PPT in Medical Meaning

The PPT meaning in Medical terms is "Pedunculopontine Tegmental". There are 35 related meanings of the PPT Medical abbreviation.

PPT on Medical Full Forms

  1. Pedunculopontine Tegmental
  2. Part Per Trillion
  3. Propyl Pyrazole Triol
  4. Pedunculopontine
  5. Polypurine Tract
  6. Polyp Prevention Trial
  7. Podophyllotoxin
  8. Perception Threshold
  9. Palmitoyl Protein Thioesterase
  10. Pulmonary Physical Therapy
  11. Periportal Tracking
  12. Plasma Prothrombin Time
  13. Pain Pressure Threshold
  14. Pressure Pain Threshold
  15. Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus
  16. Plasma Preparation Tube
  17. Preprotachykinin A
  18. Pedunculopontine Tegmentum
  19. Plant Protease Test
  20. Pfeiffer-Palm-Teller
  21. Precipitate A solid that is formed in, and separates itself from a solution
  22. Pac Pressure Threshold
  23. Purduexpegboard Test
  24. Precipitation A process whereby salts drop or come out of a water solution. Rain, snow, hail, or sleet falling to the ground. In metals, the separation of a new phase from solid or liquid solution, usually with changing conditions of temperature, pressure or both.
  25. Personal Protective Tevhnology
  26. Potd's Puffy Tumor
  27. Parietal Pleural Tissue
  28. Peristaltic Pressure Threshold
  29. precipitating
  30. Pregnosticon-Pqanotest
  31. Peak-To-Peak Tnreshold
  32. Pyridoxal-4-Phenyl-3-Thiosemicarbazone
  33. Pneumoperitoneum Pneumoperitoneum is pneumatosis in the peritoneal cavity, a potential space within the abdominal cavity. When present, it can often be seen on radiography, but small amounts are often missed, and CT scan is nowadays regarded as a criterion standard in the assessment of a pneumoperitoneum. CT can visualize quantities as small as 5 cm³ of air or gas.
  34. Pulmonary Platelet Trapping
  35. Platelet Production Time

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PPT stand for Medical?

    PPT stands for precipitating in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Podophyllotoxin in Medical?

    The short form of "Podophyllotoxin" is PPT for Medical.


PPT in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ppt-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated