PR Meaning
The PR meaning is "Page Rank". The PR abbreviation has 1126 different full form.
PR Full Forms
- Page Rank Business, Technology, Marketing
- Pregnant The state of carrying a developing fetus within the body.The word "pregnant" comes from the Latin pre- meaning before + (g)natus meaning birth = before (giving) birth. The word "prenatal" has exactly the same origin. Medical, Medicine, Infertility, Pregnancy, Obstetrics, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Personal Records Personal Records are records pertaining to employees of an organization. These records are accumulated, factual and comprehensive information related to concern records and detained. All information with effect to human resources in the organization are kept in a systematic order. Such records are helpful to a manager in various decision making areas. Education
- Public Relations PR. The promotion of an organisation or person with the aim of creating a favourable relationship with the public. Business, Media, Marketing, Communication, Communications, Medical, Technology, Astronomy, Police, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Occupation & positions, Fda
- Page-Rank
- Pagerank Named after Larry Page, co-founder of Google Technology, Google, Internet Marketing, Computing, Internet
- Personal Record Sport, Workout, Crossfit
- Pedro Ramos
- Priority Review
- Phylicia Rashad
- Page Ranking Technology, Rank, Checker
- Positive Response Business, Organizations, Marketing
- Previously Reported
- Product Release
- Performance Ratio The ratio of a performance standard established for a certain quantity of work to the performance actually achieved. When this ratio is equal to 1.00 (100%) the worker or group is meeting standard performance. Organizations, Ecology, Energy Assessment, East
- Problem Report Military, Army, Bug, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Pityriasis Rosea A mild irritating rash affecting young people which appears especially in the early part of the year and has no known cause pityriasis rubra Medical, Treatment, Skin, Common Medical
- Partial Response Medical, Cancer, Oncology
- Prayer Request
- Patient Rights Medical, Health, Care
- Production Records Science
- Photo-Reconnaissance Military, Spitfire, Mosquito
- Prolonged Remission Medical
- Petit Robert Technology, Langue, Crack
- Pokemon Ranger
- Partido De La Revolución
- Pressure Regulator Business, Technology, Science
- Pay Range
- Priority Records
- Photos Rock
- Pulmonary Regurgitation Medical, Technology, Cardiology
- Positive Remodeling Medical
- Product Receiving Science
- Preview Release
- Performance Range Technology
- Probe Response Technology, Networking, Network
- Pirates Revenge
- Partial Resection Medical, Medicine, Health
- Pratt-Read Technology, Aircraft, Glider
- Product Requirements
- Progression Rate Medical
- Peter Robinson Business, Book, Journalist
- Poisson'S Ratio
- Particulate Respirator Medical
- Pressure Reducing Business, Product, Valve
- Paul Rodgers
- Principal Researcher
- Photos Read
- Puasa Ramadhan
- Per Rectum Medical, Veterinary, Pharmacy, Healthcare, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, Latin, Clinical
- Position Report A report over a known location as transmitted by an aircraft to an air traffic control station. Business, Management, Communication
- Program Requirement Business, Science, Education
- Political Right
- Prevalence Ratio Medical, Study, Cross
- Performance Ratings Medicine, Health, British
- Probability Ratio Technology
- Pine River
- Pakatan Rakyat Government, Group, Malaysia, Election
- Potomac River
- Production Requirement Business, Industrial, Military
- Program Reviews
- Pesticide Registration Science, Government, Environment
- Points Race
- Participation Rate The proportion of working-age individuals who decide to 'participate' in the labour force, by either being employed or actively seeking work. The precise definition of what constitutes 'actively seeking work' varies from one country to another, and this can affect measurements of the labour force and unemployment. Force, Labor, Participation
- Pressure Rating Technology, Valve, Joint
- Paul Revere Business, Service, Press, Force, Famous
- Product Recall
- Photo Research Technology, Spectra, Spectroradiometer
- Psychological Reports Research, Education, Psychology
- Partial Remission Medical, Cancer, Oncology
- Port Royal Hotel, Locations, Map
- Peurto Rican
- Program Request
- Political Rights
- Prevalence Rates Medical
- Performance Rating A process whereby an analyst evaluates observed operator performance in terms of a concept of normal performance expressed as benchmarks using APL/MPL concepts. The performance rating factor. Technology, Information, Telecom, Occupation & positions
- Prix De Revient
- Primary First or foremost in time or development. The primary teeth (the baby teeth) are those that come first. Primary may also refer to symptoms or a disease to which others are secondary.A primary tumor is one that is at the original site at which it arose. For example, a primary brain tumor is one that arose in the brain as opposed to one that arose elsewhere and metastasized (spread) to the brain. The original tumor is sometimes called "the primary." Technology, Aviation, Space, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Weather, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, Electrical, Geographic, Latin, Politics, Governmental & Military, Medical, Healthcare, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Pine-Richland
- Pain Relief Medical, Product, Health
- Posterior Root Medical
- Program Review Education, Planning, Diet, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Person Reporting Publics, Report, Person, Police, Governmental & Military
- Pod Racer
- Partial Response Rate Medical
- P Receptors Medical
- Pattern Reversal Medical
- Product Realization
- Photography Review
- Proposal Request
- Port Richey
- Petroleum Refining
- Program Register Technology
- Political Reforms
- Pressure Relief Technology, Control, Valve
- Peer Review Business, Technology, Wikipedia, Medical, Computing, Healthcare, Ieee
- Privileges Required
- Physical Renderer Technology, Training, Cinema, Applet
- Paging Request Technology
- Postal Rate
- Program Requirements Student, Education, University
- Personnel Representative Science
- Pocket Rocket
- Partial Responders Medical
- P Receptor Medical, Medicine, Health
- Pattern Recognition Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Product Range
- Photo Resist Material, Pressure, Scintillator
- Proportional Representation Organizations, Uk, United Kingdom
- Portia De Rossi
- Pet Restrictions
- Programmable Read Technology, Electronics, Memory
- Polarity Reversal Technology, Electronics, Model
- Partido Revolucionario
- Pressure Release P wave in the ECG represents atrial depolarization, which causes atrial contraction.
- Pedro Rossello
- Private Reserve Business, Wine, Ink
- Physical Records Technology
- Pagetoid Reticulosis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Positive Role
- Performance Review Business, Technology, Employment
- Problem Reports Technology, Software, Bug
- Place De La RéPublique
- Partial Responce Medical, Medicine, Oncology
- Pre-Registration
- Patrick Roy Business, Gaming, Hockey, Card
- Product Record Science
- Photo-Resist Science
- Property Review
- Pet Rescue
- Product Reviews Business, Technology
- Poker Run
- Partido Reformista
- Pressure Regulation Technology, Valve, Regulator
- Pathogenesis Response
- Police Recruit
- Prefeitura RondonóPolis
- Public Rule
- Pittman Robertson
- Production of Radio
- Pantera Rosa
- Pinar Del Roo
- Portable Radios Business, Tuning, Motorola
- Promising Results
- Pulse Rifle
- Production Red
- Plant Responses
- Partido Da Rep
- Play and Record Technology, Player, Audio
- Practice Recommendation
- Provincial Reserve
- Photoreceptors Membrane proteins that can convert light into to atomic motion and then into a chemical signal. Medical
- Problem Record Technology, Management, Computing
- Programmed Rate
- Page Reservation Technology
- Periphlebitis Retinae Medical
- Pico Rivera
- Private Renter
- Proliferative Response Medical
- Parallel Resonant
- Patrick Roos
- Portsmouth Rating
- Project Recruit
- Personal Rep
- Preretinal Medical
- Parish Record
- Positional Release Medical, Therapy, Massage
- Propyl Radicals
- Purchase Requsition
- Pension De RéVersion
- Phosphorylation Rate Medical, Medicine, Health
- Primary Response Medical, Medicine, Health
- Program Return Technology, Coding, Calling
- Through The Rectum Medical
- Part Reference Technology, Service, Manual
- Pond River
- Praveen Rikhy
- PrzeglĄD Religioznawczy
- Pain Relievers
- Pollution Reduction
- Preferred Registry
- Publishing Real Business, Technology, Marketing, Directory
- Perosak Rakyat
- President'S Report
- Problem Richard
- Pipe Rail The Finance and Administrative Services
- Presbyopia Presbyopia is a defect of vision in which objects are not clearly visible due to weakening of eye muscles in old age. It is overcome by the use of suitable lenses in the same frame. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Portfolio Rebalancing
- Pull Report
- Paul Roland Book, Music, Song, Roland
- Peter Rendall
- Presidents Residence Locations, Israel, House
- Professionals Registered
- Portland Railway
- Ply Ratings
- Protected Record
- Puty Revita Photo, Indonesia, Miss
- Percentage Runoff
- Photo Ret
- Principal Recipient Business, Health, Fund
- Precision-Recall Technology, Area, Curve
- Pseudo Range
- Permanent Representation Government, Europe, Embassy
- Prize Ring
- Palestinian Rapperz
- Patsy Ramsey
- Pool Reactor A reactor in which the fuel elements are suspended in a pool of water that serves as the reflector, moderator, and coolant. Popularly called a swimming pool reactor, it is used for research and training, not for electrical generation.
- Property Recruitment
- Pulley Ridge Education, Florida, Chart, Cay
- Paulo RogéRio Sport, Song, Lyric
- Prescriptive Reference
- Participation Requirements
- Placement & Routing Technology, Computing
- Post Report Medical, Medicine, Psychology, Mental Health
- Protein A polymer that is important in biochemistry and is made up of amino acids Medical, Medicine, Common Medical, Food, Clinical
- Program Routine Technology, Service, Training
- P-Wave To R-Wave
- Passenger Rear
- Poison Reverse
- Physical Resources
- Priorities Military
- Project Ready
- Paul Rigby Business, Company, Check
- Polymerization Reaction
- Publicity Release
- Pershing Rifles
- Premarin Medical
- Process Rate
- Proportional Ratio
- Pediatric Rheumatology Medical, Technology, Health
- Phoenix Red
- Prevalence Rate Medical, Africa, Health
- Profile Raising Business, Media, Marketing
- Patria Roja Group, Peru, Party
- Perceptual Reasoning
- Pathogenesis Related Science, Genetics, Protein, Plant
- Police Radar
- Prefeitura De RenascençA
- Public Review
- Pittman-Robertson Gun, Military, Wildlife, Hunting
- Production, Productivity Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Panta Rhei
- Pinar Del R
- Pork Recordings Music
- Promenades Et RandonnéEs France, Guide, Promenade
- Pulse Repetition Medical
- Product Request Science
- Palestine Railways
- Partido De La RepÚBlica
- Plarock Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Practice Reader
- Provincial Races
- Photoreceptor A sensor sensitive to light. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Programmatic Requirement Military
- Packed and Released Technology, Management, Release, Bucket
- Periosteal Resorption Medical
- Pick Records
- Private Religious
- Proliferation Resistance
- Parallel Rares
- Patrick Reardon
- Port Risks
- Project Reality Technology, Gaming, Battlefield
- Personal Relation Business, Media, Publics
- Prerequisite Required Education
- Procurement Regulations Military
- Parish Records Genealogy, Family, Marriage
- Philosophical Review Technology, Science, Book, Psychology, Philosophy, Computing, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Poses Risks
- Propyl Medical, Medicine, Health
- Purchase Request Technology, Military, Approval, Governmental & Military
- Pensionable Remuneration
- Phosphate Resistance Technology, Glass, Chemical
- Primary Residence Business, Credit, Mortgage
- Program Resource
- Rectally Medical, Pharmacy
- Partnership Representative
- Pravastatin Medical
- Provincial Road Routing, Locations, Lake
- Paige Rowland
- Path Ranking Business, Career, Relation
