PQ in Medical Meaning

The PQ meaning in Medical terms is "Paraquat Dichloride". There are 13 related meanings of the PQ Medical abbreviation.

PQ on Medical Full Forms

  1. Paraquat Dichloride
  2. Piperaquine
  3. Paraquat A toxic chemical widely used as an herbicide (plant killer), primarily for weed and grass control. Paraquat is highly poisonous. It was first produced for commercial purposes in 1961.The most likely route of exposure to paraquat leading to poisoning is ingestion (swallowing). Paraquat can be easily mixed with food, water, or other beverages. Paraquat poisoning is also possible after skin exposure. The extent of poisoning caused by paraquat depends on the amount, route, and duration of exposure and the person's condition of health at the time of the exposure.
  4. Phonation Quotient
  5. Phenanthrenequinone
  6. Prodromal Questiounaire
  7. Performance Iq
  8. Primaqkine
  9. Parent Questionnaire
  10. Praziquantel
  11. Physician'S Questionnaire
  12. Pyrimethamine-Quinine
  13. Provocative Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PQ stand for Medical?

    PQ stands for Phonation Quotient in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Paraquat in Medical?

    The short form of "Paraquat" is PQ for Medical.


PQ in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/pq-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated