PR in Business Meaning

The PR meaning in Business terms is "Page Rank". There are 102 related meanings of the PR Business abbreviation.

PR on Business Full Forms

  1. Page Rank
  2. Public Relations PR. The promotion of an organisation or person with the aim of creating a favourable relationship with the public.
  3. Position Report A report over a known location as transmitted by an aircraft to an air traffic control station.
  4. Private Reserve
  5. Paul Revere
  6. Program Requirement
  7. Production Requirement
  8. Patrick Roy
  9. Pressure Regulator
  10. Peter Robinson
  11. Pressure Reducing
  12. Performance Review
  13. Positive Response
  14. Peer Review
  15. Product Reviews
  16. Pensions Regulator
  17. Product Responsibility
  18. Press Review
  19. Pro Resources
  20. Paul Rigby
  21. Priority Rating
  22. Phoenix Rod
  23. Public Relation
  24. Payroll Register
  25. Products Research
  26. Packages Review
  27. Preference
  28. Purchasing Requisition
  29. Performance Running
  30. Pro Rata A Latin term meaning 'In proportion'.
  31. Path Ranking
  32. Principle Recipient
  33. Persons Responsible
  34. Public-Relations
  35. Payroll Payroll is the list of all the employees in the organization and their salaries.
  36. Product Research
  37. Polski Rejestr
  38. Precision Rack
  39. Purchase Receipt
  40. Performance Requirement
  41. Proprietary Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of something that is privately owned. Generally, the term refers to technology that has been developed by a particu-lar corporation or entity, with specifications that are con-sidered by the owner to be trade secrets. Proprietary technology may be legally used only by a person or entity purchasing an explicit license. Also, other companies are unable to duplicate the technology, both legally and because its specifications have not been divulged by the owner.
  42. Partner Relations
  43. Principal Recipients
  44. Personal Representative
  45. Publishing Real
  46. Payout Ratio Payout ratio is the dividend paid by the company to the shareholders out of earnings expressed as a percentage.
  47. Pratt, Read
  48. Puncture Resistant
  49. Percent Rate
  50. Program Revenue
  51. Principal Recipient
  52. Personal Relation
  53. Publishing Radio
  54. Positive Relations
  55. Perceived Risk
  56. Profitability Ratio
  57. Primary Residence
  58. Personal Relationships
  59. Publishers Research
  60. Patterned Retarder
  61. Production Rate
  62. Portable Radios
  63. Puerto Rico-Ponce
  64. Profile Raising
  65. Parallel Rare
  66. Press Ring
  67. Probability The relative likelihood of a particular outcome among all possible outcomes.
  68. Personal Relationship
  69. Public & Regulatory
  70. Patronatul RomÂN
  71. Pro-Rata
  72. Pioneer Region
  73. Public Reactions
  74. Package Ready
  75. Paint Remover
  76. Philippine Airlines
  77. Permanent Residence
  78. Portable Radio
  79. Preferred
  80. Procurement Requisition
  81. Polyester Resin
  82. Pakistan Rupee
  83. Previous Record
  84. Paso Robles
  85. Procurement Request
  86. Phosphate Rock
  87. Procurement Reports
  88. Profit Rate
  89. Products & Recent
  90. Parachute Rigger
  91. Process Reengineering
  92. Paul Raby
  93. Procurement Requests
  94. Professional Registration
  95. Puerto-Rico
  96. Problem Recognition
  97. Paperless Reimbursement
  98. Procedural Requirements
  99. Product Review
  100. People Relations
  101. Please Remember
  102. Problem Resolution

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PR stand for Business?

    PR stands for Performance Running in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Personal Representative in Business?

    The short form of "Personal Representative" is PR for Business.


PR in Business. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from

Last updated