- Poll Results
- Preferred Registered
- Publishing Radio Business, Media, Music
- Personnel Rule Government, Alaska
- Problem Request
- Prothrombin Ratio Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Pipe Rack
- Porter Ryan
- Pull Ratio Forum, Sale, Lug
- Paul Roetzer
- Peter Rabbit
- President Rice
- Professional Responsibility Education, Law, Ethic
- Populus Romanus Latin, Roman
- Ply-Rating
- Pragmatic Rehabilitation
- Protected Read Technology, Management, Mode, Lock
- Pussy Riot Russia, Prison, Pussy
- Perceived Risk Business, Study, Risk, Consumer
- Photoresist Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Principal Ray
- Permanent Reference
- Prix De RéFéRence
- Paleo Runner
- Patronatul RomÂN Business, Din, Care, Romania
- Pooled Rail
- Pulau Rengat-711 Class, Indonesia, Surabaya
- Paulo Roberto Sport, Music, Pastor
- Prescription Required
- Partial Reflecting Laser, Beam, Mirror
- Place De La R
- Postdoctoral Researcher
- Pentium Rating Technology, Computing, Processor
- Program Roster
- Iso Country Code for Puerto Rico Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Passage Retrieval Education, Module, Query
- Poison Resist Military, Guide, Diablo
- Pre-Reading Education, Teaching, Skill
- Pseudorabies Medical
- Project Read
- Polyarthrite Rhumato
- Public Research
- Persatuan Rakyat Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
- Prejudice Reduction
- Process Radials Technology, Anatomy, Maker, Bone
- Piston Rings Metal rings that form the seal between the piston and cylinder wall.
- Prosthion Medical
- Payroll Register Business, Employment, Report
- Philippe Roberge
- Prevalence The proportion of individuals in a population having a disease or characteristic. Prevalence is a statistical concept referring to the number of cases of a disease that are present in a particular population at a given time, whereas incidence refers to the number of new cases that develop in a given period of time. Medical
- Profetas Y Reyes
- Patient Responsibility Medical, Coding, Medicare
- Percepción Remota
- Physical Resist Forum, Gaming, Guide
- Principios Rectores
- Prefeitura De RebouçAs
- Public Resources
- Pitch Runner
- Panta Rei Latin
- Pimpinan Ranting Program, Indonesia, Ulama, Ranting
- Populusque Romanus Latin
- Propionate Medical
- Pulse Ratio
- Production Request
- Partido Da RepÚBlica
- Plaque Rupture
- Practice Reading
- Proteorhodopsin Medical
- Pilgrim'S Rest
- Program Is Reserved
- Packages Review Business, Package, Spa, Release
- Pathogen Related
- Polak-Ribiere
- Pickle Research
- Private Reader Java, Run, Wait
- Prolactin Releasing
- Parallel Rare Business, Trading, Card, Laser
- Patricia Rucker
- Project Red
- Personal Relationships Business, Media, Relation
- Prerequisite Requirements
- Procuradoria Da Rep
- Parameter Receiving
- Poseidon'S Rage
- Proprotional Representation
- Purchase Req
- Penrhyn Road
- Phonological Representation
- Primary Residential Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Program Representatives
- Purchase Requisition Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Partner Resisted
- Pratt Read Military, Museum, Tool
- Public & Regulatory Business, Management, Consultancy, Public
- Performers Rights
- Pathol Res Medical, Cell, Carcinoma
- Polling Research
- Preference Registry Technology, Presentation, Power, Mail
- Publishers Research Business, Book, Publics
- Personnel Roster
- Problem Representation
- Pipeline Regulation
- Porter Ridge School, Episode, Ridge
- Puncture Resisting
- Paul Robinson
- Persons-Restaurants
- Presidential Regulation
- Product Return
- Polski Rejestr Business, Ship, Baltic
- Plutonium Recovery Science
- Practitioner Radio Technology, Service, Episode
- Protected Ranking Technology, Player, Rank
- Pushing Revenue Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Per-Rectal Medical, Medicine, Examination
- Photo Reporter Media, Bag, Reporter
- Princeton Reverb Guitar, Tube, Fender
- Pagos Realizados
- Permalink Reply
- Piece On The Red
- Private Road
- Paleoclimate Reconstruction
- Patronatul Rom
- Pool-Riffle
- Puerto Rico-Ponce Business, University, Ranking
- Paulo Ricardo
- Preschool Rainbow
- Parliamentary Reform
- Pixels Resolution
- Positive Results
- Pentium Rated Technology, Performance, Rating, Processor, Computing, Hardware
- Primase Primase is an enzyme that synthesizes short RNA sequences called primers. These primers serve as a starting point for DNA synthesis. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Program Roles
- In Prone Position Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Pas Reliability Technology
- Poison Resistance Gaming, Military, Guide, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Prazosin Medical
- Pseudo-Random Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Projected Revenue
- Polskiego Radia Program, Music, Radio
- Publications Research
- Perry Rhodan
- Prejudice Medical
- Processor Resource
- Pistol Range
- Prosthetic Records
- Payroll Payroll is the list of all the employees in the organization and their salaries. Business, Medical, Common Medical, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Petition Received
- Press Ring Business, Fishing, Shout
- Professor Research
- Pocket Rockets
- Percent Rate Business, Media, Tax
- Physical Resistance Forum, Gaming, Military
- Principal Registry
- Precision Records
- Pan Ram
- Pilot Rock
- Populi Romani
- Property Rights
- Product Rate Technology, Kid, Rating
- Partida Romilor
- Planned Residential
- Practical Rifle Gun, Military, Shooting
- Proteomics Research Science, Research, Market
