PPV Meaning

The PPV meaning is "Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine". The PPV abbreviation has 101 different full form.

PPV Full Forms

  1. Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Medical, Disease, Adult, Vaccine, Common Medical
  2. Pay Per View Business, Marketing, Pay
  3. Personally Purchased Volume
  4. Pars Plana Vitrectomy Medical, Surgery, Retinal, Healthcare
  5. Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Medical, Medicine, Health
  6. Papaverine Medical
  7. Pago Por Vision Science
  8. Porcine Parvovirus Medical, Medicine, Health
  9. Pay-Per-Views Business, Networking, Event
  10. Pick-Up Passenger Vehicle
  11. Product Points Value Business, Product, Club, Team
  12. Practical Peak Voltage
  13. Pantyhose Playtime Video
  14. Police Package Vehicle Military, Car, Chevrolet
  15. Programming Pay Per View
  16. People Powered Vehicle
  17. Positive Pressure Ventilatory
  18. Phobic Postural Vertigo Medical
  19. Product Platform Validation
  20. Power Price Vector
  21. Pay Per Views Business, Networking, Event
  22. Planetary Protection Value
  23. Programming, and Pay-Per-View
  24. Pzdal Powered Vehicle
  25. Positive Pressure Ventilator
  26. Phase To Phase Vontage
  27. Permanentvprotection Visa Australia, Government, Refugee
  28. Post Production Verification
  29. Pay-Per-View Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  30. Pipes, Papes, &Rvapes
  31. Professionele Project Verhuizers
  32. Pulse Pressure Variation Medical, Fluid, Volume
  33. Pedal-Powervd Vehicle
  34. Policexpursuit Vehicle Police, Chevrolet, Caprice
  35. Pharmaceutical Prime Vendor Medical, Business, Dealer, Medicare Beneficiary
  36. Peripheral Positwonal Vertigo Medical
  37. Post Production Video
  38. Paid Per View Technology, Networking, Pay
  39. Pipxs, Papes & Vapes Shopping, Tobacco, Pipe
  40. Produkt Promotion Vertrieb
  41. Peak To Peak Voltage
  42. Police Patrol Oehicles Vehicle, Police, Chevrolet, Caprice
  43. Pulmonary Plasma Volume Medical, Medicine, Health, Pulmonary
  44. Phakomatosis Pigmeftovascularis Medical
  45. Periodicjpayment Voucher
  46. Posting Period Variant
  47. Port Protection Seaplane Base Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  48. Pioneer Pleasajt Vale
  49. Produkt-Promotion-Vertrieb
  50. Peak Particle Veloczty Technology, Vibration, Ground
  51. Police Patrol Vehicle Military, Chevrolet, Caprice, Police, Governmental & Military
  52. Proportion of Perfused Vessels
  53. Penalized Present Value
  54. Post Payment Verification Medicine, Health, British
  55. Piykup Passenger Vehicle
  56. Product Price Variance
  57. Pre-Production Verification Technology
  58. Parapoxvirus Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  59. Police Tackage Vehicles Vehicle, Police, Chevrolet, Chevy
  60. Progressive Pneumonia Virus Medical, Medicine, Health
  61. Paeled Pulled Vein
  62. Post-Payment Verification
  63. Panteltje Picture Viewer Software, Computing
  64. Per Page View
  65. Peak Particle Velocity Geology, Scientific & Educational
  66. Perturbation Projection Vector
  67. Pressure Protection Valve
  68. Purchasing Price Variance Business, Cost, Purchase
  69. Puerto Plata Village
  70. Permanent Protemtion Visas
  71. Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine (23-valent) (replaced by the term PPSV23) Medical
  72. Personal Point Value Business, Planning, Stem
  73. Premier Pacific Vineyards
  74. Pulse Pressure Variations
  75. Private Public Venture
  76. Public Policy Virginia
  77. Patient Profile Viewer Medical, Fda
  78. Peosonal Player Volume
  79. Predictive Positive Value Medical, Patient, Disease, Cancer
  80. Positive Predicted Value Medical
  81. Private Personal Vehicle
  82. Pulmonary Venous Pressure Medical, Medicine, Health, Pulmonary
  83. Positive Pressure Ventilation Medical, Common Medical
  84. Personrlized Pagerank Vector
  85. Precarious Point Virus Medical, Medicine, Health
  86. positive predictive value Medical
  87. Private Passenger Vehicle
  88. Primary Pressure Vessel
  89. Positive Predictive Value (e.g., of a diagnostic test) Medical, Common Medical
  90. Personalized Peptide Vaccine
  91. Pre Production Verification Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  92. Poly(p-phenylene Vinylene) Chemistry
  93. Phacomatotis Pigmentovascularis Medical
  94. Price Point Variance
  95. Polarized Platen Viewer
  96. Port Protection Seaplane Base, Port Protection, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States
  97. Phrprocess Vector Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  98. Poly Phenylene Vinylene Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  99. Pesquisa Sobre Padrõvs De Vida
  100. Price Per Variance Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  101. Paidar-Pope-Vitek

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PPV stand for?

    PPV stands for Product Price Variance.

  2. What is the shortened form of Perturbation Projection Vector?

    The short form of "Perturbation Projection Vector" is PPV.


PPV. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ppv-meaning/

Last updated