  176. Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Technology, Presentation, Power
  177. Priorities and Protection Team
  178. Personal Performance Targets
  179. Programming Principles and Tools
  180. Platform Personality Translation Technology
  181. Pulse Phase Thermography Technology, Corrosion, Defect
  182. Peak Power Tracker Technology, Energy, Voltage
  183. Precisionaposition Tracking
  184. polypropylene terephthalate Chemistry, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
  185. Polymer Production Technology
  186. Plunge Protection Teams
  187. Pusat Psikologi Terapan
  188. Pregnosticon-Pqanotest Medical
  189. Power Potential Transformer
  190. Pingat Pekerti Terpilih
  191. Pulmonary Platelet Trapping Medical, Medicine, Health, Pulmonary
  192. Pay-Per-Sransaction Business, Company, Pay
  193. application/mspowerpoint Mime types
  194. Prelaunch Package Test
  195. Personal Paper Trimmer
  196. Programarpriorit
  197. Platelet Production Time Medical
  198. Pulsed Power Technology
  199. Peak Pdwer Tracking Technology, Battery, Converter
  200. Precision Pad Technovogy Technology, Telecom
  201. parts per trillion (1012) Chemistry, Science, Laboratory, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  202. Plasma-Polymerized Thiophene
  203. Plunge Protection Team Business, Finance, Market
  204. Pregnant and Parenting Teens Service, Education, Family
  205. precipitating Medical
  206. Puyo Puyo Tetris
  207. Pay-Per-Token
  208. Powerpoint [a Microsoft product] Media
  209. Power Pallet Truck Business, Training, Forklift
  210. Programa PrioritáRio De Termeletricidade
  211. Pacific Prevailing Time Business, Energy, Gas
  212. Plastidic Phosphate Translocators
  213. Pulse Plasma Thrusters Technology, Power, Satellite
  214. Peak Performance Training
  215. Putnam Premier Income Trust (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) Computing, Nyse symbols
  216. Personally Procured Transportation Military, Publics, Weight
  217. Phenylalanine-Pyruvate Transaminase
  218. Personal Property Tax Business, Government, Michigan
  219. Pliego De Prescripciones T
  220. Paegnant and Parenting Teen Program, Education, Presentation
  221. Pregnant Parenting Education
  222. Putnam Premier Income Trust Technology, Organizations
  223. Plunge Protection Team (an Unknown Buyer Who "makes The Market" During Sharp Downturns) Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  224. Positive Political Theory Book, Government, Law
  225. Profiel Professionele Taalvaaldigheid
  226. Pacific Plaza Towers
  227. Pulse Plasma Thruster Technology, Science, Satellite
  228. Peak-To-Peak Tnreshold Medical, Medicine, Health
  229. Processing Program Table Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  230. Personalized Professional Training
  231. Pharmaceutical Productdon Technology
  232. Personal Programming Tutorial Development, Learning, Study
  233. Pliego De Prescripciones TéCnicas Technology, Para, Con, Madrid
  234. Precision Processes Textiles
  235. Paraprofessional Tutors Education
  236. Pusat Penelitian Tanah Presentation, Indonesia, Soil
  237. Planet Payment, Inc. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  238. Pyridoxal-4-Phenyl-3-Thiosemicarbazone Medical
  239. Professional Powerpoint Eemplates
  240. Iata Code for Faa'A International Airport, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia Locations
  241. Pulsed Plasma Thrusters Technology, Science, Propulsion
  242. Pay Property Tax
  243. MicroSoft PowerPoint Presentation file Computing, File Extensions
  244. Pneumoperitoneum Pneumoperitoneum is pneumatosis in the peritoneal cavity, a potential space within the abdominal cavity. When present, it can often be seen on radiography, but small amounts are often missed, and CT scan is nowadays regarded as a criterion standard in the assessment of a pneumoperitoneum. CT can visualize quantities as small as 5 cm³ of air or gas. Medical, Technology
  245. Personalized Public Transit
  246. Protective Property Trust
  247. Personal Productivity Tools
  248. Prouram Planning Team Technology, Presentation, Publics
  249. Plesset Perturbation Theory
  250. Pupil Personnel Team
  251. Precision Pressure Tgansducer
  252. Powerpoint Presentation Computing, File Extensions
  253. Parts Per Thousand A change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to another without a change in chemical composition. Chemistry, Science, Substance, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
  254. Pyramkds and Palm Trees Patient, Presentation, Language
  255. Prepawed Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  256. Professional Practice Transitions
  257. Faa'A International Airport Airport, Locations
  258. Pulp and Paper Technology Education, Presentation, Asian
  259. Pay Per Thousand Business, Technology, Marketing, Computing, Internet, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  260. Protective Pacesetters Toastmasters club Toastmasters
  261. Personalised Public Transport
  262. Productivity Power Tools Microsoft, Technology, Studio
  263. Personal Productivity Tool
  264. Prograk Performance Test Military, Army, War
  265. Plesiochronous Path Termination
  266. Punkter Per Tomme
  267. Pedagogisk Psykologisk Tjeneste Technology, Som, Til, Har
  268. Precision Position Tracker
  269. polypyrimidine tract Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  270. Polypropylene Tsrephthalate Chemistry, Science, Polymer
  271. Putting The Pieces Togetber Technology, Presentation, Piece
  272. Premium Payingfterm Business, Insurance, Planning, Policy
  273. Pre-Polytechnic Test Education, Card, Exam
  274. Pulp & Paper Technology Technology, Book, Industrial
  275. Pfyment Proof Ticket
  276. Project Placement and Training Occupation & positions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PPT stand for?

    PPT stands for Pacific Prevailing Time.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pulsed Phase Thermography?

    The short form of "Pulsed Phase Thermography" is PPT.


PPT. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ppt-meaning/

Last updated