- Pilates Roller
- Program Are Reported
- Packages Really
- Pathogenicity Related
- Poke Runyon
- Pickaway Ross
- Priority Ratio
- Parallax and Refraction Medical
- Patricia Richardson
- Promenade Et RandonnéE
- Personal Relationship Business, Media, Relation
- Premier Registry
- Proctology A medical specialty that deals with disorders of the rectum and anus. Medical
- Paramagnetic Resonance
- Proprietary Ratio
- Purchase Receipt Business, Product, Cost
- Pennsylvania Room
- Phone Roster
- Primary Reserve
- Pak Ratsadorn
- Partner Relations Business, Management, Manager
- Pratt, Read Business, Museum, Tool, Glider
- Performance Related
- Pathology Report
- Policy, Research Technology, Publics, Policy
- Preference Record Medical
- Publik Relations
- Personnel Rosters
- Pilot Reigniters
- Problemreport Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Papa Roach
- Pionier-Regiment
- Porter Ranch
- Puncture Resistant Business, Boots, Toe
- Person Rob
- Product Responsibility Business, Safety, Report
- Point De Résistance
- Plum River
- Practitioners Roles
- Protección Respiratoria
- Pusher Robot
- PequeÑOs Recorridos Para, Con, Casa
- Photorefractoriness Medical
- Princeton Review College, Education, School
- Paging Receiver Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Perkebunan Rakyat Indonesia, Ton, Papua
- Picture Record
- Private Residence
- Palau Reunion
- Pat Riley
- Ponti Radio
- Puerto Rico-Portorico
- Patti Reilly
- Personal Residence
- Prescaler Register Technology, Presentation, Circuit, Timer
- Parlamentarischer Rat
- Pixel Resolution
- Poor Responders Medical, Science, Biology
- Positive Relations Business, Publics, Event
- Pro Resources Business, Technology, Product, Consultation
- Punjab Regiment Military, Army, Pakistan
- Pentium-Rating Technology, Performance, Processor
- Primary Zone Technology, Government, Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Promotion
- Program Risks
- Far Point of Accommodation Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Partridge Rock
- Poipu Resort
- Prayer Room
- PréVention RoutièRe
- Pro Is The Resource
- Painting & Renovations
- Polska Razem Government, Election, Jest, Poland
- Publications Repository
- Per Rectal Medical, Medicine, Examination
- Presidente Regionale
- Processor Recovered Technology
- Pirate Raider
- Permanent Representative Military, Army, Equipment, United Nations
- Prosthetic Representative
- Pully Ridge Gulf of Mexico Leasing Area Industry, Oil, Gas, Electrical
- Payout Requirement
- Petites RandonnéEs Circuit, Nature, Gite
- Press Review Business, Media, Publics, Press
- Professor Renato Para, Quest, Progress, Professor
- Pneumatic Roll Machine, Tube, Pneumatic
- Pyrogenic Reactions Medical
- Percentile Ranks Education, Statistics, Score
- Physical Rehabilitation Medical, Medicine, Health
- Principle Recipients
- Precision Ratio
- Psi Researcher
- Panina Research
- Pool Residence
- Property Response
- Progestrone Receptor
- Participação Dos Resultados
- Plan Requirement
- Practical Record
- Protein Diet Medical
- Program-Like Representation Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Package Revision
- Pathogen-Related Technology, Genetics, Protein, Plant
- Poker Room Poker
- Picatinny Rail Gun, Military, Mount
- Priority Rating Business, Rate, Loot
- Paul Robeson America, Song, American
- Prolonged-Release
- Public Realtions
- Personal Recovery Medical, Health, Directory
- Premier Racing
- Process Reliability
- Paralympic Record Gaming, Sport, London, Paralympic
- Proprietary Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of something that is privately owned. Generally, the term refers to technology that has been developed by a particu-lar corporation or entity, with specifications that are con-sidered by the owner to be trade secrets. Proprietary technology may be legally used only by a person or entity purchasing an explicit license. Also, other companies are unable to duplicate the technology, both legally and because its specifications have not been divulged by the owner. Business, Company, Technology, Science, Company Type, Company Extension, Business & Finance, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Purchaser'S Right
- Peninsular Ranges
- Phonebook Results Technology, Service, Shopping, Xerox
- Primary Request Technology, Networking, Protocol
- Partner Recognition
- Pratik Rai
- Performance Running Business, Craft, Run
- Pathogen Resistant Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Police Research
- Preference Business, Technology, Finance, Space, Banking, Telecom, Telecommunications, Cosmos, Media, Computing, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Public Ruling
- Personnel Requisition
- Pilihan Rakyat
- Production Rates Medical
- Pressure The normal force exerted by a homogeneous liquid or gas, per unit of area, on the wall of its container. The force applied to a unit area of surface; measured in pascals (SI unit) or in dynes (cgs unit). The force per unit area acting on a surface. A force being exerted on part of a surface. When you stand, your feet put pressure on the ground. Medical, Technology, Science, Architecture, Space, Auto, Construction, Automotive, Architectural, Automobile, NASA, Aeronautics, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Electrical, Chemistry, Nursing, Physics, Crochet, Common Medical, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
- Panzer Regiment
- Pioneer Region Business, Player, Volleyball
- Portable Rental
- Puluhan Rumah Technology, Indonesia, Steel, Stainless
- Persons Responsible Business, Media, Publics
- Products Research Business
- Point De R
- Partido De La Revoluci
- Plumpton Red
- Practices Related
- Proteases Medical
- Purtscher'S Retinopathy
- Perompak Rakyat
- Photo Reflectance
- Princess Royal
- Programme Recovery
- Pagetoide Retikulose
- PerióDicos De ReferêNcia
- Picture Recognition
- Private Researcher
- Palatino-Roman Technology, Linux, Mail, Def
- Patrick Ruth
- Portuguese Republic
- Puerto Rico-Humacao
- Pattern Recognize
- Personal Reschedule Science
- Presbyterian and Reformed
- Parish Register History, Family, Marriage, Parish
- Positive Reinforcement Education, Dog, Behavior
- Prorenin Medical
- Punishment and Responsibility
- Pensions Regulator Business, Organizations, Enrolment
- Photo-Recon
- Primary Router
- Program Revenue Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- By Way of The Rectum Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Part Revolution
- Points Required
- Prawo RozwóJ
- Présidence De La RéPublique
- Progress Reports
- Painted Rivets
- Polonia Restituta
- Public Relation Business, Technology, Media
- Per Rack
- Presidente Republika
- Procedural Request
- Pipe Rolls
- Presid
- Pulls Rachael
- Payout Ratio Payout ratio is the dividend paid by the company to the shareholders out of earnings expressed as a percentage. Business
- Peter Roberts
- Press Resources
- Professionalism Medical, Pediatrics
- Practice Reports
- Pneumatic Ram
- Pyrogallol Red
- Percentile Ranking
- Photos Rap
- Principle Recipient Business, Program, Health, Fund
- Precision Rack Business, Product, Pinion
- Pseudo Rip
- Permanent Residency Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Panic Room Film, Music, Panic
- Patterned Retarder Business, Technology, Display, Glasses
- Pool Registrars Technology, Server, Pooling
- Property Registry
- Participação Nos Resultados
- Planned Requirement
- Power Rake Land, Pride, Rake
- Proteinase Medical
- Program, Until Recently
- Package Revised
- Passive Ranging Technology, Range, Motion
- Poisson Ratio The ratio between the strain of expansion in the direction of force and the strain of contraction perpendicular to that force v = -Et/E1. Element, Ratio, Praseodymium
- Piano Repertoire
- Prioritised Research
- Paul Robertson
- Proline Rich Medicine, Health, British
- Public Reactions Business, Media, Relation
- Personal Reconnaissance
- Premature Release Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Process Recording
- Parallel Ringing Communication, Circuit, Longitude
- Propranolol Medical, Medicine, Health
- Purcell Room
- Pelona De Rabusqui
- Phoenix Rizing
- Primary Representative
- Profitability Ratio Business, Analysis, Supply
- Partner, Re
- Pregnancy Rate Medical, Teen, Study
- Performance Requirement Business, Product, Valve
- Pathogen Reduction Medicine, Microbiology, Biology
- Police Report Medical
- Prefeitura Rondon
- Public Rulings
- Pityriasis Rotunda Medical
- Production Rate Medical, Business, Boeing
- Panty-Raiders
- Pinar Del RíO
- Portable Receiver Technology, Radio, Tuning
- Promo Resources
- Pulsing Relay Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Person Responsible Army, War, Force
- Product Research Business, Marketing, Analytics
- Plastic Recycler
- Partido De La Rep
- Plug Receptacle Technology, Power, Connecting
- Practice Review
- Protease A protease is an enzyme that initiates the hydrolysis of a peptide bond to form polypeptide chains. Medical
- Purchasing Requisition Business, Order, Purchase
- Per
- Photo Reconnaissance Technology, Military, Aircraft
- Problem Reporting Technology, Software, Report, Bug
- Programmed Release
- Page Response
- Perirenal Medical
- Picture Rate
- Private Reporter
- Palais Royale
- Patrick Rumble
- Portugal Radio Technology, Android, Portugal
- Project Representative
- Personal Representative Business, Building, Probate
- Preroute Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Parish Registers History, Genealogy, Marriage
- Probability The relative likelihood of a particular outcome among all possible outcomes. Medical, Business, Technology, Science, Accounting, Finance, Weather, Philology, Mathematical, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions, Aviation, Governmental & Military, Legal
- Position Release
- Pro Rata A Latin term meaning 'In proportion'. Business, Sport, Insurance, London, Business & Finance
- Punishing Responses
- Pension Record
- Photo-Realism
- Primary Rights
- Program Revenues
- By Rectum Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Clinical, Common Medical, Reading Prescription
- Part Request
- Pontificale Romanum
- Prawica Rzeczypospolitej Government, Jest, Poland, Jak
- PrzewozóW Regionalnych Jest, Transport, Intercity
- Pain Report Medical
- Pollution Response Company, Military, Oil
- Public-Relations Business, Media, Publics
- Perpendicular Recording
- Presidente Da Rep
- Problems of Relative
- Pipe Roll
- Probucol Medical
- Pull Requests Technology, Branch, Hub
- Paul Ross
- Peter Rennison
- Press Report
- Professional Recording
- Post Reditum Latin, Roman
- Ply Red
- Protected Region
- Pyramidal Response Medical
- Percentile Rankings
- Photo Revision Science, Geography, Location
- Principal Recipients Business, Health, Fund
- Precision Recall Technology, Curve, Package
- Pseudo Ranges
- Permanent Representatives Government, Nation, Representative
- Pro-Rata Business, Management, Marketing, Manager
- Panhard Rod A Panhard rod is a suspension link that provides lateral location of the axle. Originally invented by the Panhard automobile company of France in the early twentieth century, this device has been widely used ever since.
- Pattern-Reversal Medical, Study, Potential
- Pool Registrar Technology, Server, Pooling
- Property Reference
- Puborectalis Medical
- Participatory Research Science, Development, Community
- Planned Release Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Postresuscitation Medical
- Proteins Proteins are large biological molecules, or macromolecules, consisting of one or more long chains of amino acid residues. Proteins perform a vast array of functions within living organisms, including catalyzing metabolic reactions, replicating DNA,responding to stimuli, and transporting molecules from one location to another. Medical
- Prognosticated Resources
- P131 Rembau
- Passive Radiator Technology, Audio, Speaker
- Poison River
- Physical Restraints
- Priority Precedence in receiving the attention of the microprocessor and the use of system resources. Within a computer, unseen and unnoticed levels of priority are the means by which many different types of potential clashes and disruptions are avoided. Similarly, tasks running on a computer can be assigned priorities that determine when and for how long they receive time from the microproces-sor. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
- Programs Receive
- Paul Roberts
- Proline-Rich Medical
- Publicly Relating
- Personal Recognizance Bond, Prison, Bail
- Premature Referral
- Process Recognition Technology, Science, Speech
- Proposed Rules
- Pediatric Risk Medical, Patient, Care
- Phoenix Rod Business, Gun, Club
- Price Reasonableness
- Profile Responsive
- Parti RéPublicaine
- Performance Requirements Technology, Product, Design
- Permis De Recherches
- Praseodymium Symbol:"Pr" Atomic Number:"59" Atomic Mass: 140.91amu. Praseodymium is one of the elements in the lanthanide series of inner transition elements. It may also be classified as a rare earth element. This soft, silvery metal can be found in many minerals and even some cigarette lighter sparking mechanisms. Science, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Paul Repacholi
- Personnel Request
- Presidencia De RepÚBlica
- Persrelaties Dutch
- Photographic Radiometry
- Pepper Research
- Probe-Response
- PequeÑO Recorrido Para, Hotel, Con
- Pheasant Run
- Public Rel
- Procurement Regulation Technology, Government, Purchase, NASA
- PRoved a will Genealogy
- Progesteron Receptor Medical
- Pitch Rate
- Physical Review Physical Review is a scientific journal published by the United States-based American Physical Society. There is also a sister magazine called Physical Review Letters. It was founded in 1893 as a result of Edward Nichols initiatives. Education, Journal, Periodical, Computing, Physics, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Polyarthrite RhumatoïDe
- Procurement Request/Pseudorange Federal Aviation Administration
- Party of Regions Government, Group, Ukraine
- Programming Ruby
- Path Record
- Price Communications Corporation Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Paper Roll
- Promotion Review
- pegylated interferon and/with weight-based ribavirin Medical, Reading Prescription
- Partido Riojano Para, Spain, Con
- Prague Locations, City
- Please Remember Business, For Important Reminders
- Pie Rouge
- Pro, Radio
- Personal Rewards
- Producer'S Risk
- Perfect Resource Software, Computing
- Portable Radio Business, Tuning, Motorola
- Punta Rasa
- Pentoxyresorufin Medical
- Photographic-Reconnaissance
- Prime Roots
- Pressure Ratio
- Paired-Release
- Procurement Request Business, Technology, Purchase, NASA
- Prachtig (Netherlands coin grade equivalent to Extremely Fine) Coins
- Paradise Regained
- Piston Rod
- Port Rate
- Pulsed Radar
- Preliminary Review Chemistry
- Project Remix Music, Feat, Project
- Point De Rep
- Prandtl Number Science
- Protection and Rehabilitation
- Python Royal
- Permeability Ratio
- Pulse Reversal
- Paul Rendek
- Personnel Recover Military, Army, Intelligence
- Preset Register Technology, Coding, Circuit, Threshold
- Paraná Brazilian State, Paraná
- Photo-Roentgen
- Peoples Railway
- Prince Rainier
- Probe Reply
- Pharmaceutical Representative Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Public Records Legal, Governmental & Military
- Puro Rascals Funnies
- Profit Rate Business
- Pitch Radius Tension, Gear, Sprocket
- Polskie Radio Technology, Music, Poland
- Pumped return The Finance and Administrative Services
- Point Rendel
- Partito Radicale
- State Periodic Resurfacing Funds Transportation, Government, City
- Preflop Raise
- Paperless Reimbursement Business
- Pakistan Rupee Business, Finance, Pakistan, Price, Currency, Currency Code, Money, Business & Finance, Currencies
- Promotion Rate
- per rectum [Lat.] by rectal route Medical, Reading Prescription
- Partido Republicano Para, Government, Group, Party
- Programme Reviews
- Play Rating
- Piedmont Region
- Prism Rotator
- Project Revision
- Phosphate Rock Medical, Business, Soil
- Personal Review
- Procurement Reports Business, Technology, Purchase
- Peace and Relaxation Computing, Internet
- Prose Reading Book, Education, Poetry
- Population Reduction
- Punk Rocket
- Photochemical Reaction A chemical reaction that involves either the absorption or emission of radiation.
- Primera Rama
- Process Returns
- Pathogenesis-Related Medical, Science, Protein, Human genome
- Paint Reading
- Patient Record
- Preferred Routes
- Procuradoria Da RepÚBlica
- Proof To test a component or system at its peak operating load or pressure. Any reproduction of a die impression in any material; often a lead or plaster cast. also die proof. To verify that a breached lane is free of live mines by passing a mine roller or other mine-resistant vehicle through as the lead vehicle. Mathematical, Scientific & Educational, Coins
- Parade Royalty
- Preferred Medical, Business, Medicine, Finance, Banking, Healthcare, Real Estate, Real Estate Slang, Real Estate Jargon, Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Business Word, Stock Exchange
- Porto Riko
- Pulmonic Regurgitation Medical, Heart, Valve
- Puerto Rico (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Program Randy
- Pocomoke River
- Prandtl-Reuss
- Protected Ring Technology, Service, Circuit
- Pyromancer'S Robe
- Permanet Resident
- Probability of Reply
- Pulfrich Refractometer
- Paul Reiser
- Personnel Recovery Military, Army, Force
- Presents Round
- Periodic Reinvestigation Technology, Governmental & Military
- Pep Rally Education
- People Replace
- Princed Resources
- Pressure Recorder
- Polynesian Resort
- Phantom Regiment
- Public Record
- Punt Returner Sport, Football
- Professional Research
- Pitching Runs
- Photographic Reconnaissance Military, Army, Intelligence, Air Force, Spitfire
- Pulserate NASA
- Point Release
- Partisan Review Book, Organizations, Culture
- Quebec Practice Reports Law, Canada, Law Report
- Puerto Rico Technology, Gaming, Government, Sport, Wikipedia, Play, Computing, Internet, Postal, Country, International, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Puerto Rico, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, Caribbean, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us phone area codes, FIPS Country Codes, State, Gpo, Scientific & Educational, Numeric Country Codes
- Paperless Recorder
- Promoting Rural
- per rectum (rectally) [Lat.] Medical
- Partido Renovador
- Programme Review
- Pirates Redemption
- Present Technology, Science, Service, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Military, Governmental & Military, NOTAM Contractions
- Project Review Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft
- Phone Results
- Personal Residential
- Procurement Requirement
- Press and Release Computing, Hardware
- Prosecutive Report Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Popular Radio
- Punk Rock Music
- Photocathode Response
- Partially-Restrained
- Password Recovery Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
- Paint Remover Business, Product, Manufacturer
- Path Restoration Technology, Networking, Network
- Preferred Room
- Process Reengineering Business, Technology, Management
- Pair Two wires, twisted together with a reciprocal color code. Acronym for Pulsed Secondary Air Injection Architecture, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Parachute Rigger Business, Military, School
- Personnel Report Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Porto Rico English, Locations, City, Registration
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation Medical, Patient, Exercise
- PRobability of .... Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Private Record
- Partija Rada Group, Labour, Party
- Praja Rajyam Government, Group, Election, Party
- Protected Rights
- Pyrolytic Release
- Psuedo-Range
- Permanent Residents
- Pigeon Rank Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Probabilistic Reasoning Technology, Computing, Logic
- Proxy Ready Technology, Server, Driver
- Puerto Rica
- Paul Reimer
- Personnel Readiness
- Present Reckoning History, Family, Realm, Reckoning
- Park Rangers Maine, State Agency, Governmental & Military
- Pupil Referral
- People Relations Business, Media, Social
- Prince, Russell
- Polarization Resistance
- Progressive Relaxation Medical, Training, Technique
- Polymorphic Reticulosis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Public Realitions
- Player has reacted to a media comment Sport, Football
- Professional Registration Business, Division, Missouri
- Pitching Results
- Philippine Airlines Airline, Business, Aviation, Organizations, Call Sign, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
- Port Risk
- Profundo Rosso
- Pressureregulator NASA
- Pointing Register Technology, Development, Instruction, Predicate
- Parti RéPublicain Government, France, Pas, President
- Protection Relay A relay designed to initiate disconnection of a part of an electrical installation or to a warning signal, in the case of a fault or other abnormal condition in the installation. A protection relay may include more than one electrical element and accessor.
