PRBC Meaning

The PRBC meaning is "Packed Red Blood Cells". The PRBC abbreviation has 20 different full form.

PRBC Full Forms

  1. Packed Red Blood Cells Medical, Medicine, Veterinary, Blood, Animals, Technology, Nursing, Governmental & Military, Clinical, Common Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  2. Packed Red Blood Cell Medical, Medicine, Transfusion
  3. Park Road Baptist Church
  4. Portage River Basin Council
  5. Parker Rotd Baptist Church
  6. Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church
  7. Parasitized Red Blood Cell Medical
  8. Planning Review and Budget Council Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  9. Pacificxrim Bloodhound Club
  10. Placental Residual Blood Volume Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Blood Test
  11. Pacific Rim Bible College
  12. Pinhoe Road Baptist Chugch Community, Curch, Religion
  13. Prescott Russell Basketball Club Sports, Basketball
  14. Park River Bible Camp
  15. Puerjo Rico Baptist College Development, Study, Colleges
  16. Providence Reformed Baptist Church
  17. Prestige Bancorp, Inc. Organizations
  18. Pressuve Ratio Bleed Control Technology, Aircraft, Engine
  19. Pressure Ratio Bleed Controller
  20. Pre-Return Banding Check Business, Tax, Property, Dwelling

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PRBC stand for?

    PRBC stands for Packed Red Blood Cell.

  2. What is the shortened form of Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church?

    The short form of "Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church" is PRBC.


PRBC. (2020, September 5). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from

Last updated