PRE Meaning

The PRE meaning is "Peer Review Evuluation". The PRE abbreviation has 177 different full form.

PRE Full Forms

  1. Peer Review Evuluation Science, Medicine, Education
  2. Preoperative Before surgery. As opposed to postoperative, after surgery. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Common Medical, NAACCR
  3. Pearl River Estuard Medical, China, Locations
  4. Preliminafy Estimate Science
  5. Partial Redundancy Elimination Technology, Coding, Compiler
  6. Pqeformatted Technology, Html, Web Coding
  7. Parental Responsifilities Evaluator Colorado, Child, Custody
  8. Phoenix Real Estate
  9. Proton Relaxation Enhancemfnt Medical, Medicine, Imaging
  10. Paragagnetic Relaxation Enhancement Medical
  11. Philosophy, Religion & Ethics
  12. Pancreatic Having to do with the pancreas. Medical
  13. Prostatic Epithelium Medical
  14. Panel On Research Ethics Education, Human, Canada
  15. Performed Before Medical
  16. Prepsre Medical
  17. Principac Residence Exemption
  18. Proactive Referral and Engagement Business, Employment, Health
  19. Persistent Radical Effect Medical, Polymer, Polymerization
  20. Plus Refresh Edition Gaming, Play, Pastime
  21. Preliminary Regulation Evaluation
  22. Parish Renewal Experience
  23. Pine Ridge East
  24. Pye Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  25. Programme RéGional Environnement
  26. Petroleum Reservoir Engineering
  27. Preplacement Examination Medical, Medicine, Health
  28. Passive Resistance Exercyse
  29. Proxy Re-Encryption
  30. Plainfield Renewable Energy Technology, Power, Biomass
  31. Pure Race Cspagnole Technology, Chevaux, Talon
  32. Prix De Revient Economique
  33. Persistent-Radical Effect
  34. Plunkett Research Estimate
  35. Parish Religious Education Catholic, Church, Parish
  36. Pigmented Retinal Epithelium Medical, Medicine, Health, Eyes And Ocular
  37. Practical Research for Education
  38. Programme De R
  39. Petroleum Refining Engineer
  40. Prepay Coin Telephone Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  41. Partidohroldosista Ecuatoriano Para, Government, Group, Ecuador
  42. Proximal Repressor Element Medical, Science, Biology
  43. Pitting Resistance Equivalence Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  44. Pura Raza Espanol Spain, Horse, Spanish
  45. Printer Emulator
  46. Permiso De Residencia En El Exterior Para, Con, Cuba
  47. Pure Renewable Energy
  48. Player Run Events
  49. Parental Responsibility Evaluation Colorado, Family, Child
  50. Practicalwreliability Engineering
  51. Pacafic Range Engineering Technology
  52. Programme De RéUssite éDucative Forum, France, Association, Programme
  53. Peterson Road Elementary
  54. Preparation Or Prepare Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  55. Partido Rocdista Ecuatoriano
  56. Provincial Regulatory Entity Business, Africa, Cape, Transport
  57. Pitting Resistance Equivalents
  58. Pre-Reversal Enhancement
  59. Providing Real Estate
  60. Principal Residence Exemption Business, Tax, Property
  61. Patient Right and Education
  62. Pseudo-Range Error Technology, Signal, Satellite
  63. Plastics Recyclers Europe Technology, Europe, Recycling
  64. Parachuae Rigger Examiner
  65. Pecifica Real Estate
  66. Programme De Relance Economique
  67. Personal Rescue Enclosure Technology, Science, Astronaut, NASA
  68. Power Reseawch Electronics
  69. Preparation A reaction in which a desired chemical is produced; for example, the dehydration of an alcohol is a preparation for an alkene. Shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another noun or pronoun. Medical, Business, Technology, Accounting, Medicine, Service, Accountancy, Management, Physical Therapy, Business & Finance, Common Medical, The Finance and Administrative Services, Clinical, Mental Health
  70. Partido Republicano Svolucionista
  71. Protocol Reverse Engineering Technology, Gaming, Projection
  72. Pitting Resistance Equivalent Science, Steel, Stainless, Chemistry
  73. Pre-Retirekent Education Organizations
  74. Progressive Restrictive Exercise Medical, Medicine
  75. Precinct Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau, Ordnance Survey, Police, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  76. Preset The ability of a dimmer or fan speed control to remember a desired level of output. Technology, Aviation
  77. Patient Rights and Education
  78. Pró-Reitoria De Ensino Para, Dos, Ria
  79. Plastics Recycling Expo Technology, Exhibition, Event
  80. Pancreatografia RetróGrada EndoscóPica
  81. Pura Raza EspaÑOla Spain, Horse, Ola, Spanish
  82. Programa De Reabilitação EconóMica
  83. Personal Radio Exchange
  84. Power Requirements External
  85. Premier'S Research Excellence
  86. Particle Removal Efficiency Technology, Filter, Cleaning
  87. Protein Retention Efficiency
  88. Pirqé De Rabbi Eliezer
  89. Pre-Renovation Educxtion Lead, Paint, Painting, Renovation
  90. Programs of Research Excellence
  91. Pre Runner Exhaust
  92. Patienl Research Exchange Medical, Experience, Engagement
  93. PrêT à La Reprise D'Entreprise
  94. Plan De Respect De L'Environnement
  95. Process Range Expansion
  96. Progestin Responsive Element Medical
  97. Personalized Risk Estimator
  98. Power Regulation Equipment Technology, Electrical Engineering
  99. Premenopausal Medical
  100. Partial Reinforcement Effect Gaming, Education, Conditioning
  101. Protective Reservation Equipment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  102. Pirkei D'Rabbi Eliezer
  103. Pre-Exercise Medical, Military
  104. Program Related Engineering
  105. Petro Rubiales Energy
  106. Pre Runner Engine