- PóLe RéPublicain
- Promoter That region of the gene that signals RNA polymerase binding and the initiation of transcription. A DNA sequence at which RNA polymerase may bind, leading to initiation of transcription. Medical, Occupation & positions
- Paul Richards
- President'S Residence
- Pulse Rate Medical
- Partido Radical
- Programme Representative
- Pricing & Reimbursement
- Physical Reader
- Premier Red Sport, Studio, Light, Premier
- Project Resume
- Phoenix Rising Technology, Gaming, Phoenix
- Procurement Route
- Sun Raster file Bitmap graphics Computing, File Extensions
- Poor Rate
- Photo-Reconaissance
- Pakistan Railway
- Passive Recovery Medical
- Path Restorable
- Prefer Not To Respond
- Procedural Requirements Business, Government, Manual
- Parcel Receipt An arrangement whereby a steamship company, under rules and regulations established in the freight tariff of a given trade, accepts small packages at rates below the minimum bill of lading, and issues a parcel receipt instead of a bill of lading. Trade, Business & Finance
- Parabolic Reflector
- Port of Refuge Shipping, Freight, Air Cargo, Cargo, Governmental & Military
- n-propyl Scientific & Educational, Organic syntesis
- Prescott-Russell
- Partielle Remission Medical, German, Translation
- Praise and Release Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
- Protected Resource
- Permanent Residence Business, Immigration, Canada
- Pigeon Racing
- Proactive Routing Technology, Networking, Protocol
- Products & Recent Business, Technology, Press
- Puerto-Rico Business, Hotel, Lottery
- Paul Rauhihi
- Personnel & Readiness
- Presentation Remote Technology, Control, Wireless
- Paying Republican Politics, Governmental & Military
- Pupil Reaction
- People and Roles
- Photoreactivation DNA repair in which the damaged region is repaired with the help of light and an enzymeThe lesion (break) is repaired without excision (cutting out) from the DNA. Medical
- Primitive Recursive Theory, Argument, Recursion
- Process Recovery
- Progressive-Relapsing Medical, Disease, Sclerosis
- Pakatan Ranjang
- Polymer Revolution Chemistry, Science, Salter
- Pretty Rotten Food
- Product Roadmap
- Pitched Roofs
- Progesterone Receptors Medical, Cancer, Breast
- Port Richmond
- Profits Restaurants
- Pressureratio NASA
- Provisioning Reports
- Pointer Ridge
- Parti Radical Government, Group, France
- Protection Reliability Technology, Design, Power
- PéTrolier Ravitailleur
- Promoted Rook
- Paul Richardson
- Presidencia De La Rep
- photoentgen Medical, Common Medical
- Price Reduction
- Package Ready Business, Assembly
- Prefeitura De RolÂNdia
- Project Result
- Phil Rizzuto
- Procurement Requests Business, Service, Purchase
- Promenade Ordnance Survey
- Pitch Reset Technology, Syllable, Technic
- Polymyalgia Rheumatica Medical, Treatment, Disease, Pharmacy, Common Medical, Clinical
- Poly Resin
- Prosedür Turkish
- Paso Robles Business, California, Wine
- Path Replacement Technology, Service, Telecom
- Preferential Rates
- Problem Resolution Business, Management, Service, Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Power Physics Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Paquet Recommande
- Portland Real
- Proof Read
- Praesodymium Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Partidu Republikanu
- Prairie In sedimentary geology and geomorphology, the term progradation refers to the growth of a river delta farther out into the sea over time. Technology, Locations, Street Suffix, Governmental & Military
- Protected Resources
- Preamplifier A device that amplifies a weak signal for subsequent processing, which may include further signal amplification. In an SMATV system, it is the amplifier mounted adjacent to an antenna to increase the strength of the signal prior to its processing at the headend. Technology, Space, Telecom, NASA, Science, Scientific & Educational
- Pierre Rovani
- Proactive Report
- Process Review Organizations, Building, Construction, San Diego
- Puerariae Radix Medical
- Paul Raftree
- Personnage De R
- Presentation Restriction Technology, Calling, Telecom
- Producer Revenue
- Precipitation Radar Science, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Punto De Reclamo
- People'S Revolution
- Photometry and Radiometry
- Primidone Medical, Medicine, Health
- Partially Restrained
- Progress, Re-Enroll
- Paired Recall
- Polymer Resin
- Purple Ribbon Colors
- Product Review Business, Service, Media
- Pitched Roof
- Progestin Receptor Medical
- Port Restricted-Cone Technology, Gaming, Networking
- Positionrecord NASA
- Provincia Raetia Latin, Roman
- Pointer Reset
- Protection Rail Engineering, Construction, Architectural
- PéTrolier-Ravitailleur
- Permission Research
- Prepare To send an SQL query to the database, to verify that it is syntactically correct, and return the result set columns. also parse.2.To convert an SQL statement from text form to an executable form. also program preparation.3.To convert an SQL statement or XQuery expression from text form to an executable form, by submitting it to the SQL and XQuery compiler. Medical, Science, Medicine, Nursing, Common Medical, Computing, Unix
- Paul Reynolds
- Presidencia De La RepÚBlica
- Poste Restante Us Post, postal service
- Previous Record Business, Technology, Press, Rank
- By Way of Rectum
- Philosophy & Religion
- Public Relatio
- Procurement Registry
- Performance Recognition Occupation & positions
- Progestin Receptors Medical
- Pitch Ratio
- Polyester Resin Business, Manufacturer, Unsaturated
- Partial (METAR) NOTAM Contractions
- Pasir Ris
- Programming Random
- Path Relinking Technology, Research, Algorithm
- Preferential Rent
- Partner Each member of a partnership Financial, Business & Finance, Texting, Products, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Medical, Common Medical, Management
- Paper Round
- Portfolio Resume
- Promotion Rotary
- Pressure Reference Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Partidul Republican
- Prague Rants
- Port Ricks
- Pierre Raffarin Government, France, Jean
- Problem Recognition Business, Marketing, Consumer
- Paul Raby Business, Company, Practice, Blacklisting
- Personal Robot
- Presence Register Company, Technology, Marketing
- Producer Responsibility Technology, Waste, Waste Handling
- PRepare for printing Computing, Unix commands
- Portfolio Risk
- Punta Rock
- People'S Republic
- Photographic Record
- Prime Runners
- Peng-Robinson
- Paired Reading
- Polymerization Reactor
- Procurement Requisition Business, Technology, Purchase, NASA
- Poor Response Coins
- Paraguay River
- Pitch & Roll
- Progesterone Receptor Medical, Technology, Medicine, Cancer, Estrogen, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, NAACCR, Clinical
- Port Reset Technology, Windows, Linux
- Pulsed Radars Technology, Power, Pulse
- Performance Report NASA
- Prospecting Right
- Point De RepèRe
- Prapancha Research Media, Research, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Protection Rate Technology, Product, Control
- PäDagogische Rundschau
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does PR stand for?
PR stands for Protected Ranking.
What is the shortened form of Presents Round?
The short form of "Presents Round" is PR.
PR. (2022, March 30). Retrieved February 5, 2025 from
Last updated