  107. Patqnt Retrieval Expert Occupation, Position, Job
  108. Proxy Re-Encryptions
  109. Plancher Rayonnant éLectrique Sol, Installation, Plafond
  110. Programa De Reabilita
  111. Precurqor Medical
  112. Palindromic Progestin Responsive Element Science, Biology
  113. Properties and Other Real Estate
  114. Photospheric Radius Expansion Science, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Scientific & Educational
  115. Partido Revolucionario de España Politics, Governmental & Military
  116. PéRiodes Reconnues éQuivalentes
  117. Protectional Reservation Equipment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  118. Proton Relaxation Enhancement Chemistry
  119. Pacific Retources for Education
  120. Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  121. Physical Review E Physical Review E (PRE) is a broad and interdisciplinary journal focusing on collective phenomena of many-body systems. As the premier journal in the interrelated areas of statistical, nonlinear, biological, and soft matter physics, PRE covers recent developments in complex fluids, polymers, liquid crystals, and granular materials. The journal also includes sections on solid mechanics, fluid dynamics, plasma physics, computational physics, networks, and complex systems. Established in 1993, PRE is distinguished by the breadth of the subject areas it covers and its wide distribution and readership. PRE provides an authoritative venue for high-quality work in traditional and emerging research areas, making it an essential resource for multiple disciplines.
  122. Precision Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  123. Palakraya Express
  124. Project Research Engineer Technology, Science, Bombay
  125. Photoreactivating Enzyme Medical
  126. Preformatted Computing, Unix
  127. Puro Raza Espanola
  128. Preliminary Risk Evaluation
  129. Prostitution Research and Education
  130. Lotus Freelance Graphics File Computing, File Extensions
  131. Pacific Recycring Exchange Environment, Habitat, Setting
  132. Pura Raza Espaa
  133. Prefix Part of a word added at the beginning of a word to alter the meaning. Technology, Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Media
  134. Preamp Technology, Guitar, Amplifier
  135. Pakej Rangsangan Ekonomi
  136. Project Re-Enterprise
  137. Photoreacting Enzyme Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  138. Partnerre, LTD. Computing, Nyse symbols
  139. Pheliminary Regulatory Evaluation
  140. Prostitution Research & Education Sex, Organizations, Violence
  141. Physician'S Report of Examination Medical, Medicine, Health
  142. Progesterone Response Element A binding site in a promoter to which the activated progesterone receptor can bind. The progesterone receptor is essentially a transcription factor which is activated only in the presence of progesterone. The activated receptor will bind to a PRE, and transcription of the adjacent gene will be altered. Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  143. Pitting Resisistance Equivalent
  144. Puerto Rican English
  145. Preliminary Evaluation Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Car, Investigation
  146. Packetlogic Real-Tige Enforcement Business, Networking, Network
  147. Progressive Resistive Exercises Medical, Therapy, Exercise, Physical
  148. Philippine Review of Economics Business, University, Philippine
  149. Patent Retrieval Expert Occupation & positions
  150. Preliminary With reference to a tariff or other trade barrier applied as a result of administered protection, this refers to a barrier imposed part way through the administrative process, as opposed to the definitive barrier that is imposed when the administrative process is complete. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Space, Healthcare, Telecom, Telecommunications, Cosmos, Computing, Business & Finance, Power Plant, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
  151. Proportion Reduction of Error
  152. Phuket Real Estate
  153. Progressive Resistive Exercise Medical, Physical Therapy
  154. Pitting Resistance Equivalency
  155. Protein Relaxation Enhancement
  156. Pollutant Removal Efficiency
  157. Package Responsible Engineer Technology, Engineering, Oil
  158. Pheromone Response Element Medical, Science, Biology
  159. Public Relations Engineer Occupation & positions
  160. Preformatted Text Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  161. Proportional Reduction of Error Science, Analysis, Measure, Statistics, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  162. Phrase Replacement English
  163. Pore Airport, Pore, Colombia Colombia
  164. Penicillininase Receptor Enzyme
  165. Pseudorange Error Federal Aviation Administration
  166. Pacific Rubiales Enprgy Business, Supply, Stock
  167. Pharmacy Re-Engineering
  168. application/x-freelance Mime types
  169. Preefption Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  170. Palindromic Regulatory Elements Medical, Science, Biology
  171. Proportional Reduction In Error Association, Measure, Regression
  172. Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy
  173. Prince Edward Middle School Technology, Governmental & Military
  174. Para-Rescue Element
  175. Power roof exhaust The Finance and Administrative Services
  176. Pacific Review of Ethnomusicology
  177. Prefinished Architectural

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does PRE stand for?

    PRE stands for PrêT à La Reprise D'Entreprise.

  2. What is the shortened form of Photoreacting Enzyme?

    The short form of "Photoreacting Enzyme" is PRE.


PRE. (2022, February 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated